Just like that the days pa.s.sed by and it was the last Sunday prior to Yve"s first day of school in a while. Vince promised that he will spend the day with her but an emergency in France prevented him from doing so. Vince was a bit agitated by this but can"t do anything. He wanted to wake the sleeping Yve beside him and tell her personally what happened. But after seeing her face, peacefully sleeping, he went against the idea. He decided to leave a note instead.

That morning, Yve was woken up when she felt no one beside her when she turned her body around. She admitted to herself that she"s used to having Vine beside her when sleeping. She opened her eyes and looked at the alarm clock beside the bed. It was still 5 in the morning. She stood up and woke around the suite but didn"t find him.

It was not until she went to the dining table that she noticed the note beside her breakfast.

"My Queen,

By the time you read this, I"m already on the plane. I"m sorry for not informing you personally. There was an emergency and I have to go to France today. I know I promised to spend the day with you but I just have to be there. Don"t worry as I will come back as soon as I address the situation. Nevertheless, Sylvan and Chrysthe will be there to watch over you.

Lastly, I might not be able to drive you to school tomorrow. You can call Nyelle instead and my Team already knows the protocol.

I"m very sorry.

Love you.

Your King."

Yve smiled when she read the words, "Love You" but it was immediately replaced as she recalled the word emergency.

"What kind of emergency will it be?"

Knowing that Edward must have accompanied Vince and that they"re still on the way to France, Yve erased the thought of giving them a call. Instead, she dialled Sylvan"s number.

"Yes, Miss?"

"Where are you?"

"I"m in the base. Is there anything you need?"

"Do you have any idea on what emergency happened in France?" Yve asked without flowering her words. Concern is clear from her tone.

On the other hand, Sylvan looked at the rest of Team Alpha. With the exception of Chrysthe, all of them are in the office trying to help their Boss with the emergency. Without Yve"s knowledge, her call was connected to a speaker enough for all of them to hear her question, even Vince and Edward heard it through the satellite phone.

Just then, they both received an order from Vince.

"I give you permission to lie to her."

With this, Sylvan gathered his thoughts. While he was doing that, Yve already knew that something is clearly wrong and they"re trying to hide it from her. Acting as if she was waiting for the response, she got her laptop and searched for possible lead. She keyed in some of the Gray Group"s subsidiary companies. Then an article got her attention.

" The Famous Designer, Maddie, Absent in Paris Fas.h.i.+on Week"

Without any second thoughts, Yve clicked the article and read the details. At the same time, Sylvan spoke on the other end. Yve set him on speaker mode as she focused on reading the article.

"Miss, I don"t have an idea on the emergency. It might have something to do with one of the sub companies of Gray Group." Sylvan lied.

When she heard the lie, she instantly knew that they were communicating with Vince and the real reason is Maddie"s disappearance. She was furious about this and said,

"Hmm…. When did Gray Group had a sub company named Maddie?! I have an idea on what is really happening. Care to spill the beans already?!" She said.

"....." Sylvan didn"t dare to utter a word as he"s waiting for an order from Vince.

Just then, Vince decided to call Yve on her social media account. Yve calmly responded to Sylvan.

"I"ll now talk to your boss but know that I"m deeply hurt by your lie."


"Why do you have to lie?"

"I don"t want you to worry."

"Don"t you know that by doing so you"re making me worry more?"

"I"m sorry." Vince uttered.

"Sorry for what?"

"For lying and for keeping this from you."

"..." Yve didn"t respond because she was waiting for Vince to remember the promise he made about keeping secrets.

"I know I promise not to keep you in the dark anymore. It"s just a habit of mine." Vince reflected on his actions deeply.

Hearing Yve"s angry tone and frustration, Vince instantly knew that it would ruin their relations.h.i.+p and possibly put others in harm"s way especially both of them have the means to fill in their curiosity and discover the truth.

Vince heard a deep sigh on the other end before he heard her question.

"So what did you find out about Maddie?"

"No clues yet." Vince truthfully answered but hearing no reaction, not even a word from his Queen, he felt the need to add more details.

"Slayne was only able to put the possible events prior to her absence to the event. Other than that, there are no clues." He explained.

"What"s your plan?"

"Use that hypothesis to investigate and come up with the continuation." Vince said.

"I see. Tell Slayne to send me a copy of the hypothesis and you will also be doing the same." Yve said continuously not allowing any room for discussion.

Finally she said to him, "Let me help. I want to do anything I can to help because she"s the only mother I have left in this world. Please let me."

Vince can"t possibly turn her down now, not when he fully know how precious Yve treats his mother.

"Okay. But promise me not compromise your health and other priorities such as studies and SkyMu." Vince said.

"I will. Promise me that you will also take care of yourself and no more secrets, okay?"

"I promise." Vince said and thought to himself that this time it would be real. He will uphold all the promises he made and will make to his Queen.

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