Third Prince Elmer

Chapter 89


I just arrived at the shoe locker when I remembered that I forgot something, so I returned to the cla.s.sroom. The cla.s.sroom, where the sunlight shines through brightly, is still noisy. A while has pa.s.sed since the afternoon homeroom is over, but today most students are still around.

In the seat a little away from the hallway, boys who get along in our cla.s.s including Rent and Shuu are gathered, they’re talking about something.

There seem to be various types of aristocrats – there are children who only gets along with other aristocrats, but there are others like Shuu who plays with everyone without minding such things.

“…that’s why, today…”

However, I cannot hear the contents of their conversation.

“El, are you going home?”

Rent noticed me when I was just about to walk towards the back door of the cla.s.sroom, so he called out to me.

“Yeah. I have something planned. See you tomorrow.”

“Bye, then.”


I waved back to Rent who’s also waving his hand lightly.

I wonder if everybody’s going to play today?

I’m a little envious, but I really have something planned today so I tried to convince myself that there’s nothing I can do about it.


I saw a girl from the cla.s.s next door in the hallway so I greeted her.

I don’t know her name but I worked with her a lot of times as a keeper.


I only intended to call out to her like normal, but she had a really perplexed expression when she saw me.


When the girl saw me she had an expression like, ‘c.r.a.p!’ and returned a greeting as if she’s puzzled.


In that awkward atmosphere, I pa.s.sed ahead and faced the shoe locker.

Perhaps, she doesn’t recognize me.

It was not an embarra.s.sed reaction, but rather, more like she’s surprised that a guy she never saw spoke to her.

Even though we already worked together a lot of times, is my presence really that thin…

Nevertheless, that reaction.

Even her friend nearby was startled, too.

I took out my shoes while feeling slightly daunted and proceeded to change.

I took a quick look at the school building’s gla.s.s entrance, and what was slightly projected is a very pale child with flower beds around the school building surrounding him. Red and yellow flowers are vividly in full bloom.

Then I incidentally realized something. Girls never talked to me before.

“Is my face that bad-looking?”

I know it. Most girls in the cla.s.s became agitated on the day Mathias came, the kid I greeted awhile ago was also one of the girls who went *kya-kya~*.

“I thought my looks aren’t bad but…”

I slightly suspected it since before I entered the academy, but Matthias’ face has a high deviation value. No matter how you look at it, compared to my childish appearance, Matthias is a perfectly handsome man. Furthermore, that’s not the only amazing thing. He has a high stature, he’s strong, extremely rich, and intelligent (probably)…

It’s to the extent that it makes me wonder why he’s not yet married.

I went ahead the path, the one I normally don’t use, that leads to the town.

It’s the only road to reach the academy so there is very little pedestrian traffic.

I will absolutely make the academy off limits to Matthias soon. For the time being, I’ll just hit him once when we meet.

It might have been bad for my head to be filled with such trivial thoughts while I’m in an unusual road which I’m not used to.

There were stairs.

It was already too late when I noticed.

The foot which I stepped forward fell midair.

My body full of momentum was thrown down in the air with surprising swiftness.

It hurts.

I banged my head on stone staircase several times.

In particular, the back of my head is so painful as if it’s splitting.

I dimly saw the sky as I tumbled down.

I’ll go the edge because it seems like I’ll become a hindrance in the pa.s.sage way.

For some reason, it was the first thing that came to my mind. I stood up unsteadily.

I staggered a little but it doesn’t seem like I broke any bone.

Since I fell from that kind of height, I feel like I should have some serious injury.

“Onii-chan, are you al~right? Are you alive~? Are you hurt~? Should I heal it~?”

When I tried to sit down on the lawn, a girl appeared in front of me.

She’s looking at my injuries while smiling widely.

“Leave it to Torca! Keep still, okay~?”

The girl took out something from her pocket immediately after that and started to treat my skinned knee.

“It hurts?”

“Just a little…”

She’s very reliable even though she’s just a small child, and the way she rolled the bandage with her hands is as if she’s accustomed to it.

It was really painful but I can’t whine in front of such a small child so I pretended to be tough.

“Onii-chan you’re amazing! You fell down from that kind of place but your head isn’t broken like *bang*!”

“Like bang, you say… You’re right.”

I laughed at those words from Torca, who had her big eyes opened widely like a perfect circle. Even I, thought that I wouldn’t live through that.

It’s weird but I feel like I met this kid before.

“It’s done!”

“Thanks, Torca-chan… That’s right. Have we, by any chance, met in an alley before?”

“In an alle~y? Ah! The Onii-chan from that time!”

That’s right.

She was the kid who was accosted by those men during the time Matthias and I went shopping for school supplies.

“After that, were you able to return home properly?”

“Uh-uh! That time, I was surprised so I’m sorry for running away!”

“I’m sorry for surprising you, too. Ah… I have to go now.”

We were able to meet after such a long time so I wanted to talk a little more, however I promised to meet someone today.

Once again, I stood up and expressed my grat.i.tude for the treatment.

“Onii-chan, that alley is a road prohibited for Torca-chan~ That’s why, keep it a secret okay~?”

It seems like it was prohibited by her mother because it’s dangerous, but she still used that shortcut.

‘In exchange for me keeping it a secret, don’t go there anymore,’ I left with that reminder.

She appears to live here so it’s likely that we’ll be able to meet again.

I waved my hand to my small friend while thinking of that.


“I made you wait.”

Mathias is already there in the meeting place.

It seems like he intends on disguising himself so his ident.i.ty will be hidden for the time being, but that face wearing and that deep red hair is obviously catching the eyes of the people in the surroundings.

“How did you get those injuries?! What happened?!”

“I just tumbled a little. I fell down from the stairs on the way here.”

“Su…such a thing! Is it by chance, that long stone stairway leading to the academy? From a high place like that?! I understand. I will have it take responsibility for El-sama’s injuries! I will destroy it at once! I will convey it to the person from the house on standby. Should it be the West Vern House’s prototype hammer which can destroy everything… no, it should be blown up. I will not permit even one piece of fragment to remain! And the fact the El-sama had gotten injured is also my responsibility, too! I will fall down from all the stairs in the Imperial Capital before blowing them up…”

“Yes, yes. It’s not Matthias’ fault, and also, please don’t blow up the stairs. Let’s hurry up and go shopping.”

It will never end any time soon if he’ll be left alone just like that, so I forcibly stopped him from talking.

“That is right. Please pardon me. Let us go.”

Even if he’s worrying for my sake, I still think Matthias is strange.

I inclined my head in contemplation on whether the personage Rent was talking about is really the same as this person.

“Hey, is it really here?”

“There is no doubt about it.”

The shop which Matthias guided me to was a compact single house.

I entered inside while being bewildered – there are no products displayed anywhere.

High-quality furniture similar to the ones in Matthias’ house is a.s.sembled.

If this is a shop, is this even more luxurious than the one from before?

Matthias guided me to the private room in the shop’s interior, which he entered without minding at all, so I also followed him.

“Sorry for making you wait. El-sama, Matthias-sama.”


The room had matching wooden furniture which are dark in color.

They were fully varnished in polishing wax so they appear to be somewhat wet.

A man greeted us in that room.

“It is our first meeting, El-sama. I am the one who manages the Edinnu firm, Eddinu House’s first son, Risha. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, hereafter.”

“Nice to meet you, I am El. Please treat me well.”

He appears to be the heir of this shop.

He doesn’t look that different in age when compared to Matthias.

His clothes and manner are refined even more than me, I got the impression that this is the brand of this store called Edinnu Firm.

However, even though this is a luxury story, what I want to buy today can’t be bought here.

“Well then, I will have the article brought out immediately. I will have the prestige of our firm be displayed. Even if I say so myself, it is something of supreme craftsmanship.”

“I look forward to it.” (Matthias)

A female in uniform entered the room and came behind Risha-san, then respectfully put out a tray with both of her hands. There is something like a glossy red velvet on the rectangular tray, I realized that there’s something sticking out under it. As if it’s something natural, the West Vern House’s family crest is well-drawn in the cloth.

“Thanks. This is the thing that you have requested.”

Risha-san received the white gloves from the woman and put it on his right hand at once, and then he lifted the cloth.

“This is…”

The moment I understood what was placed underneath I sharply caught my breath.

A brilliant blue knife. The blade is sharpened, and it seems like it can cut off anything it touches without resistance. Several kinds of tools which purpose I don’t know and a cloth case is lined up beside the knife, and all of them have a golden crest. A long-bodied fish valiantly ascends to the sky, giving of a golden gleam.

…It’s totally different.

I’m certain that I asked, ‘I want a cleaning equipment’.

The origin of that is because of Sora’s proposal.

“Your surroundings, may I clean it?”

During the time when we were both playing like usual in my room, he abruptly asked me that.

The people of the West Vern House are always cleaning perfectly, but it appears like it still looked dirty. I’m sure Sora extremely likes to keep things tidy. I’m the type who doesn’t mind it at all, so I told Sora he can do whatever he likes.

I thought that he will start right away, but then he said ‘I’ll do it next time’ and then left.

There’s no helping it since Sora always comes to play at night. But I feel guilty that I made him think I wanted it to be cleaned, that’s why I thought I’ll give Sora – who likes cleanliness – a cleaning equipment.

That’s why I told Matthias I want a cleaning equipment.

Then I was asked what color I like. It’s for Sora so I asked for blue. If I remember it correctly, he also asked my favorite thing. I answered animals, but he told me to be more specific. The mental image of ‘blue’ was still in my mind so what came into me was the figure of Kioran. But did my desire to say ‘dragon’ transmitted? I judged that it was impossible ad mumbled something like, ‘Its body is long, it’s large, that of sky…’ But Matthias nodded and said ‘understood’.

Did he comprehended that kind of explanation? As expected, a superior human is indeed different, I thought as I remembered it.

Mathias said that he will have it arranged, and so we arrived to what’s happening right now.

How is this a cleaning equipment!?

“I only obtained something this unusual in a coastal town from the neighboring country…”

Risha-san carefully told us what kind of jewel was used, the cloth of the case, and that it was made by only one craftsman.

Since they spent so much labor and time for this, I can’t say that this isn’t what I want. In short, accepting this knife is good as a show of grat.i.tude. Even if I have no use for it, I think it’s good as a decoration since it’s beautiful. I decided to be silent that this isn’t a cleaning equipment and accept it.

However, there’s still another problem.

I was going to buy today’s purchase by my own money.

I grasped the wallet in my pocket tightly. I received this from Lucsher-san under the reason that she got inspirations after I posed as a model.

It looks like a pouch rather than a purse and shaped like the face of an animal which is a cross between a bunny and a cat.

It’s fluffy overall and feels good to touch, its red and blue eyes made of gems are also cute so I’m pleased with it.

“Matthias, is this expensive?”

I became uneasy, I quietly asked that close to Matthias’ ears so Risha-san wouldn’t hear.

“Please do not worry about it. Besides, is there something else you want?”


Matthias is a rich person, that’s why in the first place he doesn’t seem to have any idea when it comes to buying ready-made goods.

I just experienced a rich person’s unimaginable sense and my head reeled.

“I want to buy it by myself. But I only have this much money.”

I showed the pouch which gradually became warm from the heat of my hand and appealed to Matthias.

“El-sama does not need to worry about such things.”

“No. I have to buy it myself.”

We kept on arguing for a while when Mathias suddenly said he remember something.

“I remember. El-sama has proper a.s.sets, too.”


I don’t know anything about it at all.

I never worked since I was reborn, so I never earned money.

Even if I earn any money, I don’t think I can buy something like this even if I work throughout my whole life.

“That is so. Previously, there was a man who always pained my heart every time I see him, since he reminds me of El-sama. He placed a.s.sets under El-sama’s name as cost of apology for that incident.”

I knew it immediately – there’s no doubt that that man is an embezzler.

“I can pay with that?”

“Yes. I charged an ample amount. Though his crime is not something that money can compensate, I think the properties of that man who is lower than trash, is useful enough. At any rate, I cannot forgive myself. If El-sama gives me permission right now, this life will be…”

“I get it, I get it. I will use that.”

“Fufufu… Matthias is…”

Suddenly, Risha-san’s laughter resounded in the room.


“So-sorry. Wait a moment, I want to laugh… what to do? Kuku…”

“Risha, what is it?”

He’s holding his stomach with one hand, and the other is placed on the desk for support. Matthias knit his eyebrows when he saw this. I was surprised with how different he is from his appearance a while ago.

“Risha, what is the matter?”

“It ‘s my first time seeing Matthias losing composure like that, it’s amusing.”

When Matthias saw my blank look, he explained it to me.

“The truth is, Risha and I were cla.s.smates. It is not that I intentionally hid it, but because he is unusually serious about work and I myself just matched the pace…”

“Is that so?”

“There isn’t any news at all about Matthias recently, so I just had to be the one in-charge when the urgent request arrived. To see something that amusing, I’m pleased! Very pleased!”

Risha-san showed a smile that extends over his whole face.

The three of us talked about trivial things for a while, and then the time to leave the store came.

“If there is something you desire, please come by the Edinnu Firm.”

Risha-san returned to his previous manner when he saw us off. After seeing me talk with Matthias, his manner changed as he laugh under his breath while saying, ‘Come again.’

[Third Person POV]

“Matthias, wait.”

The laughing expression of Risha from before suddenly became serious, and he pulled Mathias’ arm with a jerk, just as he was about to follow El.


Matthias asks with a somewhat suspicious expression.

“That… Is that really alright? Someone like you should know it, only someone with the blood of the royal family is allowed to use that ‘blue’.”

“I already handed beforehand the doc.u.ments of approval from the King himself. There is no problem at all. As for those doc.u.ments, I want you to have it. It is possible that we will use it again.”

“That crest, too… is that matter fine?”

“Yes, it is. That is what El-sama wished for. You can say he never chose it until now. Even if it becomes public, I am a gentleman of a caliber who is capable of using that crest for El-sama.”

Matthias finished speaking without a piece of doubt.

“That age and features, the hair color is different but could that child be Sun Princess’ son? I heard a rumor that she died at childbirth but why is it not revealed? Why was his existence erased?”

“…I have confidence in you so I will trust you.”

You should not be involved in this matter any deeper.

“I understand. I will keep the doc.u.ments. I will stop meddling into this situation any further. I will manage the doc.u.ments such that no one will see it.”

“Thank you. The day when everything about El-sama will be revealed will come sometime soon.”

Risha didn’t answer, however, he quietly watched the friend he didn’t see for a long time.


Matthias had a puzzled expression.

“It’s nothing. I understood everything. Pardon me for keeping you. When you didn’t follow earlier, your little Master already walked to the direction that is entirely different from the way home. See?”

“El-sama!? Risha, you’re welcome to drop by my house anytime you’re free.”

Matthias chased after El’s small back as he said those parting words.

“I’m glad. You became more interesting than you were in the old days.”

Risha muttered that and turned his back around.


On the way back, I was fascinated by the things in the town.

“Should I buy this…?”

It’s a hair ornament with a flower motif.

Every time the sunlight hits the lamé, it shines with sparkles.

I thought that it’s perfect for Shenryl as soon as I saw it.

We never talked personally, but perhaps, we will get along if I gave her a souvenir from the town.

When I looked around me, I saw some girls took similar hair ornaments to the one I have in my hand.

“Excuse me. Please give me this.”

It’s embarra.s.sing for a man to buy something like this, so I told the cute shop a.s.sistant while giving off an atmosphere that I was asked by my sister to buy it for her.

“One silver coin and five copper coins.”

I took out one of the coins from my pouch and handed it over while standing on tiptoes with all my might.

I don’t know how to count the money here, but when I asked Matthias, he told me this would suffice.

When the shop a.s.sistant saw the coin, she carefully received it and then ran to the interior of the shop in panic. I got impatient and thought internally whether I handed the wrong money.

“Please pardon me for making you wait!!”

After waiting for a moment, the one who came out with the change wasn’t the cute shop a.s.sistant from before, but an old man.

I am not pleased if such an old man will give the change and not the cute shop a.s.sistant…

While I was thinking about that, he presented his hand with overflowing coins.

When I gently received it so they won’t fall, the old man looked fl.u.s.tered.

“I will receive the change.”

I can’t hold all the coins so Matthias took over.

“It’s no good. It won’t fit any further.”

The moment we left the store and went outside where there are only a few people, I sighed as I stuffed the change into the pouch. In spite of using both my hands to tightly pack the coins,  there are still a lot of copper and silver coins left in Matthias’ hands.

“It appears like it will break if you put in more coins. Let’s place the remainder in the mansion.”


Just as Mathias said, it was clear that the purse had already reached its limit.

The coins transformed its shape, and the cute animal’s face became rugged.

“Here. Let’s go home. Turn the carriage.”


A man appeared out of nowhere after Matthias snapped his fingers.

When Matthias handed over the remaining change, it quickly disappeared somewhere.

Unlike at the beginning, I am not surprised anymore.

It already sank deeply into my mind – Matthias is a genuine rich person.

A lot of attendants follow even though it’s just shopping at the town.

Even our shopping a while ago is also the same. It was a different person who kept the knife.

Do rich people never buy anything by themselves?

‘As expect, huh?’ I nodded my head in secret as I thought that, while sneakily placing the hair ornament inside my bag.

This thought never hit me until I received my New Year’s money recently.

His sense of money doesn’t appear to be something that can be easily changed.

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