Third Prince Elmer

Chapter 21


When it reached the road not paved, the carriage suddenly began to shake. My b.u.t.t didn’t hurt as much as the last time.

The wounds from that incident except the one on my side had completely recovered, and my mood is good, too. Maybe I got used to the carriage or something…

The man beside me who Matthias’ friend Leont, was fidgeting as he repeatedly attempted to open his mouth.

“U…uhm~ Ho-hobbies?”

“Eh? What about hobbies?”

Edna asked again in confusion.

“No, as I thought your hobbies are good. Anything is good. Leaving that aside, I li-li…like…”

“Edna, you may ignore this guy.”


Edna nodded at Matthias’ words. Leont seemed like he still wanted to say something was stopped by Matthias.

That’s right. I’m not the only one on this carriage.

Leont, who was introduced after I was rescued, and Maid-san Edna, whose name I finally learned, also got into the carriage.

While I was only half conscious after I was rescued, Matthias invited me to their house in order to show his grat.i.tude that can’t just be expressed in words.

I was surprised to hear that I’m actually a prince, but I was also convinced at the same time.

As expected, the man who banged my head first then tortured me just misunderstood. Eventually, he gave up and took responsibility for his crime. I found out that I was placed under house arrest as country’s ruined prince, that explains the reason why no one knows my face and why I was in the royal palace.

However, this might be a good thing.

Due to this event, it was established that I’m a guy who can hardly use magic, so my value as a hostage might disappear.

When the King said that I may do as I please, I didn’t hesitate to leave this place. Though the outside world is dangerous, the royal palace is even more dangerous. Moreover, the next time I experience something like that, I might really be die.

I’ve abandoned my name and my status, I wanted to live a safe life from now on.

Leaning my body on the carriage, I sneaked a peak at Matthias who had his arms crossed.

When Matthias said he’ll let me live in his house, I was actually really thankful. There are no guarantees that I can find a job and a house.

It will become considerably easier if I can borrow a place to live in.

From the curtains’ gap, a lot of green landscapes moving behind us can be seen.

When I thought that I can finally get out from that place, I was really happy that I unintentionally let out a smile. Since Matthias left the room instantly, I thought that he didn’t notice it.

It appeared that it would take approximately five days to reach Matthias’ house. Today is the first day of this brief journey.

“Only Matthias’ Mother lives in the estate, ne?”

My tone became a little childish, probably because it’s been a long time since I spoke to another person, it reached the point where I can only remember how to talk like a child. How should I put it, that tone was forcibly pulled into this body.

Because I was engrossed with magic, there were things I haven’t notice, especially my status as a prince. I have to collect information diligently this time.

“That is correct. Mother stays and manages the territory that has been ruled by our family for generations after generations. Father and Elder Brother who often need to go to the Royal Palace lives in the residence located in the Imperial Capital. My little sister who is currently preparing for the academy entrance exam, started living in our residence in the Imperial Capital just sometime ago.”


“Right, an academy. We went there, too.”

“Ah…that’s right.”

“You can’t do anything unless you go to the academy?” I was surprised that this world have schools, too.

“No, that’s not the case. The one in the Imperial Capital only have the elementary department, if you want a better job then you need to go to high school. If you have excellent grades, you can easily have a scholarship but as expected, there are a lot of aristocrats. During El’s age, they start entering the school.”

Leont explained.

“I see…”

School… I thought I’d like to go just for awhile. Even if it isn’t compulsory education, I wonder if I can go? After all, I wanted to have friends of the same age even if we’re different mentally.

This time, I want to finish school until the end…

But, right now I am a kid with no parents, and this is a world with magic. Because of the incident before, I understood that I can oppose monsters but, how about human beings?

“Does Elmer-sama want to go to the academy?” Edna asked.

“No… not at all.” I said so and looked outside.

The three other people in the carriage exchanged glances secretly. He didn’t show any expression, but they understood El-sama wanted to attend the academy.

“Entering the academy by pa.s.sing the entrance exam is difficult, but it’s possible to do so! After you study for several years, would you like to go there?”

“Is it okay?”

“Of course.”

“Yes! Please teach me what to study!

Leont suddenly began to be enthusiastic.

“Me! Let me have a try at being a teacher! It’s always only Matthias who gets to teach…”

As if he was remembering something painful, his eyes became distant.

“Matthias-sama is very intelligent.”

Edna’s brief comment delivered the final blow to Leont. With hollow eyes, he seemed to mumble something.

While hearing those exchanges, I was watching the scenery that pa.s.sed behind.

The carriage advances. Aim is the main residence of the West Vern House.

The sound similar to the rumbling of the earth was produced and before my eyes, the gigantic gates opened.

“Welcome home.”

Beyond the gates was… a stately mansion beyond one’s imagination. No, a palace? Behind it, there was something that can’t just be called backyard hill, it’s already a forest.

And then, the people who lined up in a row on both sides of the long lane from the gates to the mansion lowered their heads all at once. All the members are precisely in the same angles. Really… this is just too amazing.

This is when I realized, what Matthias said was not a lie just to persuade me.

These people are the servants who are working here. I can’t even count them.

I stiffened in surprise. I noticed Matthias, who was just starting to move forward earlier, turned his head to look back towards me. I ran after him in a hurry as to not be left behind. I knew that the people we pa.s.sed behind raised their heads steadily.

Matthias walked in a dignified manner, Leont and Edna stayed behind. I’m the only one who’s surprised. Why didn’t I realize? Matthias is an aristocrat. Social status is decided since birth, it’s something normally accepted in this world. There’s no difference even in j.a.pan, everyone wasn’t equal. A person of a high status has a lot of things to do so they need maids.

Still, I can feel it. This place is difference, it’s not the world I knew.

Why, you say? The language is different. The words are different. The faces’ features are different. The animals, plants, clothes and food are different. I understood a long time ago that this was an alternate world.

Back in that world, we tried all sorts of medical treatment. In the beginning, my parents hesitated because of the strong side effects of the drugs. Gradually they reach the point where they relented to administer the drug, and the quant.i.ty was even increased in the end. My body had only few places left that were still fine, any more than that and I won’t be able to live anymore.

I did my best. That’s why, during my last moments, I thought I can accept my death. But it was no use.

Step by step, we advanced towards the mansion.

I see. Did anyone grant my plea that I wanted to live? My wish was fulfilled. I dreamed of a healthy body at that time. I wanted to be stronger more than the last time.

I can do anything if I want to.

But still, why? Why am I so sad?

I was reborn in different world.

I was revived with my past memories, of course there will be compensations for getting that life. I understand that the most.

In this world, I am alone. Someone who saw the same things as me their whole life, someone who knows the basis of the knowledge from the previous life, someone who has the same train of thought as I am, that kind of companion will never appear.

Even if can’t say it in words, I knew it was something obvious.

I decided not to think whether the pain in my chest was imaginary or not.

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