It was already 3 in the morning when Vince arrived home. As he pa.s.sed by the living room, he found his wife there sleeping uncomfortably. Yve fell asleep while studying in the living room. So she was sitting on the floor with her head on the table. Vince approached her sleeping wife. He brushed some of strands of her hair to look at her face.It was already 3 in the morning when Vince arrived home. As he pa.s.sed by the living room, he found his wife there sleeping uncomfortably. Yve fell asleep while studying in the living room. So she was sitting on the floor with her head on the table. Vince approached her sleeping wife. He brushed some of strands of her hair to look at her face.

"I"m sorry for not making it to dinner." Vince apologized in his mind. 

Carefully he carried his wife by placing her hands around his neck as his arms wrap around Yve"s back and legs.


"Yes, it"s me. Don"t bother waking up. Just sleep. I will carry you to bed." Vince looked at his wife who attempts to open her eyes to see the person who was carrying her.

Vince gently placed Yve on the bed and kissed her forehead.

As Vince pulled away, Yve murmured,"Where are you going?"

 Vince smiled as his wife longed for him and whispered close to her ears, "I"ll just take a quick shower and change my clothes. I"ll be back before you know it."

 "Hmm..." Confirming that her husband wasn"t leaving, Yve closed her eyes and tried to sleep. 

However, Yve found her attempts to be futile. When she heard the sound of shower from their bathroom, Yve fully opened her eyes to glance at the clock on their bedside table. 


She exclaimed after noticing how late Vince arrived.

"Is the company in trouble? Or maybe Stones? Did my project possibly affect the perfomance of the two corporations?" Yve"s thoughts ran wild.

Yve gave up her sleep and decided to ask Vince about the problem the company is facing. As soon as Vince finished his shower, he saw his wife anxiously waiting for him while seating on the bed.

"Why aren"t you asleep?" Vince asked his wife.

But instead of receiving an answer, Yve asked her back. "Is everything alright?" 

Vince approached his wife and sat on his side of the bed. He placed his arm around Yve"s shoulders making the latter put her head on his chest. Yve can hear the steady heartbeat of her husband and smell the fresh mint scent, his body wash. Vince was informed that Yve looked for him. Chrysthe also reported the lie he made to calm Yve. 

Now, that he was able to finalize the plan against the person behind his mother"s kidnapping and everything is going as planned, Vince thought that it"s time for him to tell the truth to Yve. After all, he promised he will not keep any secrets to his wife. There is nothing to worry for now and he felt that his wife deserves nothing but the truth.

"Vince?" Yve"s voice brought him back to the present. 

"I have something to show. Can you come with me to the study room?" Vince asked as he stood up from the bed. 

"Is it really that serious?" Yve asked back as she followed Vince towards the study room. 

By now, the night sky and day sky are fighting for dominance. When they reach the room, Vince pulled Yve causing the latter to sit on his lap while he sits on his chair in front of his laptop."

Open the brown envelope on top." Vince instructed. 

Yve did as instructed and when she saw the contents she looked back at her husband. Her face wants to confirm that she"s allowed to read the contents and know what happened to her mother-in-law. Vince didn"t fail her as the man nodded his head and embraced her. As Yve read the files, there were times that her tears would fall and knowing she would react that way, Vince instantly used his hands to wipe them away. Finally, Yve reached the final page of the report which shocked her the most.  The conclusion of the report was written in bold and capital letters,


Yve neatly placed the papers back inside the envelope and tried to look at her husband. However, the tight embrace of Vince stopped her from doing so. Felt that Mr. Gray won"t stop anytime soon, Yve decided to ask retaining the same position."Are you sure about this?"


 "So what are you going to do now?" Yve further asked and to show her the answer, Vince opened his computer and accessed the plan he has for Steve. Yve looked at how detailed the plan is as well as the progress reports received. Everything seemed to be according to the plan. Still, what she saw wasn"t the end, she looked at Vince and asked for confirmation to scroll down. Once again, she was approved and she accessed the plan and read the details.

Yve remained silent after she read the plans and reports. Many things were running on her mind. If Steve can be as evil as this, then Jenny wasn"t different after all. His husband was honest to tell her something like this but how about her.

Her silence on the other hand is killing Vince. 

"Is she mad at me?"

"Is she afraid of me now?"

His impatience eating the most of him, Vince called out to his wife,"Yve, why are you so quiet? Can you please talk to me?" 

"Yes?" Yve finally answered but unsure of of what to say.

"What do you think? Do you hate me now? Are you afraid of me now?" Vince hugged her wife tightly once more; making sure she can"t run away. 

"Mr. Gray, it"s nothing like what you"re thinking. They hurt you by hurting Mom and you"re just getting even with them. I don"t see anything wrong with that." Yve comforted him by placing her hands above his. 

"Then why were you quiet?" Vince asked which left Yve unsure once more.

"Should I tell him already?" 

"Before I answer your question, did Edward left the at the same time as you?"


"I see. Vince, I have some secrets that I would like to share with you. Will you come with me to hear me out as well?" Yve"s tone sounded so serious and her stiffness alerted Vince as well. 

"I will not force you to share it with me just because I shared mine. Admitting that you have something right now is okay with me." Vince consoled her.

"No! I need to tell you this. It might have something to do with Mom"s kidnapping." Yve began her confession. 

When Vince suddenly loosened his grasp, Yve took this chance to stand up.

She turned around at Vince and said,"I know it"s still early and you might want to sleep but I there"s somewhere we need to go to; at least before I change my mind."Yve remarked and went out. 

Vince was left inside the study room deep in his thoughts but as soon as he heard his wife"s footsteps going up the stairs, he stood up and followed her as well. 

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