The following morning, Yve woke up earlier than Vince since she fell asleep at an earlier time as well. She turned her body around to see Vince sleeping beside her.

"Good morning." She whispered before quietly getting out of the bed. She headed to the bathroom to wash her face and change into her gym clothes.

Soon, she was out of their room. She wanted to jog around the premises just to keep herself fit. She"s aware of the bodyguards around her but she doesn"t mind as long as they"re not out in the open. After running a lap in the entire vicinity of the hotel, she returned to their room. When she checked the time, it was still a bit early for Vince to wake up. So she didn"t bother to wake him up. She headed once more to the bathroom and took a bath. Wearing her casual clothes, she headed to the kitchen.

When she arrived there, the kitchen staff was a bit busy so when they saw her, they were a bit shocked.

"Good morning, Young Madam." They all greeted her.

"There"s no need to call me Young Madam. Still, good morning." She said.

The head of the kitchen staff walked closer to her and asked,

"What can we do for you?"

"I just want to borrow your kitchen again. I want to cook for Vince again. No need to worry, I"m now familiar with the tools so I can handle everything on my own. Just go on with preparing breakfast for the guests." Yve politely said.

"Thank you very much for the understanding, Young Madam. Then, please use the kitchen as you deem fit." The head of the kitchen staff said and bid farewell to Yve as he continues his work.

Yve wanted to cook a j.a.panese styled breakfast for the two of them. But it has been awhile since the last time she cooked j.a.panese dishes. She"s quite not sure if would taste good. Nevertheless, she prepared the ingredients and placed them on top of the table she used before. She sliced and cut the ingredients according to her memory. Then an idea hit her, why not call Haru.

She was about to do that when she realized that she forgot her phone. As she was to go back to the room, Chrysthe showed up.

"Chrysthe!" She exclaimed.

"Young Madam, good morning. I believed you need this?" Chrysthe said and handed her phone to her.

"Thanks, Chrysthe." She expressed her grat.i.tude to the young man.

"You"re always welcome. But Young Madam, I would ask you to always bring your phone with you. Primo will definitely worry if he can"t reach you." Chrysthe reminded his Lady Boss.

"I know. I"m sorry. It just slipped my mind." Yve apologized and as soon as she turned around, she dialed Haru"s number.

"Yes, Miss Yve? What"s with this early morning call?"Haru asked.

"I would like your help in cooking a simple j.a.panese breakfast." Yve said.

"Then let"s turn on the video so I can supervise you well." Haru instructed.

Soon, Yve is about to finish cooking. She then asked Haru,

"Aren"t you going to ask me about these dishes?"

"That will be your breakfast, right? My friend will eat that food so it has to be delicious." Haru remarked.

"Of course, it will be."

"The dishes look fine in this camera. Now, it"s up to you to try them out and continue the adjustment." Haru reminded her.

"Okay. I"ll take it from here. Thank you very much." Yve said and ended the video call.

Yve tasted the dishes and prepared the plates and other things to bring the food to their room. Shortly, Yve found herself placing the food in their dining table inside their room. She a bit surprised when a person suddenly hugged her from behind.

"Where did you this time?" Vince asked her with his mouth close to her ear.

"I jogged around the area then cooked this breakfast." Yve calmly answered and completed the table set up.

"Hmmm, I see. You"re really observant. I mentioned the food last night and you remembered." Vince complemented her.

"No. I should have noticed a lot earlier. I let you suffer long enough." Yve said.

"Now, let"s eat." She added and pushed Vince to take his seat.

"Okay. There"s no need to push me. I will definitely eat the food that you cook for me." Vince said as he finally took his seat.

Quietly and feeling a lot more nervous than usual, Yve sat down on the seat opposite to him. She waited for Vince to taste the food. As soon as her partner took a bite of the food, she waited for his feedback but instead of hearing words, Vince continued to eat.

"Why aren"t you eating?" Vince asked.

"Is it delicious?" Yve gently asked.

"Seriously?! You haven"t eaten anything just because I didn"t give any comment to these dishes?"

"Of course! I haven"t cooked j.a.panese dishes in a while so I"m afraid that they might not be delicious as it seems."

"But my actions say otherwise. I love these foods." Vince said.


"Yes, they"re very delicious. I would love to eat more of the dishes you cook but I don"t want you to keep on waking up early either." Vince continued his praises which cause Yve to blush.

"I will keep that in mind then." Yve finally said.

With that, they once again calmly ate their breakfast. After which the couple prepared themselves to go to their respective work.

The couple enjoyed their morning unaware that they made it to headlines once more with their speeches in the acceptance ceremony at St. Michael"s the day prior. Most of the people loved the news still; there were people who hated it.

"Just you wait, Vincent! I"ll take my time getting everything from you." Steve murmured to himself as the morning news featuring the couple was just finished.

"The headlines and front cover should be mine! I"ll make sure you will have a rough life at school, Yvory. What Jennie wants, she always gets."

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