There Is No Way A Support-type Character Will Have A Girlfriend

Chapter 0: The Real Ident.i.ty of the Radiant Magical Girl is...

Translator: Skythewood

Editor: Hiiro

j.a.panese t.i.tle: お助けキャラに彼女がいるわけないじゃないですか

Chapter 0: The Real Ident.i.ty of the Radiant Magical Girl is...

This city is protected by a young lady known as the Radiant Magical Girl.

I don’t know how she got her power, or why she is she protecting this city.

Nor who she is.

That’s right, no one knows.

Or that is how it should be.

「Hahaha! Cry and scream, foolish peasants!」

A woman in bondage attire floating in the air shouted.

Her name is Pink General, more popularly known as 【Big Sister Pink Gen】, one of the generals from the World Conquest Impetus Organization. By the way, the 【World Conquest Impetus Organization】… it is somehow difficult to explain this direct naming convention. As the name suggests, it is an evil group bent on taking over the world. Despite its grand ambition, they only operate in this Aramachi City—— a place near the foot of the kanto mountain range which has nothing special to speak of. Is there a reason for this?

「Hah, you just need to wallow in despair!」

Big Sister Pink Gen seems to be in a great mood, and said that with a disgusting smile.

We don’t have the ability to fight, and can only look at her from afar.

「Well… What are you going to do about that?」

We can’t do anything about her s.a.d.i.s.tic words aside from trembling in fear.



Beneath Big Sister Pink Gen are her minions, a metal file type monster Kezlunger (a monster whose hands and head are metal files) and The Kid Devil (A combatant the size of a child in completely black attire)...

「The bronze statue of your beloved mayor is being cut up, you know!? Hyahaha!」

The head of the mayor’s statue placed right in front of the city hall was being filed away.

W-What a terrible thing to do!

Well… To be honest, the mayor isn’t that beloved. Everyone knows that his hair would shift when there is a breeze… But this bronze statue is still erected with the hard earned tax money collected from the citizens…! 

Hurry…! Are you still not here yet…! Hurry!

Can she hear my prayers?

—— Look! Up in the sky!

——Is it a bird?

——Is it a plane?

A few onlookers look up and stated their doubts. I follow their gaze.

It is just a spot in the air, but it is getting bigger, which means it is flying straight for us!

Correct, that is…

「「It’s the Radiant Magical Girl!!」」

She is the one we are waiting for!

「Everyone, sorry to keep you waiting!」

A cute voice descended from the sky.

「The Wonderful Radiant Magical Girl ★ Mahomaho is here!」

Her twin tail sway in the air, and her dark brown eyes sparkled. Her j.a.panese facial features don’t feel out of place with her long blonde hair at all. Her face has a hint of childishness—— maybe she is around my age? Anyway, a beautiful young girl with delicate features like her will look good with any hair colour.

The same applies to her dressing. Objectively speaking, her clothes are a little lewd, using primary colors and showing a lot of skin. But since she is the one wearing it, it feels elegant  enough to be used on a stage. She is holding a magic wand with a golden orb at the tip, but in her hands, it becomes a baton used to direct the audience’s attention.

The Wonderful Radiant Magical Girl ★ Mahomaho.

She debut one year ago to oppose the World Conquest Impetus Organization that appeared at the same time, and is the guardian of our city.

Simply put, she is just like a magical girl.

「Kyyyaaaaaaaa!! Mahomaho ahhhh!」

The cheers from the people on the streets is deafening.

According to the results of an anonymous survey, 90% of our citizens are her fans.

And of course, that is true for me, Hirachi Moritsune.

Or rather, I am proud of the fact that I am Mahomaho’s biggest fan. I record every piece of news about Mahomaho, and collects all (unofficial) merchandise related to Mahomaho with my meagre allowance, and even made Mahomaho figurines myself.

I also followed the SNS of the group——【World Conquest Impetus Organization Spotted!!】, which gathers all sightings of the World Conquest Impetus Organization. Thanks to that, I got to see Mahomaho in the flesh today too.

「Warrrghhhh! Let’s go, Mahomaho!!」

My cheer is on par with the crowd around me. I then seared her valiant figure into my eyes.

「Sigh, that was an hour of bliss…」

The battle ended with Mahomaho’s victory, and the city is saved today too.

「When Big Sister Pink Gen attacked Mahomaho with a lariat, and she countered with a Yakuza kick, that was awesome…」

I mumbled to myself, lost in my thoughts, and went on my way home.

Which is why I thought I am hallucinating.


For some reason, I thought I saw Mahomaho in front of me. However Mahomaho should have flown away with a brilliant smile after saying: 「Thank you everyone for your support! ☆」

I take off my and rubbed the spot between my eyes.

「… It’s really Mahomaho.」

When I opened my eyes again, Mahomaho is still there. She then walked into a deserted alley, like a highschool girl you can find anywhere.

She already flew off, so why did she went out of her way to return?

And what is she planning to do after coming back?

… In any case, this is ...

「A chance to speak with Mahomaho!」

I gulped, then chased after her.

Mahomaho always comes and goes without a trace, so no one has ever spoken with her.

And now, I will be the first one to do so.

The thought of that fills me with excitement.

I swear that I have no ulterior motives at all.

I really didn’t.

Mahomaho walked into an open s.p.a.ce.

A strange intense light radiated from the center of her being, but it isn’t blinding at all. After that, the silhouette of a pet.i.te girl slowly emerges from the light.

The light fades away, and then…

「Phew… I’m glad that things ended peacefully today too…」

That girl showing a face of relief is wearing a jacket from Aramachi Public High School. She is in Year 2 Cla.s.s 2, and seated beside me in cla.s.s… Shōgawa Maho-san.

I never expected this to happen.

I never meant to uncover the real ident.i.ty of The Wonderful Radiant Magical Girl ★ Mahomaho.

Chapter 1: The Price of Keeping the Secret is...

The next morning after that impactful incident, inside the Aramachi Public High School (commonly known as 【Ara High】) , Year 2, Cla.s.s 2.

I’m lying on my table and observing someone.

And my subject is… Shōgawa Maho-san who is reading a book in the seat to my right.

I see, on a closer look, she looks just like Mahomaho. The only difference is the colour of her hair… In contrast to Mahomaho’s long blonde hair, Shōgawsan’s hair is as dark as a raven. She also wears, and ties up her hair in a ponytail sloppily … Her hairstyle and thick are worlds apart from the air of elegance around Mahomaho.

In any case, my are as thick as Shōgawsan, and my hair is messy too, so I don’t have the right to criticize her. So let’s leave it at that.

As a Mahomaho nerd, it is definitely strange to only notice her similarity with a cla.s.smate after one month. She is right in front of me, but I didn’t realize it, so this is probably… the power of magic that makes her look like a different person. But that effect is gone since I know who she is, so I finally recognize her today. That explanation will work.

And this is really… incredible news…

The events from yesterday replayed in my mind.

「Maho, I already told you to check properly and see if there is anyone around before you undo your transformation chuyo!」

When I recover from my shock, I heard an adorable voice. I can only see Shōgawsan’s back from this angle… But that is definitely the voice of that mascot-like character.

「I know, it will be fine.」

Erm… I’m sorry… but it isn’t fine… I already saw you… That mascot is right.

「Do you really understand chuyo…? Listen up, I already said this many times, chuyo. If your ident.i.ty is exposed, chuyo…」

What happens if she get exposed…?

If the ident.i.ty of Magical Girls are exposed, they will receive some form of punishment—— that’s the power of a 【contract】. For example, they might lose their Magical Girl powers, or their memories, or maybe their lives.

Then the punishment for Mahomaho is…?

「You will be cursed and won’t get a boyfriend before you are 30, chuyo!」

A punishment like that…? That is heavy… such a heavy curse… Wait, it is heavy, but something seems off! It doesn"t seem to be that big of a deal!

I quietly left the place with various things on my mind.

After thinking over it calmly for a night, this punishment is troubling in a normal way. For someone like me who will never get a girlfriend, it is fine to give up right from the start. However, for the girl protecting us all by herself, not having a lover for more than a decade is a heavy burden.

I clench my fists secretly below my desk.

Why did she become a Radiant Magical Girl?

Why is she protecting our city?

What exactly is the World Conquest Impetus Organization?

There are tons of things I want to ask.

But I can’t do it.

It isn’t because I am bad at talking with others… Well, that does play a part… but let’s just ignore that for now. My concern is whether the fact that I know her real ident.i.ty will activate this punishment. I don’t know if the punishment has taken effect, but this is the result of my careless actions, so I can’t let her risk this danger.

Since the conditions are unclear, I have to exercise caution.

And of course, I can’t discuss this with others.

I have to hide this secret in my heart.

I have to wait until Shōgawsan tells me on her own volition.

Or take it to my grave.

After that, I continue sneaking peeks at Shōgawsan during breaks.

She started acting weird around the fourth period. Shōgawsan who is seriously taking notes all this while suddenly made a surprised face, and look tense.

There is still 10 minutes before the end of the lesson, and the start of lunch break, so the entire cla.s.sroom is tense. However, Shōgawsan is like me, and will take out a bento to eat at lunch, then lie on the table to rest or read a book—— people like us have nothing to do with the tension before lunch break.

… Could it be!?

A certain possibility came to my mind, so I take out my smartphone from under my desk, then open twitter from my browser’s bookmark. My guess is on point. News of the World Conquest Impetus Organization appeared before my eyes. Shōgawsan’s gaze is alternating between the blackboard and her notebook, she has probably detected the appearance of the World Conquest Impetus Organization through her magic.

Unfortunately, we are in the middle of cla.s.s right now… Shōgawsan, no, Mahomaho can’t go…

Is there no other way aside from letting the World Conquest Impetus Organization ravage Aramachi City…?

Wait, hold on? Is the World Conquest Impetus Organization showing up during cla.s.s that rare? That can’t be, there were a few times where I had to seethe in anguish in cla.s.s, and miss the chance of supporting Mahomaho on scene.

Then, how will Shōgawsan rush to the scene when cla.s.s is still in session?

I observe the seat beside me. Shōgawsan keep her head low with a blushing face, and looking like a girl who has made an important decision.


She stand up with her hand raised.

「Hmm? What’s the matter, Shōgawa?」

Our j.a.panese teacher, Murayama Kyōka, asked with her head tilt. She only had two years of teaching experience at the age of 24, but her sharp gaze is so intimidating, that it is rumoured that even veteran teachers tremble in fear before her.

What is Shōgawsan planing to do before Ms Murayama…?


After a brief pause, her eyes show unwavering determination.

Her lips form words once again.

「Can I go to the bathroom?」

Yes… This is it!!!!!! 

How can I forget something so important!? No, even if you ask me, the only answer I can give is that 【I had never paid much attention to her】… Leaving that aside for now, Shōgawsan doesn’t stand out much, except for one thing!

She visits the bathroom during lessons very frequently!

I see, so going to the bathroom was just a cover for her to transform into Mahomaho…

Someone as smart as Shōgawsan definitely understood what others will think of her if she visits the washroom during cla.s.s so often. For someone who doesn"t care what others think, this is nothing. However, Shōgawsan is obviously not like that, and her flushed face from embarra.s.sment is irrefutable proof of that,

Despite that, Mahomaho endured this terrible shame for the sake of the city…

What powerful determination, and strong spirit of self sacrifice…! 

I’m…! I’m so moved that my emotions are a mess…! 

「Hmm… It’s going to be lunch break soon, can you hold it in a little longer?」

What? W-Wait, Ms Murayama?

Can’t you read the mood!? This girl has thrown away her shame in order to rush to the battlefield by herself! Shouldn’t an educator like you send her off with a smile!?

Even if you are unaware of all that, she went out of her way to make this request a few minutes before cla.s.s is out! The dam might be giving way right now, shouldn’t you consider that possibility!?

… However, that is far from enough to deter her.

No matter how hard the teacher tried, she won’t be able to stop Shōgawsan.

The gleam in her eyes holds a determination that won’t waver over something on this level.

Go, Shōgawsan! Say it! 

Tell her you must go, and can’t be stopped!

「Y-You are right… Sorry, I will hold it in…」

She sat down after saying that.

She got completely stopped!!!!!!!!! And gave in splendidly!!!!!! 

W-Wait, Shōgawsan? Where did your determined expression go?

… No, this is wrong, I’m forcing my ideals onto Shōgawsan.

Shōgawsan might be a Radiant Magical Girl, but before all that, she is still a girl. A sentimental High school girl in her second year.

Look, she is squirming because her cla.s.smates are snickering! After seeing that, who will be heartless enough to ask her to abandon her shame!?

This can’t be helped, dear citizens, please hang on for a few more minutes…

Huh? Shōgawsan? What are you taking out of your pocket? That thing… looks awfully like the magic wand used by Mahomaho… Or rather, it seemed to be a smaller version… If you enlarge it… Isn’t that Mahomaho’s magic wand!

Erm… Could this be what I think it is?

You understand, right? You won’t do such a thing, right?

Why did you take out the tool to transform into Mahomaho? Are you planning to… No, you wouldn’t, right?

「It can’t be helped…」

Shōgawsan muttered quietly, so that is definitely it. It is just a few minutes, but it can’t be helped… Just what can’t be helped!?

You know what will happen if you actually did it, right? You definitely know!

Even though you know the consequences!?

「Let’s go, Wand-chan…!」

When she mumbled that… she had the face of someone who made her resolve!

There is no way she will… but maybe… on the off chance…

You want to transform in a place like this!? Hey, are you serious!?

「G.o.d of darkness, Emperor of death, Lord of chaos, in exchange for my offering, please grant me power...」

Why is she chanting something that sounded like a curse!??

What the heck!? Shouldn’t the transformation chant for a Radiant Magical Girl be more cute and fluffy? That sounded like a chant a necromancer will use.

…… I was so shaken that my retort was all over the place!

「My name is Shōgawa Maho… the one who will ravage all life, and the salvation of the dead…」

That is definitely necromancy!!! 

Leaving that aside, as Shōgawsan chanted, that small wand started to glow and elongate! 

This is definitely it!? She is transforming! 

Where did your unwavering determination go!? Your ident.i.ty will be exposed!

Really now, can’t you just sit quietly for a few more minutes! The citizens will wait for you with smiles on their faces! Look, the victim only tweeted 【The height of my bicycle seat had been lowered by two or three notches】!

And what did you mean by 【Let’s go】?! Your seat is in the middle of the cla.s.sroom, you know? Or rather, it is a miracle that your mumblings and glowing isn’t noticed by anyone else!

Arghh… There is no time to think over it slowly…! I have to divert everyone’s attention away from Shōgawsan…! 


I shouted at the top of my lungs and stood up. Doing this will damage my reputation… but I had to! For the sake of Mahomaho, even if I had to cast aside my repute… No, I’m already at the bottom of the pecking order in cla.s.s, so I have no reputation to protect in the first place.

Then I will just wreck havoc!

「Hey, Hirachi, why are you suddenly…」

「Contestant 1, Hirachi Moritsune!」

I drowned out Ms Murayama’s voice, and forcefully continued:

「Will now begin my performance!」

The cla.s.s’ attention is on me because of my sudden actions.

With their eyes on me, I take off my, bend the frame out as much as possible, and placed it before my chest.


Stare—— Silence.

I messed up. I messed up completely.

But that is only natural. I already expected that.

If I can make the entire cla.s.s laugh with my antics, I won’t be stuck at the bottom of the school’s pyramid.

But fortunately, in this awkward atmosphere, everyone’s eyes were on me. Their condescending eyes are all saying 【what the h.e.l.l is he doing?】.

Now’s your chance, Shōgawsan! Go right now! 

You can transform or rush to the toilet, do what you want!


What are you doing Shōgawsan? Why are you just sitting there?

This is a great chance Shōgawsan! Please don’t waste my sacrifice!

Hmm?? Shōgawsan? Why is the corner of your mouth twitching?

「Ha, haha… that’s interesting.」

She smiled politely!!!!! 

Such kindness is unnecessary! Don’t you know such half a.s.sed kindness hurts me more!? So no, please leave your gentleness and kindness to the people suffering in the city…! Although their suffering is just that their bicycle seat being slightly lowered!

—— Ding dong dune dong——

The bell signalling recess is ringing!!!!! 

My sacrifice is for nought!!!!! 

「Oh… Cla.s.s dismissed.」

「Stand. Bow.」

Ah, I’m being ignored! Everyone is treating me as if I don’t exist!

I can empathize with that! If someone else did this, I’m confident that I will react in the same way! There is no good way of handling such a shameful moment without hurting me! So I’m glad that they ignored me!! Oh, what a gentle world…! 

… What about Shōgawsan?

I glance to the side, and Shōgawsan is leaving the cla.s.sroom. Because of what I did, our cla.s.smates are distracted and didn’t notice Shōgawsan leaving.

At the very least, I stopped them from asking Shōgawsan who is rushing out of the cla.s.sroom at the bell 【Is it leaking?】 So my sacrifice isn’t completely meaningless…

Anyway, I can relax for now. We are in quite a pinch today, but that probably won’t happen again. After all Shōgawsan manage to keep her secret so far, and remain active as Mahomaho.



… It won’t… happen again… right…? Shōgawsan…?

Chapter 2: The Conclusion From My Observation is...

For example, this happened during recess one day.

「Maho, Maho」

As I pretend to sleep by lying on the table, I heard an adorable voice.


I lift my head and looked around, but didn’t spot the owner of that voice. It seems n.o.body is enjoying lunch break, and didn’t notice this voice.

Except for Shōgawsan.

「Hey Chuyo-chan! Didn’t I tell you not to speak with me in school!」

That surprised Shōgawsan who is completely engrossed in her book, and she whispered to her table. The angle she is facing… is towards the bag hanging beside her table? … Is this what I think it is? Shōgawsan is talking to something hidden in her bag? A cute mascot like being that all Magical Girls will have.

「It’s not the time to care about that, chuyo!」

What kind of cute and adorable creature will come out of the bag…… Isn’t that a weasel!? Well, it does look cute, but it is a weasel! Normally, the mascot character will look like deformed versions of animals, right? But this one feels too beast-like!

「If we don’t do anything, something terrible will happen, chuyo!」

I see…… So that voice is really coming from that weasel-san.

「… What is it?」

Affected by the stoic expression of weasel-san, Shōgawsan also turned serious.

What can it be…? The World Conquest Impetus Organization is on the move again…? No, that’s as normal as eating three meals a day, and nothing to get worked up over. Is there an even bigger threat? For example, a new faction has shown up…

Weasel-san said with its adorable voice:

「I can’t hold it in, I need to pee, chuyo……」

「That’s horrible!?」

Shōgawsan shouted without a second thought.

… I see, thinking about it carefully, this is a terrible situation for Shōgawsan. If Weasel-san peed in the cla.s.sroom, its existence will definitely be exposed.

How will Shōgawsan be punished for bringing a pet to school? …That’s not the problem. But weasel-san getting found out might lead to Mahomaho’s true ident.i.ty being uncovered.

That’s why we have to deal with this calmly…! 

There is still a lot of time for recess, if she brings her bag to the washroom, she can avert this crisis easily…! However, because Shōgawsan shouted just now, this path got cut off…! The usually quiet girl shouting has drawn the attention of our cla.s.smates…! 

「Ah— What? What happened, Shōgawsan?」

The one speaking to Shōgawsan is the person at the tip of our cla.s.s… no, the entire school’s pyramid. He is handsome, have excellent grades, is the ace and captain of the soccer club, and the top of the ‘just how much karma did you acc.u.mulate in your previous life to get such overpowered specs’ ranking chart (my personal ranking chart). He is Sorahashi Yūichi-kun. 

「Ah, it’s…」

Shōgawsan blushed and look down… Is she feeling bashful because she lost her composure, or from seeing the hunk before her?

… At this moment.

「I’m almost at my limits, chuyo…」

Weasel-san who has burrowed into the bag broke the calm atmosphere with its voice.

「Huh...? I thought I heard a strange voice…?」

「Yes, so did I!」

「Something like... chuyo? Or something?」

Everyone heard it this time, and the cla.s.sroom turned rowdy.

And both mistress and critter are the type who tend to play dead when they are in a pinch…

So it is up to me, huh…! 

「Candidate 2, Hirachi Moritsune! Will now begin my imitation show!」

I stand up all of a sudden, drawing the attention of the entire cla.s.s with my announcement.

「Topic! What if Mahomaho has a mascot-like familiar?」 Why did I mention something so direct that might expose her ident.i.ty!?

Since it has come to this, I have to follow the flow and mislead them…! 

「Chuyo… Mahomaho, I want to pee, chuyo……!」

I imitate the voice of weasel-san and said that line.

The cla.s.sroom is quiet for a moment before bursting into laughter.

「What the heck is that voice, Mahomaho nerd!?」

「And that’s not an imitation performance, but something out of your delusion!」

「That voice is adorable! How did you manage that!?」

Everyone retorted as they laughed.

They… They accepted this…? Really…? I’m saved by how easy going my cla.s.smates are… The online course 【You can do it too! Voice imitation! 】 seems to be of use.

By the way, 【Mahomaho nerd】 refers to super fans of Mahomaho, that means me.

「Fufu… Hirachi-san is amazing, it’s as if you have seen the real Chuyo-chan.」

Wait, Shōgawsan, can you please not waste my a.s.sist!?

Fortunately, no one heard what she mumbled. Hey, weasel-san!? Is your b.u.t.t showing a little from the bag!?

「Hey, anyone else feel…?」

When I secretly resolved one crisis, a cla.s.smate smelled it.

「Like, there is a weird stench?」

「Now that you mentioned it…」

「It’s like, the stench of an animal or something?」

「Yes, that’s it! Like a wet dog!」

I focus on the smell after someone mentioned that.

And… Yes, there really is a beastly stench.

And I have an idea where it comes from!

That weasel-san smells just like a normal animal?

Even though he is a mascot-like being? Shouldn’t it have a nice scent instead?

Ughh… A stench is too much… No, I have to cover it up…! 

「Chuyo… I smell because of a curse, chuyo… Originally, I should have the flowery scent that befits a mascot, chuyo…」

「You! Hold it!」

「To think that Mahomaho-nerd is…」

Realizing what I’m implying, my cla.s.smates all gasp.

「Even this beastly stench… is a part of your imitation!?」

「This is in the realm of 4DX! You are adding the concept of 4DX into your imitation show!?」

「You actually went that far… Then I will accept it! That Mahomaho does have a mascot with a cute voice and a beastly stench!」

This is the development I’m hoping for, thank you everyone.

… But things are too smooth, it feels a little scary. My cla.s.smates, are you a little too easy to distract? I have a feeling that things won’t go so well…!

I looked Shōgawsan’s way with an uneasy heart.

「Erm, Chuyo-chan don’t talk like that…」

Don’t protest unnecessarily! Aren’t you going to leave as soon as possible?! I can’t buy that much time, and more importantly, the crisis in weasel-san’s bladder is still ongoing! 

Maybe my prayer reached her, Shōgawsan looked like she remembered something, stood up with her bag and rushed out of the cla.s.sroom. There wasn’t any strange liquid leaking from the bag… It seems that she made it in time.

「Can’t you use a better meme, Hirachi-kun?」

After I calmed down, someone tapped my shoulder. It is Sorahashi-kun.

Oh… I think most of my cla.s.smates don’t know my name, but Sorahashi-kun remembered… For someone at the peak to spare their overflowing kindness with those at the bottom… I’m really grateful for that.

「 But the lingering stench is a little… Here, use this.」

After whispering that to me, Sorahashi handed me… a febreze spray. For a moment, I suspect he is teasing me. but after seeing Sorahashi-kun’s refreshing smile, he is probably just being nice.

「…… Thank you.」

Caught up in that atmosphere, I accepted that febreze.

I then made a trip to the washroom and sprayed my uniform meaninglessly.

… I better spray Shōgawsan’s bag when she leaves her seat later.

For example, during break on another day.

「By the way, Mahomaho fought yesterday, right?」

「Yes, I saw Mahomaho live from really close up.」

I lie on my table and listened to my female cla.s.smates’ chatter.

「Really? That’s nice—」

「Mahomaho is really cute in real life too—」

Mahomaho is really popular among the girls too. Just like idols, girls in her generation admires Mahomaho too.

「Well— speaking of which, something has been bothering me. You know that hair accessory Mahomaho has, right? She lost that heart shaped thing yesterday.」

「Right— that crab-shaped monster snipped it off with the pincer on his head!」

「Not just the hair accessory, wasn’t her clothes torn in earlier battles? But it is fine the next time she appears, what’s with that?」

「That’s true!」

Ohh, you have sharp eyes. To be honest, I’m bothered by that too. My theory is that the mana flowing during her transformation will repair them…

「Ah, erm, about that… the mascot fairy Chuyo-chan stayed up all night to mend it for me…」

「「Ehh~~ so that’s how it is~~」」

Ehh~~ so that’s how it is~~

I thought the same thing as these two girls.

I see. Mascot fairy means—— that weasel-san, huh. As I expected, it is not just a talking animal.



I lift my head.

Who is the person that holds information that even a super Mahomaho fan like me don’t know…?

「Ehehe… t-that’s right.」

And of course, it is Shōgawsan! Only you will know! 

「But, erm… Zhao Yun-san? Why do you know that?」

And of course, you will be questioned! 

「Besides, a mascot fairy? I never heard about such a thing before.」

And of all people… it just has to be the gal Satosaki Shōko-san, who is on par with me on Mahomaho knowledge……! She had been sharp in grasping the key points...! 

Shōgawsan made a face that says “It’s over.”

「Ahh, erm… that is…」

As Satosaki-san stares at her, Shōgawsan’s eyes started darting around, making her look really suspicious.

This att.i.tude… rather than digging her own grave, it feels more like she is at her wit’s end.

Ughh… So it’s time for me to step in, huh…! 

「Ahh! So you overheard me! That is the setting I made up for Mahomaho’s mascot! This is troubling, how embarra.s.sing!」

I said loudly to myself.


「You… You are that Hirachi something from last time?」

Shōgawsan is confused, while Satosaki-san looks disinterested.

「What do you mean by overheard, anyone will hear it if you say it out loud!」

Luckily, my performance from a few days ago stirred everyone’s memories. To think it has this hidden effect… All things in the world are connected in some way…

「Well, since Hirachi is the one who said it, then it’s normal for me to not know it. But don’t believe everything you hear, Zhao Yun-san!」

Satosaki patted Shōgawsan’s shoulder.

By the way, Satosaki-san, you have been boldly saying Shōgawsan’s name wrong all this time… It’s strange to point this out, but the name of a china war general is completely different from Shōgawsan!?

「Ehh, ahh, yes…」

However, Shōgawsan didn’t correct her, and just nod meekly.

「But it’s really…」

What are you going to say, Shōgawsan……!?

I have a bad feeling about this…

「It’s really the mascot fairy that…」

「Oh no, I’m deluding too much! How troubling, right!?」

Before she digs a bigger hole for herself, I should fill it in a little!

「Did you overheard me? Mahomaho has a weasel-like mascot fairy…」

「Ah, Chuyo-chan is a ferret, not a weasel…」

I’m working so hard to pull you out of the pit, can you stop jumping back in!?

「Yes yes! Not a weasel, but a ferret! Or something! A mascot fairy no one has heard of!!!!」

I execute operation ‘fudge things over by talking loudly’!

And Shōgawsan looks really pleased! Thank you for your correction!

「You are too loud, Hirachi.」

Satosaki-san said with a frown and one hand covering her ear.

「Oh, sorry about that.」

I lower my voice and apologize. I had to be loud in order to fudge things over, but one of the reasons I did so is because I seldom talk to others, so I don’t know the appropriate volume to use...

——Ding dong—— Ding dong——

The bell announcing the end of recess rang.

「Bye bye, Zhao Yun-san」

Satosaki-san waves and go back to her seat with her friend.


In the end Shōgawsan didn’t get the chance to correct her own name, and just waves her hand a little happily.

I get it, Shōgawsan… I feel happy to talk to someone too… But it is a little unnerving too. I really~ get it.

However, it will be a big help if you just avoid that topic...

For example, this happened during recess on another day.

Shōgawsan who is reading a book quietly as usual suddenly show a surprised face.

I have gotten used to that reaction, and check twitter on my phone. As suspected, it shows news about the World Conquest Impetus Organization on the loose.

Shōgawsan stands up frantically and searches for something in her pocket, then takes out a miniaturize magic wand… Hey, it’s too early to do that, right? Shouldn’t you take it out at a place where no one can see you?


—— Thud.

She drops it!!!!!!! 

Aren’t you supposed to treat something so important more carefully!?

Ahh, everyone is looking over here…! 


… Hmmp hmmp.

But too bad! It’s really too bad! After observing Shōgawsan for a few days, I’ve already prepared the appropriate countermeasures since this might happen!

「Oops! My hand slipped!」

I quickly reach into my bag, and empty its content.

——— Clink clink…! 

The magic wands I brought in case this happens!

「This is… Mahomaho’s magic wands?」

Satosaki-san is the first to react. She picks up one of the fakes, and asked with her head tilted.

「Where did this merchandize…?」

「No, I made them myself…」

I scratch my head bashfully.

「Ehh~~ are you serious?」

Satosaki-san inspects the fake carefully with a surprised face.

「Ehh— you have such a skill, Hirachi-kun?」

Sorahashi said as he walks over.

「No, calling this a skill is too much…」

This is the result of following the online course 【Make your own prototype today! 】, when I started making my own Mahomaho figurine.

「No, this is really well made.」

「Yes, that’s true.」

Satosaki-san comment sincerely, and Sorahashi-kun concurred.

I’m a little embarra.s.sed by how well received it is…

「This doesn’t feel like a replica of Mahomaho’s magic wand, but a smaller version, right?」

Ughh……! I miss that point because I got too engrossed in making them…! It looks different from the magic wand Mahomaho uses after she transform, everyone and Satosaki-san can tell that at a glance...! An excuse, I have to make an excuse…! 

「Well… Haha, because I’m too clumsy, and failed to make it like the original…」

「No, this isn’t something made with clumsy hands. They all have the same measurements.」

Sorahashi-kun said after comparing a few replicas.

「Ahh… Because my hands are too clumsy, so no matter how many times I make them, the measurements are equally wrong.」

「「Clumsy dexterous hands?」」

Satosaki-san and Sorahashi-kun said in unison. I’m a little concerned by the additional settings added to my character, but my plan to attract everyone’s attention is working.

Shōgawsan! Hurry, pick up the real wand and transform!

… Erm? Shōgawsan? Why are your eyes scanning the floor…? Why are you tilting your head and looking at the fake in your hand…?

… C-Can it be?

… Are you kidding me...

She can’t tell the real one from the fake…?!

You can’t be serious! Aren’t you linked to the wand with magic?! And compared to the real one, the fakes is missing a groove! 

It’s a tool you always keep on you, so please notice it! The real one is right by my feet! Over here!

Please don’t make that crying face!

「Ahh, sorry for dropping it all over… Hahaha…」

I bend down and pretend to pick up the fakes, and prepare to roll the real thing over to Shōgawsan…

T-That’s dangerous! Wait, Shōgawsan? Can you pay attention to your squatting posture? I totally saw your panties, you know!? How unguarded can you be?!

… Anyway, I will just kick… Good, Shōgawsan caught it with her hand. She then pick it up. Phew, I thought it will be a disaster…… Shōgawsan? Why are you still tilting your head…?

Can… Can it be…?

You can’t tell which is the real one after holding it?! 

No matter how closely you inspect it, that isn’t a fake! No, don’t put the real one back onto the floor! … She finally stop overthinking… Ah, her expression is changing… No, don’t make that face that says 【I decide that it will be you】, that’s the real one!

With the real wand in hand, Shōgawsan rush to the door.

Great! She took the real one with her! 

…… Hah.

Even though I prepared for this moment, it is 10 times more tiring than I imagined…


… After witnessing all that, a question pops up in my mind.

Can it be… that Shōgawsan has no intentions of hiding her ident.i.ty.

If you ask me whether I will take it seriously if I get threatened with this punishment, the answer would be no. After all, it doesn’t matter whether this threat exist or not, I won’t ever find a girlfriend. But unlike me, if people know about Shōgawsan’s pitiful condition, she will definitely attract lots of suitors. However, everyone has different values. If Shōgawsan doesn’t think falling in love is important, then maybe she will arrive at the same conclusion as me.

Even so, she will have to give up ten odd years of her love life, so I can’t a.s.sume things so hastily… I wondered about this on my home.

「Maho, you have to pay more attention to your surroundings, chuyo?」

I hear a familiar voice, and quickly hide.

「Yes, got it.」

I lean out and peek, and see Shōgawsan hugging her bag before her chest.

「You don’t get it at all, chuyo! Dropping your transformation wand before others is too careless, chuyo!」

「Ughh… I’m sorry…」

Weasel-san… No, Ferret-san. I completely agree with you… But aren’t you being careless right now…! No matter how deserted a path might be, there is still a possibility that someone other than me will overhear you…!? And even if you say that, Shōgawsan probably…. 

「Are you fine with not finding a boyfriend before you are 30 years old, chuyo!?」

「Erm… well… it will be troubling…?」

So it does affect her…! 

「And you won’t be able to transform into Mahomaho again, chuyo!」

Hah— so there’s also this punishment……… Wait, why are you saying it like it’s just an add on!?

Mahomaho is an irreplaceable presence in this city, and to me too. I still clearly remember the World Conquest Impetus Organization appearing suddenly one year ago. The people didn’t know what was happening then, and really started fleeing in panic and fear. I was pushed off the streets because of the crowd, and when my bicycle was wrecked, I saw her—— the valiant figure of Mahomaho saving us. Her smile was so cute and strong, and seemed to be saying 「It will be fine, just leave the rest to me.」 Her expression was so awe-inspiring and beautiful. Her beautiful, pure and elegant figure… stole my heart. She was like the personification of my delusion, the ideal form of my 『Main character』 or 『Heroine』. From that moment, I became one of the few Mahomaho nerd in this city…… Wait, why am I reminiscing about all that!?

「Yes… I understand.」

Shōgawsan’s att.i.tude is more serious this time.

… So you understand the danger of exposing your ident.i.ty, and still did all that…!? You are too careless… Or rather, this is going beyond the realm of just being careless…!

After understanding the situation once again, a new resolve formed in my heart.

And that is...

I will protect Shōgawsan’s secret…!

I will have no qualms sacrificing anything for this purpose.

No matter what happens, I will be the one to protect her true ident.i.ty… That’s right, I will become Shōgawsan’s 『Supporting Character』!

© 2024