"Sylvan, can we head to a 24-hour supermarket." Yve order her secretary and bodyguard to turn the car around because she"s hoping to cook a late night snack for her husband who"s not feeling so well. 

Being cooped up inside a room with cla.s.sical music is a clear sign that her husband is bothered. Whether it"s because of work or anything else, she has no idea. But calming down her husband is also a responsibility she had seen her mother did for her father in the past. 

Since, she"s used to buy groceries after hiding from her step mother and sister; she easily gathered the ingredients she needed for the dish she wants to cook for Vince. In no time, she finds herself on the road once more. Upon arriving home, Yve asks Chrysthe on how"s Vince.

"He"s still in the study listening to cla.s.sical music." Chrysthe answers.

With a little help from Sylvan and Chrysthe, the groceries she bought are brought inside the house and into the kitchen. 

"You may go home now, Sylvan. Thank you. Chrysthe, don"t let Vince know that I have arrived. Let me take it from here." Yve instructs the two gentlemen who easily obeyed here and left her inside to do what she wants to do.

Yve cooks up some stir fry noodles with minced vegetables with toasted sliced bread on the side. She knocks on the door of the room where Vince has been hooked up in. 

"Chrysthe, don"t disturb me." Vince answers thinking that it"s his subordinate knocking.

Noticing slight anger from Vince"s voice, Yve decides to call him.

"It"s me, Hubby. Can you please let me in?" Yve uses a sweeter tone then the door opens.

But as she pushes the door, her husband is nowhere near her. On the contrary, she founds him standing by the window looking at the moon s.h.i.+ning bright at the night sky outside.

"I brought you some food to eat? Maybe you would like to join me?" Yve gently asks her husband as she approaches him.

"I was told you have eaten your dinner already." A hint of annoyance can be heard from Vince"s voice.

"I did but I want to eat with you. So can you please join me, pretty please?" With the food placed on top of her desk inside the room, she walks close enough to wrap her arms around Vince"s. 

Vince places his hand on top of Yve"s arms and gently pulls Yve to eat the snacks prepared by his wife.

Silently, they eat the snacks. However, Yve doesn"t like how her husband is keeping quiet since she has arrived. 

"Vince, is there something that"s bothering you?" Yve asks him.

"Hmmm?? Nothing." Vince answers her loud and clear but Yve knows it"s a lie.

"Didn"t we promise not to lie from each other or keep secrets?" 

Vince stands up and turns around to walk out of the room before stopping just outside.

"It"s nothing really. It"s really petty so there"s no need for you to know or even worry." 

"Petty or not, I want to hear it. Vince, remember how you listened to all my concerns. I want to do the same thing for you. That what couples do, am I right?" Yve asks Vince as she finally stands between Vince and hallway.

"Okay. I"ll tell you. Let"s just head to the bedroom first. I bet you"re very tired from your long day." 

Yve is filled with anxiety and excitement to hear what exactly is wrong with Vince so she pulls Vince up the stairways until they reach their bedroom. 

"Come on! Don"t hurry that much. Our bedroom isn"t going to run." Vince slightly laughs after seeing Yve"s swift movements. The laughs cause Yve to stop walking to look at Vince"s face.

"I"m happy to see that you"re finally laughing. "

"We"re now inside, you know." Yve reminds her husband as soon as they both stepped into their bedroom.

"Okay, but promise me first that you won"t laugh at me." Vince sighs and sits at the edge of their bed.

"I promise. After all, you might think it"s petty but you"re not a.s.sured that I will think the same way, too." 

"I know it may sound so weird but tonight when I came home and didn"t see you anywhere inside the room, I felt lonely. The house doesn"t look and feel the same way." Vince begins to share the things which have been eating him for hours now to say the least.

"…" Yve didn"t say anything else as she understands that Vince isn"t finished with his side of the story yet.

"Don"t get me wrong, Queen. I love you very much and I fully understand that you"re doing the things you need to do – your school and work projects. I"m just happy that you keep me updated and you share your concerns with me…."

"I"m sorry for making you feel alone inside this house and for causing you insecurities." Yve embraces her husband.

"The moment I finish my work, I should have returned home and continue my school projects here." 

"Yve, you don"t have to." 

"No, I must do this. I made you busier by asking you to handle the Stones Enterprise but you still manage to have time for me. It"s only appropriate for me to do the same." Yve"s embrace tightens on Vince"s more.

"I"m sorry for this but thanks." Vince hugs her back and plants a kiss on her crown. 

"I guess it"s my turn to say these words back. The next time you feel anything wrong even the minute things, please tell me, okay?" Yve kisses him on the cheeks before heading towards their bathroom to freshen up and change out from her office clothes. 

Vince just smiles at his wife and does the same thing in one of their guest rooms. 

By the time Yve finishes her night bath, Vince is still not back from his. Yve is indeed very tired from the longest day she ever had but she can"t afford to sleep without Vince. She sits on her side of the bed waiting for her husband when he arrives just in time.

"You should have gone to bed ahead of me." Vince feels sorry as soon as he sees Yve yawning.

"When I said that I won"t make you feel alone again, I meant to begin now." Yve makes sure to sound firm on her resolve. 

"Okay, I fully understand and I believe in you but I don"t want you get any more tired than you already are." Vince sits on his side and embraces his wife before lying down and sleeping the night away. 

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