Maddie just finished creating her designs and left n.o.ble"s main office. She arrived at the clinic first and informed the secretary nurse. Since it was a bit early for her appointment, she was told to wait for a little while. As Maddie looked around the clinic, the clinic"s door opened and Yve came inside followed by Sylvan. 

"Mom!" Yve walked hurriedly to her mother-in-law once she saw her.

"You"re just in time, Yve." Maddie said and hugged her.

Noticing that the Slayne"s subordinate are guarding Maddie in the shadows, Sylvan asked permission to stay outside the clinic.

"Young Madam, Mam Maddie, I will stay outside the clinic. Will that be okay?" 

"Thank you for your consideration, Sylvan." Maddie smiled while holding Yve"s hands. With this, Yve nodded at Sylvan allowing it.

"Miss Maddie Gray?" The secretary nurse announced inside the clinic while looking around for Maddie amongst the clients.

Maddie and Yve approached the nurse to fill-up the necessary form and conduct basic tests such as checking of blood pressure and body temperature. 

"Please follow me to the doctor"s room." 

"Good evening, Miss Maddie and Mrs. Yvory Gray." The female doctor stood from her desk and welcomed the two ladies guided by her nurse.

The doctor is a beautiful, middle-aged, half-Chinese woman who has a gentle voice and emits a very good aura. Yve looks around the room and noticed there are a lot of random things inside.

"These are probably used for her patients." Yve thought but kept it to herself to avoid suspicion from Maddie and doctor. 

"Please have a seat." The doctor gladly said. 

Yve saw the name, "Dr. Anne Chua" displayed on top of the desk.

"So, let"s begin the counselling, Miss Maddie." Dr. Anne began.

The doctor asked Maddie a lot of questions which were answered by Maddie with ease. However, when asked on her worries the past few days, silence filled the entire room. The doctor patiently waits for her answer but Yve becomes worried. 

"Mom? Are you okay?" Yve wanted to confirm Maddie"s condition.

"Hmm…. Don"t worry." Maddie answered and tightened her grip on Yve"s hands.

"Dr. Anne, I have been having a hard time sleeping at night and when I fall asleep, I sometimes have those nightmares, flashback of the time I was kidnapped." Maddie answered.

"How do you feel every time you experience those nightmares?" Dr. Anne asked.

"I get scared as soon as I wake up especially when I find no one around me. So for the past few days, I have been staying in my room in my office." Maddie replied.

"Although after a while, I"ll be fine so I decided to ignore it." Maddie added.

"I see. So is there another reason why you are here in my clinic?" Dr. Anne continued to ask her a question.

"My son and Yve, here insisted that I get some counseling after the incident."

"To which you should be happy about, Ms. Maddie." Dr. Anne smiled at the two ladies.

"Why, Dr. Anne? Is something wrong with Mom?" Yve is getting more worried hearing that the doctor agrees with their idea of consultation.

"Based on the conversation we just had, you have PTSD, also known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." 

"Dr. Anne, I"ve heard a lot about this disorder but I didn"t experience the same things." Maddie tried to reason out against the doctor.

"It"s because your case is a mild one. However, if neglected it might lead to the severe cases you might have seen and researched." 

"So what should we do, Dr. Anne?" Yve asked the doctor in behalf of her mother-in-law.

"For now, I want to try the non-medicinal approach. There are a lot of ways for you to be able to sleep such as drinking wine, getting a ma.s.sage or listening to cla.s.sical music." Dr. Anne suggested.

"I would suggest for Ms. Maddie to sleep in a place where there are other people staying with her. Being with a lot of people somehow eases the mind making her feel safe." The doctor added.

"I understand, Dr. Anne. But will everything be enough?" 

"I can prescribe some sleeping pills but these are for emergency." The doctor answered and handed her a prescription. 

"Thank you very much, Dr. Anne." Maddie received the prescription and thanked the doctor sincerely.

"But I expect to see you at least twice a month for follow-up." Dr. Anne reminded the two of them. 

After paying for the consultation and buying the sleeping pills prescribed, Yve and Maddie find themselves walking around.

"Mom, how about you join me for dinner tonight? Vince is staying late at the office tonight and it"s also quite late to cook." Yve offered to Maddie.

"Hmm…. Sure! Let"s have another women bonding." Maddie agreed and the two of them walked towards the nearest restaurant. 

In the midst of their dinner, Yve decided it would be a good time to ask on Maddie"s take of the Dr. Anne"s suggestion. 

"So Mom, do you want to stay with Vince and I at our house? " 

"No, no…. I wouldn"t do that. I don"t want to disturb your little nest." Maddie answered much to Yve"s dismay. 

"So what are you going to do?" Yve is now getting more anxious and worried for her mother-in-law.

"I will just move to my office."

"Mom, it will be uncomfortable. Why don"t you just stay with us?"

"I know what you"re thinking. I can have my office renovated and have a decent bedroom or s.p.a.ce of my own."

"Hmm… Mom…." 

Maddie held Yve"s hands to calm her down, before finally compromising.

"Okay, how about this? You can decide on the renovation of my office or any of the necessary arrangement you"re satisfied with. But, it"s final that I will not stay in your house." 

"I guess I can��t really insist further. However, not until the room is finished, I will have you stay at our house. I will talk to Vince so there"s no need for you to worry." Yve smiled at her.

"You"re really a strong convincer just as what my son used to tell me way back in Australia." Maddie smiled at her daughter-in-law"s actions.

"I give up! I"ll arrange my things but I will move in on Monday, okay?" Maddie finally gave in.

Smiling as she won the discussion, Yve poured some juice into Maddie"s gla.s.s. 

"How about you accompany this single lady in a movie date?" Maddie smiled and invited her. 

"I would love to." Yve asked for the bill from one of the waiters and texted Vince on their movie date before going out of the restaurant. 

Yve instructed Sylvan to leave. The man was quite hesitant but when Yve winked and mouthed "shadow", the latter agreed only to be a part of the shadow guards. 

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