Yve and Vince became busy after they have formalized the engagement. Vince is focusing his attention to Stones Enterprises while Edward mainly handles the regular projects of Gray Group. Yve, on the other hand, is acting out the plans she had for SkyMu since the financial problem was already solved thanks to the Gray Group.

At night, they would lie down beside each other but still continue to do their own tasks. Vince reviews Edward"s activities and gives instructions for the next day while Yve is busy studying for the upcoming entrance examination.

Even though Vince is looking forward to plan the wedding as soon as possible, but with Yve"s focus on her education, he can"t seem to find the courage to do so. He silently decided to ask after the examination which will happen next month.

Maddie heard that her son romantically proposed to Yve and can"t wait for their wedding. Coincidentally, it would be time for her annual wedding collection fas.h.i.+on show. With her son"s wedding, she became more and more inspired to create designs that the couple would like.

Each one of them is busy with their respective task while some are lost in their own sins. Airis is being fed in the mental inst.i.tution"s cafeteria when she saw the news report on Vince and Yve"s press conference. She listened as the news highlighted some of the indirect confessions the couple gave to each other. Unknowingly, her tears began to fall from her eyes that shocked the nurse who"s watching over her.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Airis are you okay?" The nurse asked.

But instead of answering her, she just said, "You have finally won. You must be happy now."

Amidst their busy schedules, Maddie took a day off to spend a little time with her daughter-in-law. So without any notice, she visited Yve at SkyMu.

"Ms. Yve, Mdm. Maddie is here." Sylvan said.

"Mom?!" Yve exclaimed but when she recovered, she said "Let her in."

Then as he was ordered Sylvan allowed Maddie inside Yve"s office. The daughter-in-law stood up and welcomed Maddie.

"Mom!!" Yve said as she hugged the woman.

"Oh… someone is so busy and now is missing me." Maddie teased Yve.

"I"m sorry, mom. I"m guilty as charged." Yve confessed.

"So how"s the wedding preparations going?" Maddie asked.

"Wedding preparations?"

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