
In the SkyMu building


Yve had a busy day and she just finished the meeting with their trainers. They are going to hold the quarterly performance tests for all the trainees and the rookie groups. Since there was a major revision in the curriculum, the trainers also proposed a different exam which was the reason behind their long meeting.

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It"s four in the afternoon and Yve is getting tired but still she needs to review the plan for SkyMu"s financial problem. Aside from Vince"s idea, she wasn"t able to look for another solution. As she finished her lesson earlier, she tried to discover new things through the books given to her by the tutors.

Then she heard a knock on her door and Sylvan came in.

"Ms. Yve, your dinner with the investors will be at 7. I reserved the VIP room in your favorite j.a.panese restaurant." Sylvan informed her.

"Why the j.a.panese restaurant?"

"These people love j.a.panese food and based on my research, when the late Mr. Smith was the CEO, they would often meet in that restaurant."

"For business meetings?" Yve asked.

"Not always. Slayne is now investigating more but based on his initial report, these people are the closest friends of your father. They were the first batch of investors and have remained the same." Sylvan reported.

Yve sighed and ma.s.saged her temple and asked, "Sylvan, do you think I can trust them?"

"It"s too early to tell, Ms. Yve."

"Stay with me during the meeting, okay?"

"Yes, Ms. Yve. In the meantime, I think you should rest. You look tired. I will wake you up when it"s time to go." Sylvan suggested.

"Then I guess I will accept that offer then." Yve said and walked towards the secret room in her office.

Recently, Vince told Sylvan to have it remodeled with a room inside where she can sleep and rest. This happened while she was staying at the hospital. Vince explained to her that since he can"t stop her from working, might as well have a place inside where she can relax a little bit. Knowing that it has been done already, Yve has no choice but to compromise.

Inside the room, she smiled as she remembered when Sylvan told her that it was Vince who personally designed this place and picked the necessary furniture. She went to bed and instantly fell asleep.


Vince"s office


"Edward, I"ll let you handle the necessary preparations. I think you already know who should be disposed first." Vince instructed Edward on the phone.

"Should I do it immediately?"

"No. Do it tomorrow morning and have tomorrow"s evening news feast on it."Vince ordered.

"Bro, you know that whoever we release tomorrow, SkyMu"s stocks and the entire Stones Group will be affected." Edward said.

"Yes. I know that. But SkyMu will be fine. I will make the necessary preparations tonight."

"Got it. But are you okay, Vince?"

"Yes. Don"t worry. I"ll call you back when I need you back."

"Thank you, bro."

"No problem. Don"t forget to take care of yourself, okay?"

"You, too."

Back at the SkyMu, Sylvan has decided to wake Yve up. Soon, they"re on the way to the restaurant with Sylvan and Chrysthe as well.


In the j.a.panese restaurant


They arrive at the restaurant and upon asking for their reserved room, the staff said that the people they were meeting are already there. When they heard that, Sylvan told them to prepare the pre-ordered food immediately.

The door opened inside the restaurant and the three gentlemen inside stood up.

"Ms. Yve, thank you for accepting our invitation and for preparing this as well." One of the men said.

"Yes, it certainly brought us back to the past." The other man said.

"Yes, and your eyes reminded me of your father." The woman in her 40s said.

"Thank you as well. I"m also interested to hear what you all have to say so please let"s have our seats." Yve said and gestured them to sit down.

"Ms. Yve, I think it would be best if we at least introduce ourselves to you. I"m Mr. Leonard Yu and this is my wife, s.h.i.+ela. That man over there is Richard Nakamura."

"Hmm.. I suppose those are your English names?" Yve asked.

"Yes. It"s easier for everyone to address us when they use our English names." s.h.i.+ela said.

"You don"t need to worry about us. We"re really your father"s friend and we"re quite aware of what is happening with the Stones Enterprises." Richard added.

"What do you mean?" Yve asked.

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