Vince receives an unexpected text message from Yve in the middle of his afternoon meeting. However, he doesn"t like the feeling he got after reading the contents.

"King, please come to Mom"s clinic now?" 

Without delaying any longer, he ends the meeting and informs them that an emergency has come up. With no other choice, the managers leave the meeting room after Vince. He calls Slayne to get information on Yve.

"What"s happening with Yve?" 

"Eybelle called earlier asking for a rerouting towards Miss Maddie"s clinic. After surveying, she said that there was an accident which caused the traffic."

"So there was no attack or any malicious intent on her?" Vince asks as he walks fast towards the parking lot of his company.

"No, Sir. But I believe that the black, bullet proof windows are already deployed." Slayne reports. 

"I see. Keep on monitoring and be on standby for possible deployment. I don"t like what I"m feeling." 

"Copy that, Primo." 

When his car reaches the highway, he gives a call to Edward.

"Yes, Bro?"

"I have an emergency at the moment and I"m on my way to Mom"s clinic." 

"But you have an important dinner meeting with…"

"Which is why I gave you a call. Attend on my behalf and make sure they will not be offended by my absence. "

"Noted. I"m on my way." 

After making the necessary calls, Vince dashes to his mother"s clinic. He also makes sure not to pa.s.s by the roads which are affected by the accident. 

Meanwhile, Yve arrives at the clinic without any bad events. Eybelle is waiting outside the building.


"Eybelle, what"s the status?"

"Lady Boss is doing fine and she"s inside the clinic now but I think what she"s feeling is the effect of the previous attack on her." Eybelle reports.

"I think so, too. She sent me a text wanting me to come here. Continue guarding the entire place. Is Chrysthe with her?" 

"Yes but he"s standing outside the room. I heard that Miss Maddie is talking to the doctor while Young Madam is listening in another room." Eybelle explains.

"Thank you. You can now go back to your position." 

Vince heads inside the clinic and informs the nurse. He is directed towards the room where Chrysthe is standing. The man salutes at him in respect and Vince does the same thing. He opens the door and sees Yve inside. He calmly approaches her before placing his hand on top of Yve"s right shoulder. 

"Yve…" The instant hears his voice; Yve stands up and hugs him tight.

"I"m here now. What"s up?" Vince calmly asks as he takes a seat guiding Yve to sit on his lap. 

Yve narrates the story of what happened on the road earlier and even when Vince has heard the details from his men, he patiently listens to his wife.

"Lastly, I know I shouldn"t be scared because Chrysthe and Eybelle are here to protect me. I also shouldn"t be all paranoid and everything because nothing bad happened it"s just that…." 

Vince didn"t wait for Yve to finish. He hugs her and rubs her back in comfort.

"It"s actually normal to be scared because of what you heard from Mom"s experience and your own recent attack. Even if Chrysthe and Eybelle will always protect you and me and my team will surely look for you and rescue you, enemies continue to look around." Vince continues to comfort Yve.

"…" Yve just hugs Vince without saying anything.

"But I"m happy that you thought of giving me a beep in the instant you felt scared." Vince kisses her forehead.


"Now, let"s listen to what Mom has to say in her treatment." Vince changes the topic to fully calm his wife down but makes a mental note on what his wife has just felt. 

"Should I also have her undergo a therapy like my mom?" Vince thinks carefully to address the trauma Yve sometimes experiences. 

As the couple carefully listens to Maddie"s story telling in the clinic, Edward is attending the meeting in behalf of Vince. These investors are vital for the future international projects of Stones Enterprises. Vince has seen this prospect by observing Yve"s line of activities. With SkyMu beginning to be a threat to other entertainment companies, having foreign connections will further boost them. These people are already a.s.sociated with Gray Group but to show his full trust and confidence in Stones, he initially planned to meet them until he received the text message from Yve earlier. 

"Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. I apologize for Mr. Gray"s absence." Edward greets the investors in front of him.

"May we know the sudden change in attendance?"

"There was a sudden emergency that needed his appearance." 

"Does it have something to do with Stones Enterprises?" 

"Not really but rest a.s.sured that Mr. Gray is fully confident in a great future ahead of Stones." Edward responses.

"We still do have doubts about Stones Enterprises as an ent.i.ty but we are here as respect to Mr. Gray." 

"Thank you very much." 

With that short exchange, Edward has come to a conclusion that they will not easily invest in Stones Enterprises. Edward lays-out the plans they have for the major companies under the new empire they conquered.

"That"s pretty big task, Mr. Edward. It"s not that we don"t trust Mr. Gray"s skills but for that long-term empire to fall like that, a big clean-up needs to be done. It takes a long time for us to earn back the benefits, which we know you understand. "

"Is that a no, then?" Edward carefully asks them.

"Not exactly. We are interested in SkyMu. But we haven"t heard any plans for that company. Care for some juicy details?" 

"The current president of SkyMu has the freedom in running the company."

"So Mr. Gray has full confidence is this mysterious president. Can we meet this president ahead of everyone else?" 

"Uhhhh…." Edward isn"t sure on how to respond on their request.

"We know that you can"t make the decision, Mr. Edward, but that"s our request. We need to know on what are the future plans for the so-called dark horse of the entertainment company." 

"I"m sorry for my incompetence. I will inform Mr. Gray on this." 

"Thank you very much. Now how about we enjoy the feast placed on our table." 

With the meeting in conclusion, both parties are enjoying the food in front of them. Back to the clinic, Maddie has just finished her therapy for the night and the couple is now speaking with the doctor for more updates.

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