This Time You Are Mine

Chapter 174: 174

Publishedat 20th of October 2019 10:55:04 AMChapter 174: 174

Advertis.e.m.e.nt Days after the exam, Yve decided to focus on her work as the CEO of SkyMu and finalizing the plans for the surprise wedding .

Vince also makes sure to come home and sleep with her despite his busy schedules . He still needs to convince the local small time investors of Stones Enterprises . However, contradictory to the previous meetings, everything goes well according to what they want .

"Edward, I want you to investigate something . " Vince said as he continuously checks his computer for the changes in the stock price of Stones . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"What would that be?"

"Identify what or who would be the reason for the positive att.i.tude of the local investors . I want to plan ahead of time . This person might have a hidden agenda . I want to be fully prepared . " Vince explained .

Instead of giving an answer, he swallowed his non-existing saliva . When he told Sylvan of the positive news the night of the examination day, Sylvan told him that Yve already sent the invitations . From then @@

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