Yve"s POV

Lunch break was finished in a blink of an eye because I decided to leave ahead of every one else. I was afraid when our eyes met. I can"t deny that he still has the same effect on me. I don"t know what to do.

Anyways, it is very impractical to go back to my condo since I will also return later.

"I should just sleep in the sleeping lounge and until my s.h.i.+ft comes."

With that idea in my mind I decided to go to the employees" sleeping lounge. I told the personnel to wake me up at 8PM so that I still have the time to take a shower and eat dinner before the s.h.i.+ft starts. These are among the special privilege as an employee. I really like how we are treated like guests when it is not working hours.


Vince"s POV

Being a CEO of a large hotel and resort is very tiring indeed. Don"t think negative of me. I like my job but you can"t also blame me if I get tired of it. Seeing the pile of folders that I finished for today, I realized that I was very productive. I was pulled to reality by Edward.

"Bro, I"ll get these folders already."

"Yeah, sure."

"By the way, did you read Yve"s folder already?" Ed asked pointing the folder using his lips.

"Not yet. Have you?"

"Nope. I wanted you to be the first person to read the contents."

"Okay, thanks. You can go home now."

"Tsk3x. I won"t go home yet. My instinct is telling me that you will call me after you read that file."

I raised one of my eyebrows and asked, "Why is that?"

"I don"t know. Just my 6th sense."

"Okay, I"ll read it now. Just go back to your office."

"Yes sir!" He saluted and left.

I am having a mixed emotions now. A part of me is excited to open and know if she is my Yvory yet a part of me is scared thinking that this might be a false lead. But I guess here it goes...

Name: Yvory Smith

Address: #117 Highends Condominium x.x.x St., x.x.x City, Philippines

Age: 24 years old

Birthday: January 20, 1995

As I saw the first part, I can feel my heart beating so fast. The name, age and birthday is the same. But just to make sure, I need to read further below.

Educational Background:

Vocational: a.s.sociate in Hotel and Restaurant Management / x.x.x College/ 2017-2019

Tertiary: Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/ x.x.x Medical University/ 2011-2014 / Undergraduate

I didn"t finish reading the rest of the information as I immediately stormed out of my office. I looked for Edward. I stormed in his room.

"Bro? What happened? You almost destroyed the room."

"Ed, where is she?"



"Don"t tell me.....

I interrupted him and said, "Yes, they are the same. Now, where is she?!"

"Give me a minute."

With that, Edward sat down and dialed numbers on the phone. I still can"t believe that she is just here and I met her already. Many questions are popping in my head.

Why didn"t she tell me?

Doesn"t she recognize me?

"Bro, no one knows where she is since it is not her s.h.i.+ft yet."

"WHAT?! Did she leave already?"

"Vince, calm down. What about her address? It"s in the resume, right?"

"Yes, it is. But the address is quite far from here."

"Then she can still be in the hotel."

I didn"t let Edward finish his sentence and immediately left his office. Edward knows what to do but I just can"t wait and do nothing knowing that Yvory is just around the corner.



"h.e.l.lo? Edward speaking."

"Sir, we have located Ms. Smith."

"Good. Where is she?"

"She is the sleeping lounge."

"Very well. Thank you."

Knowing her location, I called Vince to tell her where is his Yvory. I really want my bro to be happy.



"Thank you, Ed."

"You may now go home. I"ll take it from here."

"Ok. Go get her, bro!"

"If she still want me, that is."

"Don"t overthink things."

After that, Ed ended the call. I feel so thankful to him for being there for me all the way. If there is anything I can do in the future, I will definitely do so.

I run immediately towards the sleeping lounge, not minding the staff bowing their heads. Upon arriving at the reception area of the lounge, I was greeted by the personnel,

"Good afternoon, Mr. Gray." He said with a bow.

"Good afternoon, may I know if Ms. Yvory Smith is here."

"Please wait sir." He said and looked through the records.

"Yes, sir. Do you want me to wake her up?"

"Uhmm, no. May I know what is her bed number?"

"She is in bed 100. The ..."

"The last bed, right?"

"Yes, sir but how?...."

Without letting the personnel finish his line, I went inside the ladies" sleeping lounge and went to the farthest bed. How did I know? It has always been her habit to sleep in the farthest side. She wanted it so that she will not be disturbed when others wake up.

Finally, I reached the bed 100 and there I saw a silhouette lying down. I took a step closer to look at her.

She is really pretty. She looks thinner than before but her long eyelashes still amaze me. Her dimples at the cafeteria earlier reminded me of how she used to smile back then. As I appreciate her beauty, I can"t help but think of so many questions...

Why did you leave me?

Don"t you really love me anymore?

Why didn"t you recognize me this morning?

Don"t you remember me anymore?

I was about to leave when I hear a sound. I turned around and...


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