That same Sunday afternoon, Sylvan along with the rest of SkyMu"s staff are preparing for their antic.i.p.ated video release for the week. 

"Sir Sylvan, selected fans and media personnel are already waiting inside the performance venue." 

"Sir, the number of people on standby for the video release is consistently increasing."

"Good! Are the artists ready for their performance?" Sylvan asks them.

"Yes. Their make-up is about to be completed." 

"Perfect! Now let"s just make sure everything will go as planned. Let"s make this another success." Sylvan encourages the team. 

Media is indeed going crazy in finding out the latest. They are also looking forward to how the artists will do during the live stage. Artists are sharing the video link in their own social media accounts making their fans so excited. Once again, SkyMu"s project makes into the trending topics of the cyber universe. 

Looking at a computer screen inside her room, Jenny is waiting for the release of SkyMu. She indeed finds the new outputs fascinating. There"s no doubt that the hiatus of some members and focusing on their strengths in the meantime was the time they needed to practice the skills they"re showing right now. The president is indeed a good one as nothing was lost in all her projects. Everything is in accordance to a greater project to come. Indeed, SkyMu will become a well-established entertainment firm and might be the strongest compet.i.tor of Hu0026E. 

"Now, I wonder what"s my brother counter for this when he comes back?" Jenny murmurs to herself as she picks her favorite freshly fried potato chips. 

She thinks of the things she would do if her brother will give her a company to supervise and be its president. 

"It would be an interesting thing to go up against this mysterious president of SkyMu. If my brother will make me a president of one of his companies, I can show to them that I am more capable than Yve who"s nothing but just a student." Jenny imagines the impact to her schoolmates and the fame ir will bring her if this would become a reality. She takes note to submit proposals to her brother to convince him into granting her a favor.

Meanwhile the person in question experiences another defeat in the international land. He reads the email sent by the company informing him of the bidding result. It"s another lose for them. 

"I can"t just go home like this?!" He thinks silently as he tries to come up with ways on how to get some wins or profits for his empire before going home. 

He looks at the stock market and he doesn"t like how everything is going well for Vince even after his conquer of Stones Enterprise which was really in a bad shape. But he was able to make the necessary changes and now it"s turning back to how it was when Ms. Yvory Smith"s parents were alive. 

Then all of a sudden, he sees an email from what looks like a company email address. He opens it and reads the contents aloud.

Good Day!

We have come to us that you have been active in the different bidding events for construction projects in the international market. Although none of your attempts were successful, your designs were indeed great and have caught our attention. We have researched about your achievements in your country and we understood that you"re planning for an expansion by going out of your comfortable territory. For these reasons, we would like to invite you for a bidding event.

Attached below the files containing the details on the project. If you have any questions or inquiries please respond to this email and we will respond within 24 hours. If you are interested and will partic.i.p.ate in the event, please reply to this address with the subject, "I am interested" and type in your name and company in the body.

We hope to hear more from you soon. 

"This could be the savior I"ve been looking for." Steve smiles as he finishes reading the email. 

However, before he sends his reply, he downloads the attached files and reads the information inside. He also asks his secretary back in the country to research on the company who sent the email to him. He doesn"t want to be fooled by his other compet.i.tors.

In the same country, the members of Team Bravo are having a meeting in their base.

"It seems like he has read the email we just sent." 

"Did he send back a reply to us?" Their captain asks.

"Not yet." 

"He might be checking our background. Make sure we will never be linked to Primo"s businesses and he will not find out about our connection with CONFERENCE." The captain instructs his team.

"Aren"t you overthinking, Captain?" 

"I hope I am. There"s nothing wrong with being prepared. Besides, his proposals were indeed good. If only he didn"t attack Primo"s mother in that way, our Boss would have faced him in a fair way." Their captain explains his thoughts on the matter clearly to his subordinates.

"Roger that, captain. We will keep you updated on any changes with this project." 

"If he doesn"t give any response by tomorrow night, announce our project and leak some juicy details through the media." He added some fierce instructions.

"Should we use our usual media partners?" 

"No. Let all media know of this project. Primo acknowledges that Steve is a smart businessman. He might be able to trace the connection if we use our partners." He relays all of Vince"s instructions to the team in a precise way. 

With all those instructions, the team resumes to their respective tasks and marks the end of their meeting. Their captain opens his phone and sends a cryptic message to their boss on the progress of their project.

Vince, who is watching the music video and live performance of SkyMu"s artists with Yve at their house, receives the message and unlocks it to read the contents. Yve who sneaks a peek at her husband sees the smile on his face and instantly understands that a good news was displayed on the phone. She lies down on Vince"s legs as they continue to watch and enjoy SkyMu"s latest output. 

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