The door opened and Yve saw her team member, smiling at her. She returned it with a greeting and said, "Hi guys!"

"h.e.l.lo, Yve!" They all greeted back and Yve sat on the chair in the middle.

They all took a seat after Yve did while Sylvan calmly stands behind and activated the communication device so the rest of the team can easily hear them.

"I know you have a lot of questions but I would like you guys to hear me out first before you begin." Yve started as she clearly saw the looks on their faces.

 "This is my secretary, Sylvan and I"m currently managing SkyMu."

"Yve, this is a cla.s.s project. I don"t think we will need your secretary." One of their team members said.

"I have some meetings which I can"t cancel so in those times, Sylvan here will take over my place. So let"s begin?" Yve asked them as a sign that they can start their project.

 "Before we formally begin, I want to ask you a question." Lester calmly asked.

"Go ahead." Yve encouraged him knowing that even her husband trusts the newspaper company his dad manages.

"You didn"t confirm nor deny that you"re the president of SkyMu. However based on how the receptionist accommodated us as soon as she saw the card you gave us, would be safe to a.s.sume that you"re indeed the one?" Lester inquired.

"You"re question is a big vague, Lester. Seeing your faces, I guess we can"t move on to the topic at hand until I answer that question?" Yve calmly responded.

"I guess you can say that." The girls answered and voiced out that they"re indeed waiting for an answer.

"Okay. Indeed, I am the new president of this company." Yve confirmed and witnessed the change in her team mates faces. They looked like kids who are eyeing their idol in from of them.

"But I want it as a secret, for NOW." Yve emphasized the last word enough for all of them to understood what she meant.

"But how long are you going to keep it a secret?"

"Just until the company gets a major success." Yve answered.

"One that would raise the curiosity of all from entertainment to business world…." Lester added.

"He is a good journalist. Indeed. Just like his father." Sylvan commented.

"Okay, I got it. I"ll sniff around and silence them just in case." Lester offered his help.

"Thanks but will you do it for free?"

"Not exactly."

"I want an exclusive for our newspaper in case you decided to." Lester bartered.

"Of course. Your father is highly recommended by Mr. Gray. Yve casually answered and their meeting for their project actually began.

"Miss Yve, I need to leave now." Sylvan asked permission.

"Thanks. Please inform the cafeteria on your way that I would need some snacks and drinks." Yve ordered.

"Got it, Miss." Sylvan left the group to attend one of the meetings upstairs.

"That was really cool!" One of their team members exhaled as she recalled how Sylvan calmly followed the orders and left.

"He"s quite a catch." Lester remarked.

"You think so?" Yve asked.

"As a secretary for you, that"s what I think."

Yve smirked and responded. "That"s true. He"s very efficient."

Amidst their tasks, Yve and her team were able to squeeze in some gossips making them loose track of time. To remind them, knocks on the door stopped them in their tracks as a kitchen staff came in with a tray of snacks.

"Miss Yve, I"m not sure what would your visitors like to drink and eat so we prepared the best of the snacks we have and I prepared a kettle of tea, a kettle of coffee, a pitcher of juice with the additional."

"Thank you very much. I"m sure our guests would love them. By the way, we will be eating our lunch here as well. So please prepare my favorites enough for all of us at the usual time." Yve ordered with a smile.

"Of course. Then I"ll leave now to start the preparation." The kitchen staff left the room after she placed the snack on their table and neatly arranged the drinks on their farther side avoiding their papers and laptops.

"Wow! These treats are great! Not too bland nor sweet." Lester complemented.

"But wouldn"t it be bad for the artists or trainees if these are available at your cafeteria?"

"All of the treats and dishes are made with fewer calories and less sugar content yet healthy by our chefs. They were also verified and further personalized by our resident nutritionist." Yve calmly answered as one of them took note of it with her laptop.

"Extra mile! Why would you do that? I believe the trainees and artists knew that they will have to do this if they want to be a star."

"I know that but I still want them to enjoy the simple things like sweets. After their days work or long series of tours, they deserve to be happy and believe me, sweets would usually make the cut." Yve explained.

 Her friends nod in agreement as they can"t help but indulge themselves in the food served to them.

 "But I limit the amount they are allowed to eat as well as the frequency." Yve informed them.

They were almost done with the initial paperwork as well as their goals for the next activities they will do in the company when Sylvan opened the door.

"Sylvan…" Yve noticed the man as he came almost running to her,

"Miss, it"s time for your meeting. I"m sorry that I just came back, earlier commitment got delayed."

"It"s fine. Just report it to me later; In the meantime, you know what to do with this team." Yve instructed Sylvan who responded with a nod.

Yve looked at her cla.s.smates and said, "I need to be at the meeting for now. Sylvan, here, will guide you through the building. I might be back in time for lunch. But no need to worry, you can ask Sylvan and he can give you the answers you need."

"How about if we have questions for the people around here?" Lester asked in behalf of the team.

"Sylvan will give you a rundown on the rules and regulations. Any other questions?" Yve asked as she made sure the folder she needs for her next meeting.


"I"ll them in your hands now, Sylvan. " Yve said and went out.

Sylvan whispered to the team, "She"s alone on her way up. Take care of her and that"s an absolute order."

"Copy that." They all responded and moved to their respective places as what they have planned in the meeting earlier.

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