The World's Greatest Books - Volume 13

Chapter of the Crown of Triumph_.

_Prayer_. Praise to thee, O creator of the G.o.ds, thou king of the North and the South. O Osiris, the all-conquering one, ruler of the world, lord of the heavens.


_About the mystery of the underworld and about travelling through the underworld._

When he sets on the underworld the G.o.ds adore him. The great G.o.d Ra rises with two eyes [sun and moon]; all the seven G.o.ds (Kuas) welcome him in the evening into the underworld. They sing his praises, calling him Tmu. The deceased one says, "Praise be to thee, O Ra, praise be to thee, O Tmu. Thou hast risen and put on strength, and thou settest in glorious splendour into the underworld. Thou sailest in thy boat across the heavens, and thou establisheth the earth. East and West adore thee, bowing and doing homage to thee day and night."


[This is one of the oldest (cir. B.C. 2700) and most remarkable chapters, though also one of the hardest to follow in its details. The vignettes reproduced in the editions of Davis, Renouf, and Budge help considerably in following the line of thought. An exact copy of this chapter has been found on the tomb of Horhotep.

The soul of the deceased encounters all manner of obstacles and opponents in the attempt to pa.s.s to the upper air, and he seeks constantly the help of Ra, etc., that he may be victorious].

_Of the praises of entering the lower world and of coming out_.

(Osiris) the scribe Ani says it is a good and profitable thing on earth for a man to recite this text, since all the words written herein shall come to pa.s.s.

I am Ra, who at my rising rule all things. I am the great self-made G.o.d.

I am yesterday and to-morrow. I gave the command, and a scene of strife among the G.o.ds arose [_i.e.,_ the sun awakened all the forces of Nature into action]. What is this? It is Amentet, the underworld.

What is this? The horizon of my father Tmu [the setting sun]. All of my failings are now supplied, my sins cleansed as I pa.s.s through the two lakes which purify the offences which men offer the G.o.ds.

I advance on the path, descending to the realm of Osiris, pa.s.sing through the gate Teser. O all ye who have pa.s.sed this way in safety, let me grasp your hands and be brought to your abode.

O ye divine powers of Maert, the sworn foes of falsehood, may I come to you.

I am the great Cat [_i.e.,_ Ra] himself, and therefore in his name which I bear, I can tread on all my enemies. O great Ra, who climbest the heavenly vaults and who sailest in thy boat across the firmament with undisputed authority, do thou save me from that austere G.o.d whose eyebrows are as menacing as the balance that weighs the deeds of men.

Save me, I pray thee, from these guardians of the pa.s.sages who will, if they-may, impede my progress. O Tmu, who livest in the august abode, G.o.d of G.o.ds, who thrivest upon d.a.m.ned souls, thou dog-faced, human-skinned one, devourer of shades, digester of human hearts, O fearful one, save me from the great soul-foe who gnaws and destroys shades of men.

O Chepera in thy bark, save me from the testing guardians into whose charge the glorious inviolate G.o.d has committed his foes; deliver thou me. May these never undo me, may I never fall helpless into the chambers of torture. O ye G.o.ds, in the presence of Osiris, reach, forth your arms, for I am one of the G.o.ds in your midst.

The (Osiris) Ani flies away like a hawk, he clucks like a goose, he is safe from destruction as the serpent Nehebkau. Avaunt, ye lions that obstruct my path. O Ra, thou ascending one, let me rise with thee, and have a triumphant arrival to my old earthly abode.


_The speech of Ammautef, the priest_:

I have come to you, ye G.o.ds of heaven, earth, and the underworld, bringing with me Ani, the scribe, who has done no wrong against any G.o.ds, so that ye may protect him and give him good-speed to the underworld.

_The speech of Ani himself_:

Praise be to thee, O thou ruler of Amenta, Unneferu, who presides in Abydos. I have come to thee with a pure heart, free from sin. I have told no falsehoods nor acted deceitfully. Give thou me in the tomb the food I need for the journey, so let me have a safe entrance to the underworld and a sure exit.

_The speech of the priest Samerif:_

I come to the G.o.ds residing at Restau. I have brought you (Osiris) Ani; grant him bread, water, and air, and also an abode in the Sechithotepu [Field of Peace].

_The speech of Ani himself:_

Praise be to Osiris, everlasting lord, and to the G.o.ds of Restau. I come to thee knowing thy goodwill and having learned those rites which thou requirest for entrance into the lower world. May I have a safe arrival, and find food in thy presence.

_Litany to Thoth:_

O thou who makest Osiris triumphant over his foes, make thou this scribe Nebenseri victorious over his foes.

O Thoth, make Ani triumphant over his enemies, etc., etc.

[If this chapter is recited over the deceased he shall come forth into the day and pa.s.s through the transformations which the departed one desires.]


_Chapter of the Crown of Triumph_.

Thy father Tmu has made thee this beautiful crown as a magical charm so that thou mayest live for ever. Thy father Seb gives thee his inheritance. Osiris, the prince of Amenta, makes thee victorious over thy foes. Go thou as Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, and triumph ever on thy way to the underworld.

Yea (Osiris) Aufankh shall, through this recited text, live and triumph for ever and ever. Horus repeated these words four times, and his enemies fell headlong. And (Osiris) Aufankh has repeated these words four times, so let him be victorious.

This chapter is to be recited over a consecrated crown placed over the face of the deceased, and thou shalt cast incense into the flame on behalf of (Osiris) Aufankh, so securing triumph over all his foes. And food and drink shall in the underworld be reached him in the presence of Osiris its king.

_Chapter about making the deceased remember his name in the underworld_.

Nu triumphant, son of Amen-hotep, says: Let me remember my name in the great House below on the night when years are counted and months are reckoned up. If any G.o.d come to me, let me at once be able to utter his name[6] and thus disarm him.

_A chapter about not letting the heart of the deceased act against him in the underworld_.

My heart, received from my mother, my heart, without which life on earth was not possible, rise then not up against me in the presence of the G.o.ds in the great day of judgment when human thoughts, words, and acts shall all be weighed in a balance.

These words are to be inscribed on a hard green, gold-coated scarab, which is to be inserted through the mouth into the bosom of the deceased.

_Chapter about repelling the a.s.s-eater_[7].

Avaunt! serpent Hai, impure one, hater of Osiris. Get thee back, for Thoth has cut off thy head. Let alone the a.s.s, that I may have clear skies when I cross to the underworld in the Neshmet boat. I am guiltless before the G.o.ds, and have wronged none. So avaunt! thou sun-beclouding one, and let me have a prosperous voyage.

_Chapter about reserving for the deceased his seat in the underworld_.

Nu says: My seat, my throne, come ye to me, surround me, divine ones. I am a mummy-shaped person. O grant that I may become like the great G.o.d, successful, having seat and throne.

_A chapter about coming forth by day from the underworld_ (i.e., _the resurrection_).

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