"Now that breakfast is over, let"s talk about the possible solution." Vince looks at Yve and Sylvan as a start of their formal talk.

"You said you have two suggestions but I will still have the same effect. What do you mean?" Yve asks the question.

"First decision is to entirely tell them who you are may it be through a press conference or news leak." 

"You know that it"s not the right time yet." Yve ultimately rejects the first option.

"Now for the second one, you can leak a little on who you are, maybe a voice or a picture of your childhood or video. You can actually have them all edited to give them a little difficulty in tracing it that it was you." Vince explains his second solution.

"That"s more I like it. We can go for that." Yve smiles at the option.

"The counter side of that you need to shorten the time frame. You need to reveal your ident.i.ty maybe at a later time but closer than you think." Vince informs them of the negative side of the plan.

"Well, it"s the better option. But I want to use this as a possible marketing for the company. I want to reveal who I am maybe when an artist won an award?" Yve shares her plan for quite some time now.

"But I don"t want you to do underhanded things just to make it a reality." Yve looks at Vince intensely and with great emphasis.

"I understand. I promise I won"t do anything." Vince raises his right hand as a sign of promise.

"Thank you for your suggestion. Then let me handle the rest of it. Let"s go now, Sylvan." Yve smiles at Vince and rises from her seat to pick up her coat when Vince stops her.

"Aren"t you forgetting something?" Vince asks her and shows Yve his finger.

"I don"t think I forget anything. I have my bag, my folder, my coat and Sylvan is holding my packed lunch for me."

Vince sighs in a bit of disappointment and was about to turn away when Yve laughs shortly before kissing him on the cheeks. 

"Now stop asking for more when Chrysthe can see us through the CCTV and Sylvan is here with us." Yve warns her husband before finally leaving their house.

In the office, Yve attends the meetings and goes on with the evaluation of their latest releases and plans the concert or music awards which will commence two weeks from now. They are planning to do it on a Sat.u.r.day. However announcements and details of the event is planned to be release this coming weekend. Their month long project is indeed successful and is about to end.

"Thank you very much for all your hard work. With our very tight schedule, it wasn"t a very easy but we all pull it through." Yve tells them how grateful she truly is for their support and diligence.

"Thank you also for all the chances and opportunities you have given to us, Miss Yve."

"But we can"t be complacent yet. We still have our final release and our concluding concert and awards night. Let"s continue to do our best until the very end." 

"We will, Miss Yve."

"Good! Continue with the planning of this week"s releases. I need to double check the plans and list of awards for our concluding project. I will just give you an update tomorrow morning. I might also call some of you during the day if I have any questions." 

Soon, their meeting is finally over and Yve returns back to her desk where she can comfortably sit and review the files. 

"Young Madam, many media personnel are asking to get an interview with you." Sylvan informs her.

"Politely reject them for now. Tell them that I"m not yet accepting interviews. However, ask for their company names as well as theirs. List them down and do inform them that we will be giving them an invitation for the concluding project." Yve answers in detail.

"Young Madam, are you planning to reveal yourself during the concert?" 

"No. I might steal the spotlight from our artists if I do that. I"m planning to release a video of me playing the piano in our company"s social media account by Wednesday noon. Insert it in my schedule tomorrow morning and make the necessary arrangements." 

"Noted, Young Madam." Sylvan calmly responds and leaves her office.

Yve continues to read the files on her desk and marking some details that need to be changed. She also arranges the order of performances by the artists and calls some of the manager to arrange their schedule well. She wants to have a red carpet walk like the real awards night. She also wants to make things more interesting regarding the project so he calls the marketing and PR team in her office. 

The meeting is longer than Yve had expected but she"s quite satisfied with the result. The plan is about 65% complete. To make the plan more fixed and stable, she tasks Sylvan to make sure the venue is already reserved at least a day before the event. This will allow the artists to practice performing on the stage just a real concert performer. Since some of the artists have prior commitments, they need a longer allowed time for practice in the venue. Sylvan makes sure of the venue by dropping at the place and personally talking to the manager after sending Yve to her school. 

In her school, tension is all over as the date of their major exams approaches. There are only three weeks before the date. Right now, each professor gives our 2 projects – one individual and one group project making 10 projects per student. 

Yve is now in one of the private rooms of the school"s library. She"s working with the same cla.s.smates she had for the previous magazine project. Because of the projects, the professors are giving them self-study beginning today which helps a lot. They are now dividing the tasks for the projects. 

"Yve, we would like to meet on weekends to quicken the pace of the project. But your schedule…" Lester informs her and observes her reaction.

"I"m now free on Sat.u.r.day mornings but as for Sunday, I still have to ask him if it"s fine." Yve honestly answers them.

"By him are you referring to Mr. Gray?" 

Yve nods in confirmation and decides not to add any details. After all, she considers it personal time and s.p.a.ce that she wants to be kept the same.

"Don"t worry. I"ll try my best to come up with solutions for this. Just keep on doing the tasks." Yve a.s.sures her group mates. 

They work on their respective tasks all throughout the afternoon. They end their work at 5 in the afternoon. Most of them finished the tasks a.s.signed that day. As a result, they are to move on into another project by tomorrow and Yve has to finalize things for possible print out by Lester the next day. 

Yve is on her way to the parking lot where Sylvan is already waiting when Lester pulls her a little causing her to stop.

"What"s wrong?" Yve asks him.

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