This Time You Are Mine

Chapter 269: 269

Publishedat 10th of May 2020 01:35:04 PM
Chapter 269: 269
When Jenny left the room, her cla.s.smates inside were congratulating Yve and her team for their amazing performance . They were also asking the members about SkyMu"s new president . But since Yve told them ahead of time to keep it a secret so their cla.s.smates failed to get any information from them .  

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Meanwhile Jenny finds herself in one of the toilet cubicles . She can"t help but cry in frustration .

"Why is Yve always one step ahead of me?" She asked herself .

"I"ve work hard for this project but still she got the better score!" 

However, she stopped uttering words when she heard food steps towards her .

"Yve is really the best in everything . Don"t you agree?"

"I do . She"s also very simple and accommodating . " 

"Although she seemed to be a busy person so we can"t go out with her after school . "

"But I think we can try . " 

Three girls were gossiping to each other while was.h.i.+ng their hands . Jenny, who can"t help but hear them, was getting more furious as they continue to talk about Yve . The next sentences made her more furious .

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"They say that Jenny is as good as Yve but I don"t think so . " 

"I agree . Yve was way smarter than her . "

"You bet! All our cla.s.smates will agree especially after the presentation earlier . " 

Jenny couldn"t take it anymore and pushed the door open .  

"Instead of talking about others, you should worry about yourselves first especially with a test coming at 4th period . " Jenny smirked and elegantly brushed her hair before leaving the restroom .  

As soon as she wasn"t in the site of the girls, she wiped her tears that have dried .  

"Yve you got lucky at the second period . But we will see during the test . It"s an individual effort after all . " Jenny thought as she walked back to their cla.s.sroom .  

The students returned to their seats thus their third period began . The professor was busy discussing the new topic and announced a random test next meeting . When and what topic will be a mystery . Just like that their fourth period professor has arrived in their cla.s.sroom .

"Go back to your seats and let"s begin the test . " She said and handed out sheets of paper to each of the student .  

"You have thirty minutes to answer the test . We will check it afterwards . Timer starts now!" The professor instructed and thus the exam began .

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Yve read the instructions and questions carefully before answering them to the best of her knowledge . Jenny looked at the test paper and began answering the questions . Lester and the rest were somehow not as confident as the first two .  

While the students were busy with their exam, Vince received a report on the underhanded means that Steve had resulted to . Team Bravo reported that Steve hired some people in the underworld to threaten their companies . The good thing is that Steve can only hire smaller and newer gangs as CONFERENCE is the biggest and strongest . No crazy gang would try to attack the companies especially in an unethical way .  

Vince read the reports and smirked at how desperate Steve"s actions are . He instructed his second best team to wipe them out and show Steve their other ident.i.ties . However, they were still not to reveal their connection to him .

"You haven"t suffered enough . My web here isn"t ready yet . " Vince expressed after sending a response email to the team .

"By the way, Edward, I heard that Steve bought a new entertainment company?" Vince turned to his cousin for verification .  

"Yes . He bought the Hu0026E Company . I gathered the details here . " Edward replied and handed over a folder to Vince . It contained the information on the company such as it a.s.sets and liabilities, strengths and weaknesses .

Vince read the facts handed to him and was able to confirm one thing,

"He"s targeting SkyMu . " 

"Bro, I know what you"re thinking . If I were him, I would also do the same thing . Despite Yve"s efforts, SkyMu still has the lowest revenue in all the companies we"re handling . However, compared to its previous records, the steady increase is something that we consider" Edward voiced out his cousin"s thoughts .

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"I know, Ed . If I were him, I would also do the same thing . However, I don"t think that Steve has the time, luxury and skill to supervise another company . Furthermore, Hu0026E is already an established entertainment company in the country . " 

"Well, it"s confirmed that the president resigned from the company . He is to finish his final projects before leaving the company . As to who will replace him, no information has been leaked yet . " 

"Can you give me a deeper research on Jenny, his sister?" Vince asked Edward with a very serious look on his face .

"Are you considering that she will be the new president of the Hu0026E? She"s still a student . " Edward replied with a note of sarcasm .

"So as my wife . " Vince shortly answered making Edward quiet in realization of the high probability rate of Vince"s idea .

With that exchange, Edward bowed to conduct the requested research .  

"Don"t tell me the ladies will also fight in the business world?" Edward"s thoughts wonder a bit .  

Back at school, the time to answer the test was already over . The professor collected the papers before shuffling them causing a rearrangement . With this, she redistributed the papers while making sure that the receiver and the owner of the examination sheet will not be the same .  

"While we"re checking it, I will ask students to randomly answer the questions . This way, our test will serve also as a review . " The professor calmly said and thus the checking began .  

Some of the students gave incorrect answers while Lester, Jenny and Yve gave the correct one when it was their turn . Then the room was filled with heavy air . As they returned the papers to the professor, they got more anxious . They want to know their test results . The professor scanned through the sheets and arranged them accordingly from highest to lowest score .  

"I will announce the top two scores first before the name of the student . For others, I will send an email which will contain all your scores for this test . " The professor announced as the intensity gets higher the second she delays the revelation .

"Who will it be?"

"Yve or Jenny?"

"Hey, there might be another one… . "

"With a score of 90, the second top scorer for this test is Ms . Jenny and the top scorer with 95 is Ms . Yve . Congratulations to the both of you!" The professor plainly said and the entire cla.s.sroom cheered as the expected names were announced .  

"Yve again?! Why does she have to win everything?!" Jenny thought as she left the cla.s.sroom in a hurry .

However despite all the commotions, Yve didn"t miss it and with a smile, she thought to herself, 

"That"s what you get for messing with me . I will make sure you will experience defeat all the time . " 

The cla.s.s was unaware on what"s going on in the heads of the top two students – a tight compet.i.tion is about to repeat in St . Michael"s history .

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