Yve is now on her way to the school after enjoying the lunch break she had with her husband. Thinking about that moment it was their first time to eat lunch together while working. She heard how her husband would instruct his employees and his murmurs while eating and reading the files at hand.

"We should do it more often. Maybe I would recommend doing a video call next time. I"ll ask him when I find the time." Yve"s positive aura fills the air and Sylvan who"s driving in front can"t help but be happy for his Couple Boss. 

As they arrive at the school, Yve stops Sylvan from getting off the car and says,

"There"s no need for you to open the door for me. I can handle it myself." The latter smiles and gets off the car in a flash leaving him no chance to argue.

According to Sylvan, Lester informed him via text message last night that they will have cla.s.ses for their second and third period so they can only do their group projects inside the room. Yve"s cla.s.smates have agreed to have the seats arranged according to their groups for easier access. 

"h.e.l.lo, Yve! How are you feeling?" 

One of Yve"s female group mates greets her with a question announcing her arrival to the entire cla.s.s. Yve didn"t expect it as she wasn"t sick at all but by the tone of her voice, sickness was used as an excuse for her absence. Trying to grasp the entire situation, Yve"s eyes meet Lester"s and by reading his lips, she understood that fever was the sickness used.

"I"m feeling okay. I"m sorry for being absent and for worrying you." Yve apologizes to her group mates.

"It"s okay. Lester already informed us that you were able to check the project this morning. Thank you for your hard work." 

"I should be the one thanking all of you." Yve smiles and winks to them. The rest of the cla.s.s might think she"s acting cute but her teammates know the hidden message behind the simple thank you.

Being the first group, their seats are in front of the cla.s.s and she was a.s.signed to sit on the center right directly across the professor"s table. 

For the first period, Yve and her group move on the third group project. As she missed yesterday"s meeting, she actively listens to Lester"s briefing along with the ideas contributed by the rest of the group. Jenny"s group, on the other hand, is finally working on their second project and their evaluating the result of their survey. The other groups of the cla.s.s also work their hardest to make some progress on their projects. The hour pa.s.ses by quickly and their second period professor walks inside.

"Okay, now stop doing your projects and focus on my announcement." The professor raises his voice a bit so the entire cla.s.s can hear him. As instructed, they remove the things which aren"t part of his cla.s.s and look at him intently.

"I have received some of your projects already and here are some of my comments." 

The professor starts reciting his notes but didn"t mention the names or the groups who have submitted and received the feedback. To Yve and Lester it"s a bonus as they haven"t submitted their project yet. As a matter of fact, it"s the third project that their actually working on prior to the professor"s arrival. 

"We should write down as many pointers as we can whether good or bad." Yve whispers to her teammates who instantly brought out their writing materials to do so. 

The other students start to talk amongst their group and reflect on the project they have submitted. From the professor"s position, one can clearly see which group has submitted and hasn"t. 

"This is a challenge to those who haven"t submitted their output. With all the pointers, I"m expecting you to present a better one. As for these groups, although your scores aren"t that good from this, I"ll still give you incentive for submitting earlier than the others. That"s all, goodbye." The professor walks out of the room despite all the gossips and commotion it has caused his students.

Since they still have time left for the second period, some groups recall their projects and try to make up for it even in their soft copies while Yve"s and Jenny"s teams review the notes they got and make sure that the negative ones will not happen again. 

Knocks on the door become the signal for them to go back to their seats as their third period professor is already waiting outside. When the professor heard silence inside, she walks in and greets the students.

"Good afternoon! I know you must be all tired but I have some announcement to make." 


"The average grade of your group project and individual project will your grade for the upcoming major examination as well." She announces causing turmoil inside the cla.s.sroom. 

The recent development puts more pressure on the projects they need to do for this subject although it"s also a relief that they have one less subject to study for the major exams. Like the second professor, she leaves the cla.s.s after saying,

"I wish you all good luck. Do your best and I"ll take care of your scores. Show me the things you have learned in cla.s.s for the past months." 

There are mixed reactions on the revelations they heard for today. Some are motivated knowing that these projects would really make a difference to their current scores and school standings. For the remaining school hours, Yve and her group decide to continue their projects in the café across their campus. They felt hungry all of the sudden after listening to their professors and thinking how they need to make an impression in the project they are about to make. 

The two hours pa.s.ses by really quick and they are almost done with the third group project. But as they need to be very careful about it, Yve asks them if it"s fine for her to bring their work and have Vince do the final check before they print it out and submit. Of course, the group is happy that the ever famous and prominent Vincent Gray will do the final editing of their project. Yve smiles and asks for their own version of the second professor"s feedback earlier to serve as criteria. Their time for the day ends with a satisfied look on their faces. 

However, Sylvan isn"t around yet. Yve calls him and the latter instantly answers and apologizes for his tardiness. He is currently fixing the issue with printing of tickets. There was a miscommunication and the number of products wasn"t equal to what they agreed on. Worst of all is that the materials for ticket printing were already consumed. Sylvan is looking for methods to fix this and explains all of this to Yve.

"Don"t hurry then. Just make sure to fix the problem."

"But Young Madam, you"re alone there and…"

"You know I"m not." Yve interrupts him

"Will Sylvan take a longer time? I can stay with you until he arrives." Sylvan heard a man"s voice from Yve"s line making him anxious.

"I hope I"m not right when what I think it is." 

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