Throughout the weekday, Steve is working his hardest to get a win in the second bidding their company has planned. However, based from his investigation and research, things are not going well as planned. Another big company is aiming for the same project and this time the company president who hosts the project is shamelessly announcing how happy she is that a well-known company is bidding as well. According to Steve"s investigation though, a big company will not have any gains from this project. The only conclusive idea is that Steve somehow had offended someone, as to who it is and how, he doesn"t have a single clue.

 Meanwhile the man who"s hiding behind his second team"s work against Steve was busy with his own empire as well. He attended several meetings some in the office, some in the restaurants while others through video call. 

"Edward, leak to our media partners that there is a rumor that Steve losses the bidding project he is aiming overseas. Make some connection with Hu0026E"s poor performance the past few weeks. It should be interesting enough for those investors to temporarily stop investigating about Yve." Vince instructed Edward through a phone call as soon as he reads the confirmation email from Team Bravo.

"Copy that, Bro. By the way, this will be the launching of new visual design of one of the malls of Stones. The employees and staff who worked with Yve on this project wanted her to attend but she rejected it." Edward replied

"I understand why. Did she explain it to them well?" 

"Yes, she said that she will be on standby though. Won"t she attend the meeting with you?" Edward curiously asked.

"I"m not really sure. We haven"t talked about it. I"ll ask her tonight." Vince casually replied.

"Bro, you won"t get angry just in case she will not go with you?"

"I don"t think so. She usually has her reasons for doing things and often times I find them reasonable. We talk things out and compromise after hearing each other." Vince answered.

"Is that the reason why you rarely fight?"

"One of the reasons, yeah. Bro, in a relations.h.i.+p you need to trust your partner and give her the right amount of freedom. If there are things you disagree on, communication and compromising are the keys." Vince gives an advice to his cousin with full understanding that Edward was asking for relations.h.i.+p tips.

"…" Then the other line went silent.

"Having some problems?" It"s Vince turn to ask his cousin.

"Not like that. Everything is fine but she"s not that open with her feelings yet." 

"Well, Yve is not very open as well. But she"s slowly getting there and her actions the past weeks have shown how much she loves me and I"m happy with it. You should be patient with Nyelle, Bro."

"I know that but it"s really tough, you know what I mean?"

"Of course, I do. Just remember that she used to plot evil things against her best friend and you were the one who discovered her. I bet it took her a lot of courage to admit her feelings to you." Vince reminded Edward.

"Thanks Bro. I have to go now. I still have a meeting coming." Edward appreciated Vince"s advice. 

"Anytime, Bro." The phone call ended and they went on with their respective schedules.

As what Vince had informed Edward, he and Yve talked about the upcoming launch of her project with Stones. 

"Edward called me and asked why you rejected the invitation to attend your project at Stones." Vince started to ask Yve.

"Oh. It was all because I don"t want other businessmen to get an idea that I"m the new president of SkyMu. With all the company"s recent activities, Sylvan told me that people are gaining more and more interest in knowing my ident.i.ty and now is not the time yet." Yve explains.

"I understand but you can actually attend as my wife, you know." Vince tested the waters to see how Yve will react. 

"You"re going to attend the event?" Yve looked at Vince in disbelief. Being the head of Gray Group and now with Stones Enterprises even temporarily Vince has a lot of meetings and company events to attend to. He may choose not to attend on small time projects like the one coming this 

"Yes. This is the first time I can show myself in front of the public as the temporary head of Stones Enterprises. I bet people will actually look for you so it"s better if you will come with me?" Vince initially wanted the last part to be a plain statement but seeing his wife in deep thought caused him to turn it into a question.

"Hmm… Okay. I"ll come with you on the event but only as your wife. If there will be problems onsite..."

"Don"t worry. I can easily help you attend to the situation at hand without others knowing." Vince a.s.sured Yve.

"I"ll just call Mom then for a dress and your suit, then."

"Go ahead. I bet Mom will be so delighted. It has been her dream to create more dresses and see her daughter-in-law wear them. She might turn it into couple outfit though." 

"I don"t mind it. It will actually be a nice publicity as well." Yve winked at her husband before walking away to give Maddie a phone call.

"Wait, before you give Mom a phone call and talk with each other for a long time, better inform Sylvan first and arrange your schedule well that day. After all, you still have your weekly project right?" Yve turned around in confusion.

"The launch is in the morning, so I could make it then maybe have lunch with you. Head to the office to oversee the project and then go with Mom for her therapy. That will be fine, right?" 

"Yeah but…"

"Vince, attending Stones" launch is also a nice diversion. People will not think that I"m the new president of SkyMu because I had just attended an event in the morning within the same day. Nothing must change with my schedule and plans. I just need to make sure that nothing will go wrong." Yve answered with confidence. 

"I get your point but how about Sylvan? If he will oversee SkyMu"s weekly project ahead of you like his usual routine, then how can he oversee the launch?" Vince"s question caused Yve to think deeper. 

"What should I do then?" 

"Call Sylvan first and talk things out. He might have a suggestion or might need to do some changes on your usual routine." Vince suggested to her.

"Okay, thank you very much for all the tips, Mr. Gray."

"Anytime for my dearest Mrs. Gray." Vince smiled as he looked at his wife walking away with her phone near one of her ears. 

True to what Vince"s said, Sylvan was able to plan things out and for that the latter might need to stay at SkyMu"s office on a Friday night. So Chrysthe will be fetching her from work and drive her home on that night and will be her guard at the launching event. Sylvan will closely monitor things with the staff behind the scenes. 

After her call with Sylvan, she made sure to inform Maddie on the event and their need for a dress and suit. Yve also requested not to make a gown for her. Instead, she wanted to have a shorter dress just a few inches below the knee. She didn"t want to look too almighty and glam for the event. Maddie laughed at her reason but understood that it"s just her character. With a shorter dress she can show her youthfulness and a more approachable vibe than her son. They talked many things after the request and they only stopped when Vince reminded Yve that it"s quite late already. 

"Goodnight, Mom." Both Yve and Vince bid farewell to Maddie.

The latter smiled on the phone before saying, "Goodnight, children." The call ended and the couple retired for the night. 

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