Third Prince Elmer

Chapter 62


I cut the thread with the scissors.

“This… I think this would be fine. After a rest…”

Until now, I never thought that a day would come that I will need the military’s lectures and practice on medical treatment, but from now on I’ll never think that way.

“Thank you very much for treating him.”

The person I had very anxiously looked at said so to me with a relieved expression.

Because you see!! Being useful to Matthias-sama… and the feeling of being thanked by a Princess.

Suddenly, a monster showed up. It was not a monster I have ever seen before.
That’s why, I learned that it was an A-Cla.s.s from Matthias-sama’s words.

A monster of that extent turns up inside the country once every five years. At that time, the military a.s.sembles a subjugation corps, and then exterminate it.

That sort of guy came across two of us. My hand holding the sword kept trembling, no matter how much strength I placed on it.

Furthermore, my attribute is fire. Even if the strength of my technique is high, the rain will weaken it.

In other words, it can be said that a significant part of my war potential can’t be used.

But, Matthias-sama is different. He has an extremely natural-born fire attribute, despite that a powerful magic engulfed the monster in a blink of an eye. Even if it’s just a little a.s.sistance to a someone like Matthias-sama, I let my sword be clad in fire and fought, too.

The monster was defeated. If that was true, then it seemed as if it was a miracle. But reality is harsh.

When the carriage that should have been protected was attacked, unlike me who was unable to move, Matthias-sama’s facial expression changed, and then he started running. The carriage rolled as if it was something light that it can be held by one hand. The truth is, I didn’t really know what was inside the carriage. Although one would say I am the guard, I never heard anything about it, this is because during the travel, the topic was never talked about. Nevertheless, since meals were always served everyday, I thought there must be a person inside.

Why did that person never came out even once?

It must be a young woman who hates someone of low social standing, the face they owned must be something that cannot be revealed, I thought about various reasons.

However, falling down with a rumble, what came out of the broken carriage was… a five or six year old child.

The slender and helpless form of her was protected by Matthias-sama and narrowly escaped death, but the moment she saw that monster it’s as if she became an entirely different person.

Her eyes narrowed in rage, and in an instant the place around her became a prison of ice. The breath that came from my mouth turned pure white, and my hands began trembling from both terror and cold.

Never allowing a counterattack, white ice tightened around the demons, ending their lives instantly. I noticed my hand was shaking but it wasn’t trembling out of terror towards the monster.

It was out of fear towards the powerful strength before my eyes.

It felt like the power of a King.

It’s different from Matthias-sama, this bone-chilling strength.

Then and there, everything had been placed under her control, it had naturally brought me to my knees.

As the demons burst open, the girl tried to help the injured Matthias-sama. Before I noticed it, she had turned back to her previous countenance.

What is it? While holding Matthias-sama, she began to talk about something.


Even if you ask what she said, I who tried to come approach near her, drowned out her words because of my voice.

As soon as my eyes saw it, I cried out, no human wouldn’t be paralyzed out of fear by that, you know?

This time it was a demon I had known from before. I learned about it. 50 years ago, the neighboring country had taken enormous damage from it, our country sent subjugation corps and allied forces were expected to seal it.

It wasn’t possible to suppress it.

What should be specially noted about it was its size.

The eyes attached to its large build similar to a moving mountain, enables it to see from all 360-degrees directions and can see through any offensive attacks. Therefore, it’s impossible to continue attacking until it receives a fatal wound.

I remember reading about it and seeing a cut-out ill.u.s.tration of it.

It must be really the truth.

However, it does not apply to this girl.

Even if it saw the attack, it wasn’t able to even attempt avoiding it.

I, right now, must have just witnessed a historical moment.

The girl attacked without looking back, but she recalled to turn around to look when it collapsed and made the earth tremor.

I was dumbfounded, looking at the sky where the demon disappeared from, I heard her voice.

“Immediately, I’ll treat him right now!!!!”

Panicking, I got up to retrieve the tools. I hurried, but I felt the sensation of my foot being twisted, and I wasn’t able to advance forward.

From the packed luggage in the carriage that fell over, I retrieved the medical supplies and before long, I was able to get it.

“For now, we must go to a place where we can nurse Matthias-san properly… Where do you think should we go? Um…”

Grat.i.tude was expressed to me, and I who had a blank expression, straightened myself performed a salute. I’m not yet ready with my self-introduction!!!

“I…I-I-I am, the guard entrusted this time, Alois of the Knight Order, reporting!!”

“El… El…”

“If I may be bold to ask!! May I politely call you Princess-sama?”


When I said so, for a while she displayed a slightly troubled expression, then nodded.

I felt immature thinking that this person is the same as the figure awhile ago.

What a relief. It may be better not to be aware of her name so I can’t reveal it. From now on, I should get a grip on myself!

“Then, let us proceed. This way please.”

Since Matthias-sama is in this situation right now, we should head back to the Imperial Capital. I concluded so, but Princess-sama prompted that there was still a problem.

How will we transport the injured Matthias-sama? Though I immediately st.i.tched up the wound, we need to carry him as soon as possible and head towards the nearest village.

Noticing me who was trying to carry Matthias-sama on my back, she tried to say something, and her pink lips parted.


But what she let out was a strange melody of verses similar to words, and I wasn’t able to understand any of the words.

However, as a result…

From under her feet, a long straight line of road made of ice expanded. It was everywhere.

What is this!?

It’s magic. Though I didn’t understand what was said, I am aware what she did emitted was something extraordinary.

To be honest, my head seemed to have already reached its limits.

I thought of only one possibility. Then, It became impossible think of the rest any longer.

─── She seemed like a fairy or something of that kind, I’m sure she had greeted this world.

That’s why, the world welcomed her. If that’s the case, then it’s understandable, isn’t it?

I understood that I was just dumbfounded myself since a little while ago, but I got shocked again when she stepped firmly on the crisp ice.

“Let’s go.”

What she had in her hand seemed to have come from ruins of a carriage, a wooden plank. After placing Matthias-sama on it, she advanced forward.

She went ahead through the red carpet laid out just for her sake.

The setting sun has begun to already wane.

I, Alois hurriedly chased after them.

She didn’t stop advancing.

It’s already pitch-black, only the light from the flame invoked in Alois’ right through magic illuminated the way.

Alois wondered were Princess-sama got such marveling strength.

Moreover, reaching this far, she never parted with the lift carrying Matthias-sama. It can’t be helped, so Alois picked out everything necessary for camping from the ruined carriage.

Suddenly, the Princess-sama walking by his side stopped.

… As expected, she might have just reached the limit of her physical strength. They have walked this far. He thought that she was already excellent.

“Princess-sama, should we take a rest in this place tonight?”

But, an answer didn’t come.

When he looked at her she was looking at the sky, with a plop, she let go of the handle of the improvised cart.

Her appearance looked strange. She wasn’t ignoring him, instead the words didn’t reach her ears.

While looking up at the sky, she opened her mouth.

“I see…”

Her murmured voice was clearly heard this time.

Immediately after that, he heard an ear-piercing sound, and promptly checked if his ears were broken… that was how it’s supposed to be but before his eyes, he saw that spectacle and this time he suddenly fell on top of Matthias-sama.

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