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Chapter 196

Finally, it was time to hand over the gifts . To begin it, Yve stood up on the stage holding a microphone . Everyone looked at her curiously waiting for her to announce the surprise .

"Ladies and Gentlemen" She begins .

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence today . This celebration marks another year to the man I loved the most next to my father . " She continued her speech . While saying the last phrase, she looked earnestly at the eyes of the birthday boy .

 "He"s the man who endlessly cared for me even though I left him years ago .   Back then, I was a fool to believe the words of the people who lied to me and my father . " The people she mentioned didn"t need to be named for them to know who they were .

 "I am lucky to have him in my life once more . Unknown to all of you, I was scared to show my face to him as I fully acknowledged how I hurt him . Despite all of this, he pursued me and made me realize that when you love someone you just need to risk it all . As the newspapers had published, Vince and I became husband and wife legally . " Yve continued her speech .

Her sincere words filled the entire ballroom and unknown to him, tears started to fall down . Only his Queen can make him cry like this .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"What is she trying to say?" Vince thought at that moment .

Yve continues her speech as she walks down the stage .

"On this special day, in front of the people special to us and with all of the important business partners, I would present the best present I could think of . I would like to ask the guests to follow the staff . "

With this cue, Edward drags Vince outside and brings him to a room where his wedding suit is waiting . As the guests leave the ballroom, Yve goes to another to change with Maddie and Nyelle helping her . Haru, with some help from Emika, took command of the kitchen staff . The members of Team Alpha also took their positions with at least one of them guarding the family and the special guests .

When Vince entered the room and saw a mannequin wearing the wedding suit, he instantly knew what Yve"s gift was . He turned around to look at his cousin .

"Yes, your brain is correct . Yve planned your birthday to be your wedding date as well . Your mother, Haru, and the entire team helped her prepare everything without you knowing . " Edward explained .

However, it seemed like Vince didn"t hear the remaining words . Only the fact that today is also their wedding day as well as that Yve planned everything remained in his mind .

Inside the bride"s room, Yve tightly clasped her hand just above her chest . She can clearly hear her heartbeats . They were fast and erratic and she definitely knew the reason – she was nervous and excited .

"Yve, stop worrying so much . I bet my son is smiling like an idiot in his room . Besides we don"t have enough time to idly stand here . " Maddie said as she mouthed her staff to help Yve dress up .

With so many a.s.sistants helping her, she finished dressing up . Within 15 minutes, she was able to go to the hotel"s garden where the guests are waiting . In contrast to the traditional wedding, Yve wanted to wait for Vince on the aisle . So the groom will be the last one to walk the aisle .

When the wedding coordinator announced her arrival, all of them turned their heads and were rendered speechless by Yve"s beauty .   Her hair was styled the same way and her make-up was retouched but what caught their attendance was the beautiful wedding gown .

Her gown is a mixture of silk and lace which made it a traditional one . What made it elegant are the elegant blue lace and instead of the usual sequences, it seemed like artificial blue gems were used .   The gowns upper hemline is of tube design with a choker made of the same material . It also seemed like she has a coat which begins at the end of each shoulder . Then it fells at the back to give credit to her beautiful curves emphasized by the corset . Then like all the gowns, this coat became which measures about 6 feet long .

"As expected!"

"Maddie must have designed that gown . "

"Not only that gown . I think all the gowns and suits in the entourage are designed by her . "

"I can"t wait to see the suit of the groom as well as his reaction for this wedding . "

Both the video grapher and photographer were busy taking videos and photos of not only the bride and the groom but as well as the guests . The reporter and journalist a.s.signed were also busy observing all their reactions .

"What an extraordinary wedding… . " They all thought .

"But certainly depicts the couple – they are really a couple that loves to surprise the world . "

On cue, the musician began to play the song with the wedding coordinator announcing the entrance of the bride followed by her maid of honor . The guests and the media are both shocked by the extraordinary set-up .

As the song continues, Eybelle, the flower girl walks the aisle wearing one of Maddie"s exclusive designs . Eybelle is already old to be considered as a flower girl but her baby face and height betrayed her . Next in line are the bride"s maids which comprises of Rose, Hyacinth and some other staff of Maddie and from Vince"s base .

Then the wedding coordinator announced the arrival of the groom . Once more the people were silenced but this time, by the groom . Everyone knew him as the stiff and strict-looking yet handsome CEO but now he looks like a Prince .

"Oh no! The Prince has found his Princess and sad to say, it isn"t me . "

"I heard from the news what Yve had to go through, but my! The heavens are trying to make it up to her . "

"When will I find my own prince?!"

 The ladies who are the daughters or dates of the invited guests were filled with envy and best wishes for the couple .

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