As the news of Mrs. Gray"s arrival and display travel by mouth to the employees of Gray Group"s main office, the lady in question in currently riding her husband"s car away from the building.

"So where do you want to go, supermarket?" Vince asks her. 

"No. Let"s go to my favorite place to eat after my world changed." Yve answers back but her reply confuses Vince more.

"What do you mean?"

"I will let you see the city from a commoner"s life – something that I experienced for three years or at least before you came back in my life." 

"I"m fine with it but with my suit do you think…"

"No worries just remove your coat and I will the same thing. I"ll style your hair a bit before we get off the car and we can pa.s.s as a university couple. It"ll be fine." Yve explains. 

"Okay. I"ll leave you in-charge. So where to, Mrs. Gray?" 

"Let"s go to the night market first." 

"Night market? Where is that?" 

"Ah… just park at the previous hotel where I worked."

"You know we owned that hotel now and there"s no night market there." 

"Of course! Your hotel is rated as five-star. Your hotel is the best place where we can park your car. The night market doesn"t have any parking s.p.a.ce and with the value of your car, we can"t just park it anywhere." Yve explains.

Minutes later, Vince parks his car in his usual s.p.a.ce of the hotel"s parking lot. The staff greets their president but once they notice that he"s with his wife and their former co-worker, some can"t help but feel awkward.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Gray." The manager greets them.

"Good evening. Don"t mind us though. I"ll just park my car here and leave."

"Good evening, manager."

"Mrs. Gray, please I don"t deserve to be called your manager when you"re the wife of my boss now."

Yve only smiles at the man as he used to pa.s.s his tasks to her as his subordinate. But now, he"s being polite because of her position as Vince"s wife. 

As they have informed, the couple exited the hotel and ride the taxi to go to the night market. As near as it can be, their taxi ride lasts for only 45 minutes from the hotel"s main building. After getting off the taxi, Vince can"t help but look around the area. 

The place is true to its name. The stalls are portable and placed on the streets leaving small gaps for people to walk around. The original shops are already closed for the day. Yve notices her husband observing the entire place like a little kid who visits an entertaining area for the first time. Yve pulls Vince pa.s.sing by different stalls. Some of them are selling used clothes, overrun items, personal and mobile accessories and most of all, food. 

Vince whispers at Yve, "The prices of the items they are selling are so cheap." 

"Yup and you can even ask the seller to lower it. Of course, skill will make it possible. I will show it to you later but for now we need to eat dinner first." Yve whispers back. 

Walking a bit faster than her usual speed, Yve continues to pull Vince and suddenly stops at a large red tent. 

"Here we are!" Yve expresses herself.

"Queen, isn"t it a bit early to eat our supper?" 

"It"s because this place is packed if we will it at the usual time. In case we get hungry while walking around, we can eat some street foods being sold around." Yve explains with an answer.

"If that"s what you say then let"s go." Vince cooperates with her.

After all, commoner Yve is something that he knew but hasn"t seen. 

"It wouldn"t hurt to see how her life was. Now that I"m her husband, I promise to let her enjoy all the things she like and protect her from all that might hurt her."

Vince makes an oath that he promises to live by for eternity of their marriage.

Inside the tent, a woman in her mid-forties greets them. As the woman asks for their order, Yve greets the woman.

"h.e.l.lo, auntie. It"s me, Yve!"

"Dearest darling, long time no see!" The woman looks so happy to see Yve confirming her frequency in the restaurant.

"I was quite busy the past few weeks."

"Hmph, is your manager handing over his tasks to you again?"

"Not anymore, auntie. I"m attending school again."

"Oh, I see. That"s good!" So will it be your usual?"

"Yes, good for two." 

"Got it! I will also serve some dishes on the house." The woman winks at Yve to which the latter giggles at. But when the woman"s mouth point at Vince, Yve finally remembers that she"s hasn"t introduced Vince to the owner.

"I"m sorry! I forgot to introduce my husband, Vince." 

"Vince this is Auntie the owner of this night market restaurant with the most delicious dishes." 

Vince hands his hand to the woman for a handshake.

"There"s no need for that, my hands are greasy and smelly from all the dishes I"m handling."

"Auntie, the greasy and smelly hands are the ones who make my wife"s favorite night market dishes."

With that statement, Vince earns the woman"s trust and responds to his handshake.

"I"ll wait for the food here. Just go look for a table for the two of us." Yve informs Vince.

"No, the food might be heavy so let me carry it instead."

"It"s not that heavy. Besides I also need to have a little chat with Auntie." Yve convinces Vince to look for a spot where they can eat. Her husband agrees and walks away from them.

"Yve, is he your?"

"Yes, Auntie. He came back and looked for me. He also insisted to help me get the things which originally belong to me back." 

"So when you said that you went back to school…"

"He made it possible." 

"I"m really happy for you, my dearest Yve." The two reunited ladies can"t help but embrace each other. Yve who truly feels thankful for the woman gets inside the server"s area and helps the woman place their dishes on a tray. 

But little do they know that Vince is quietly observing them from the table in a corner of the restaurant. The woman who Yve calls Auntie may be the mother figure she found when her step family revealed their true colors. 

"How can I reward Auntie?"

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