Minutes later, Rose arrives with a cup of tea with some biscuits and cookies. 

"Mrs. Gray, Miss Maddie is already informed of your arrival. However, the meeting is still on the final agenda. I hope it"s okay with you." Rose informs Yve as she serves the tea and snacks.

"I understand. Rose, does Mom usually eat dinner in the office, too?" 

"After the incident, she does. " 

"I see. Please prepare to order some food for dinner good for four. I"ll just give the "go" signal on when you will place the order." 

"I understand that, Mrs. Gray."

Meanwhile, Vince is checking the updates on Stones Group. So far, with the change in management, positive effects are showing in.

"Still, it"s not enough." Vince thought after reading the reports.

"Edward, come in." 

"What"s your next plan for Stones, Bro?" 

"I"m checking the suppliers for local brands of the malls. I believe some of them are included in the under the table transactions."

"I see. Keep me updated."

"By the way, are you not joining Yve and Aunt Maddie tonight?" 

"I don"t think so. I need to finish reading these reports. By the way don"t forget to release the online bait I told you earlier."

"Of course! I already collected the details now all I need to do is wait for the time." Edward a.s.sures his cousin and leaves Vince to continue reading other files from Stones Enterprises.

Maddie finally finishes her meetings and rushes back to her office to find Yve reviewing some papers.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, my Dear." Maddie greets Yve.

"It"s fine, Mom. I was also late in booking an appointment. Plus, while waiting I get the chance to review my lecture notes for school."

"By the way, congratulations for the successful stream yesterday. It"s the talk of the town up until now. Many people are waiting for the next step. "

"Thanks, Mom! But the success is not only mine but the entire company – from the stars to the people behind the camera. It was a team effort, Mom!" 

"That"s a good thinking. Keep your feet always on the ground, Yve."

"I will, Mom. By the way, I came here regarding the room/ office renovation." 

"I don"t have much idea on the renovation." Maddie admitted.

"I asked Sylvan to look for the top interior designing companies and I was able to narrow down the list to my top 9. As it will be your home and office, I want to ask for your opinion as well." Yve admits and gives Maddie the list. 

Yve keeps quiet as Maddie scans through the list and admires the recent projects. 

"These are all beautiful. Their recent projects are enough to show they"re really the best in their field." Maddie responded.

"I really can"t choose, my Dear." 

"We can announce bidding for this. Let them showcase their designs and before we choose." 

"That would be nice."

"I have some criteria written. I want to include functionality and minimalist. Further, the rooms should make the user calm. The offices should continue to showcase creativity to manifest the location." Yve explains which leaves Maddie in awe.

"Do you have anything to add?" 

"I"m okay with it. I agree with your thoughts." 

"Thank goodness. " Yve replies and nods her head to Rose as a sign to order food for dinner.

"What was that for?" 

"I asked Rose to order food for us. I will eat dinner with your tonight. I hope it"s fine."

"Dear, I would love to." 

Yve calls Sylvan inside and informs the man on what she and Maddie had decided. Sylvan just bows and leaves them behind as he calls the contact numbers of the companies in the list. Once the two ladies are left alone once more, Yve remembers she still has a score to settle with her mother-in-law.

"Mom, I want to ask you a question."

"Anything, my dear." 

"Why did you change your mind regarding the temporary accommodation?" 

Maddie looks at her and releases a deep breath before replying,

"Yve, you and my son are newly-weds. I don"t want to interrupt your time for each other."

"There"s nothing to interrupt, Mom." Yve tries to convince Maddie once more.

"My dear, both of you are busy people and the comfort of your home is the only place where you can be yourselves without worrying on other things."

"…" Yve has nothing to reply because her mother is somehow right.

"If you"re thinking about our safety, it"s fine. I"ll be staying in one of the hotels owned by Vince. You can check me anytime." 


Maddie stands up and hugs her worried daughter.

"Thank you for caring so much."

"Okay, I guess I have no other choice. But let me "Mom, let me accompany you in going to the hotel tonight, instead." Yve really insists.

"Do I still have a choice? I"m really lucky to have a very good and caring daughter-in-law. But I would do everything so that the heavens will grant me my very own grandchild the soonest." Maddie whispers to her causing Yve"s ears to turn red.

"Mom, I don"t think it"s the right time to have a child at the moment."

"You don"t want to have a child?" 

"I do. It"s just with school and work, it will not be a good time. When I become a mother, I want to be there for him or her every step of the way." Yve hugs her mother as an apology.

Yve understands how much her mother-in-law wants a grandchild. Vince is the only child after all. Aside from the secret that she hasn"t done it with Vince yet, she"s really sincere with her reason for not having a child at the moment. 

"I"m really sorry, Mom." Yve apologizes within her thoughts.

Rose finds Maddie and Yve hugging each other as she brings in the food. 

"Mrs. Gray, I didn"t find your secretary around." Rose informs her.

"Owh." Yve looks at her watch and notices the time. 

"Chrysthe will be here soon."

"Well, it"s time for him to go home. Don"t worry; my driver will come to pick me up. " Yve replies to Rose as there"s no need to explain to Maddie.

"What do you have there?" Maddie stands up and helps Rose as the former tries to change the subject.

"I ordered from your favorite Chinese restaurant." Rose opens the packages.

"Let me get the plates for us." Maddie offers.

Soon after, the three ladies find themselves eating dinner. Minutes after their meal, Chrysthe arrives at the main office. This marks the time for them to move to the hotel. Rose and Maddie prepare their things as Yve helps them do so. 

The trip to the hotel was uneventful. The room Vince booked for Rose and his mom is an executive suite with a balcony. It has two rooms – one has a king size bed while the other room has a queen sized one. The room has a Chinese ambience inside with the dragons and phoenix designs embedded in the furniture. Yve helps Rose and Maddie settle down in the room before leaving it.

"I better go home, Mom. Vince is probably waiting for me." 

Yve arrives home and hugs her husband who"s waiting for her.

"I"m sorry I"m late in going home again." Yve apologizes.

"It"s fine. So how was your meeting with Mom?" Vince asks as the couple heads inside their house.

Vince and Yve go to bed comfortably, with Yve still unaware of what is happening on social media. Little does she know that something big is happening and that her husband has something to do about it.

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