Edward approached Nyelle and Yve back to the room"s couch. 

"You should go home for tonight, Yve. Eybelle and I will drive you back." Edward tells them.

"No! I won"t go home unless you have an idea on his location." Yve insists.

"You need to rest, Yve. The team is already looking for him. We can find him before long. I a.s.sure you of that." Edward replies.

"Then I can patiently wait." Yve is firm on this and feeling he has lost the debate, Edward turns around and walks to Eybelle when Nyelle speaks.

"Yve, Vince will not like it if you will stay here any longer. This is his office and if there"s indeed an emergency with the mafia group, going home and staying safe will give him the luxury to focus on addressing the emergency." 

"Nyelle… I just don"t want to go home. The place has a lot of our memories and without him there, the entire place makes me miss him a lot more than you can comprehend." Yve looks at her best friend with that familiar determination. 

"I know that feeling now. But we can"t do anything here. At your house, you can do some homework, review your lessons or even check company doc.u.ments. Besides you won"t be alone. I can stay for the night if you like." Nyelle bargains.

"That would be a good idea! Nyelle can stay with you and you can continue working or studying. Just divert your focus on anything else that needs your attention. That"s how you can help Vince once we find him." Edward seconds Nyelle"s idea to give it a stronger hold.

"Fine! I know when I"m outnumbered. Let me get his coat and phone the least then we can go back." Yve finally gives in to their idea. 

Soon, Nyelle, Edward and Yve are on their way back to the house. Chrysthe is waiting for their arrival at the main door. 

"Chrysthe!" Yve exclaims instantly as she sees the man standing.

"Young Madam and Nyelle, please rest inside the house." Chrysthe informs the two ladies.

"Why is that? Do you have any news on Vince?" 

"…" Chrysthe looks at Edward asking for permission to reveal the details. Understanding the non-verbal actions, Yve forces Chrysthe to talk.

"Your Boss promised me that there"ll be no secrets and lies and I think the same applies to you, as well." 

"She really knows when to use her connections and authority." Edward praises Yve inside as he allows Chrysthe to report but with limitations. 

"According to Slayne, Primo arrived at the CONFERENCE main office just a few minutes ago, unannounced. His informant tells him that one of Primo"s trusted men sent a message to him requesting his presence and of topmost urgency."

"Any idea on the topic?"

"None, Young Madam. Slayne"s informant is still trying to get the details as we speak." 

"I see." 

"Update me for any changes, okay?" Yve emphasizes on the word, okay before leaving the men outside and her best friend walking behind her.

With their silhouettes out of their view, Edward confirms the details as they head to Chrysthe"s room in the separate building.

"The things I told Young Madam are true except that we have figured out the reason for his immediate arrival." Chrysthe answers and opens the door to his room.

"What is it?"

"The officials under observation are finally making their move." Chrysthe reports.

"It"s nothing new and urgent. We have already made the necessary countermeasures for it, right?" Edward is confused with his cousin"s rash actions.

"Yes, Secondo. But if I"m not mistaken, the plan focuses on Team Bravo making their action. But now that Primo gave them a different mission, their manpower is cut into half." Eybelle explains what she understood on the issue.

"They picked the perfect timing to act. What did Sylvan say regarding Vince"s course of action?" Edward curiously asks.

"We will hear it straight from him." Chrysthe plainly answers as he sets up the video conference for the group. 

Meanwhile, Yve dejectedly walks towards their bedroom and changes her clothes. She was looking forward to telling her husband about her recent accomplishment with the investors yet what a timing for this to happen. When she walks out of the dressing room, she sees Nyelle standing at the door waiting for her. Upon hearing the door closing, Nyelle turns around to see her friend in her house clothes.

"What do you want to do?" Nyelle asks.

"Would you believe me if I say I don"t know?" Yve sadly looks at her best friend who walks towards her to give another hug.

"Of course, stupid! How long do you think we have been friends?"

"Thank you, Nyelle." Tears once again fall from her eyes and the wetness is felt by Nyelle on her shoulders.

"You know you can always depend on me. But you know that Vince wouldn"t like you to lose focus because of worrying too much." 

"It is normal to worry, right? I mean that other life he has is far too dangerous and him leaving suddenly without bringing anyone else…"

"Yet Edward and the rest are still here. They didn"t disperse and followed him, at least not yet." Nyelle inputs rationality to her best friend.

"So what are you trying to tell me?" Yve asks Nyelle as she lightly pushes her back to take a look at her face.

"Worry but trust. Worry for his safety and trust that he will come back safe and sound. I bet that"s what the team is also thinking."

"…" Yve is quiet as she ponders on the proverb.

"They are also worried for their Boss, Edward for his cousin but they trust his skills and judgment. They fully know that he will inform them when he has the time and seeks their help when he needs it." 

"I guess I can do that but he will never call me for help because I can"t do anything in that other side." Yve looks down as she feels so useless.

"Maybe physically yes but he can still gain something from you."

"What is it? " Yve"s facial muscle raises her right brow as she wonders how she can be of help to her husband. 

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