I really can"t stop myself so I kissed him and run as fast as I can towards the room. Upon entering the room, I decided to get my tablet and music sheet. I figured out one of the reasons why the SkyMu can"t compete to our entertainment despite the vast investment it gets from Stones Enterprises - the musicality. Each group and artist started strong but can"t seem to increase their fandom because of the repet.i.tion beats of the songs. It was also stated that Airis approves all the tracks in the alb.u.m before it will be finalized. Maybe my stepsister thought that since that song made them known, having the same tune is enough.

Just in time because SkyMu"s leading solo artist, Hyacinth is coming back from the international screening of her movie. Her movie received many positive feedback especially how she sang the soundtracks of the movie. It gave a different vibe and many fans loved it.

I took out my tablet and opened the piano app. I am planning to write at least 3 songs out of 5 tracks and we will release a mini alb.u.m to follow up her success. Since her image in her past tracks were innocent, I want to show a different side. I want to show how much she had grown up in the industry. So I decided to create a musical type of song as the t.i.tle track. It will showcase her control and marks a different era in her songs.

Good thing, I still continued to write songs and record the tunes through the app. So what I"m doing now, is listening to the songs and editing them to find the correct 3 songs I want for the alb.u.m. Hopefully, I can try it out in Vince"s grand piano in the living room.

I was enjoying what I am doing that I didn"t notice that instead of sleeping, I finished the sample of the 3 songs I wanted for the alb.u.m and the 2 remaining tracks will the remix or different version of the soundtrack from the movie. But for that to happen, I"ll need to ask permission first from the copyright owners.

I decided to go out of the room to cook breakfast. There I saw Vince sleeping on the couch. He had outlined the things I needed to improve on my plans and how I can improve them. He finished everything and even had time to sleep. He is really amazing. But I don"t want to disturb his sleep yet, so I decided to prepare our food.

In the fridge, I found enough ingredients for a fried rice and I also decided to prepare fresh fruit shake for me and his black Americano coffee. I also decided to cook plain rice and stir fry vegetables and roasted lean beef.

While as I was cooking the food, I didn"t realize that Vince had woke up until he hugged me from behind and said,

"Good morning. It really smells nice."

I was shocked but at the same time happy. Without looking at him, I smiled and said, "Good morning, too. Go get ready first. I"ll finish this and then let"s eat together."

"Hmmm….." He said, without removing his hands around me. "I want to stay like this for quite a while."

"You can"t! Or else both of us will be late. Ed will get mad at the both of us."

"Yeah, I guess. I can imagine the look on Ed"s face. I"ll get ready. After cooking, you prep yourself first before we eat together, okay?" With that Vince, left and went to the room while I continue cooking.



I"ve been wanting this life with her. She"s here in my house and cooks our meals and enjoys her daily life. I wonder how was her sleep and as I open the door to my room, I saw the answer clearly with my eyes. She didn"t sleep. I can see her music sheets and her tablet with the headphones attached to it scattered on the bed. I looked at the music sheets and check the tablet. There were at least twenty songs and both have the music sheet and an initial demo version. Did she do all of this in about 3 hours?

But what intrigued me was the folder containing "HYACINTH". Isn"t she the top star of SkyMu? Is Yve planning to release a new alb.u.m for her to ride the notorious success of her movie? Since I was curious, I opened the folder and listened to the 3 songs.

As I listened to the songs, I can really tell that these songs were made by her - from the tune to the lyrics. It talked about her experiences but at the same time, it can be seen by the public as the growth of an artist. As expected of Yve, she wants to change her artist"s images to maintain their avid fans and to draw the attention of other people in an attempt to increase the numbers. And in this alb.u.m, his target market are her new fans from the movie. But 3 songs only for an alb.u.m, even if this is rush, it will not be enough. I guess I should tell Yve about this later.

I fixed the bed and her things and went to the toilet. She is really amazing. It only showed how good her music sense are. Wait, speaking of music, when we were in high school, Airis won a composition award but was it really Airis who made that song, or it was Yve? I think I need to ask Yve about this.



I finished cooking as well as our lunch boxes. I even made one for Edward and the table for breakfast is already set. Then, I remembered that I didn"t keep my music sheets and my tablet. Vince"s bed was left in a mess, so I ran as fast as I can towards his room.

As I open the door, I saw that the bed was already fixed and my things were neatly piled on the bed side table. Vince must have seen the music sheets and realized that I didn"t sleep. I bet he is mad right now. I should just escape while I have the time so after getting my things, I walked as still as a mouse. As I was about to open the door…..

"So, you"re afraid of me now?" I was shocked by Vince"s voice that I almost drop my things. Luckily I just caught it in time before it fell to the ground.

I don"t even dare to look at him but I can feel that he is slowly approaching me and I can already smell his scent, his shampoo. OH MY!! My heart is beating like there"s no tomorrow.

He put both of his hands on the door trapping me in the middle. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?!?!?!! His mere presence is drowning me.

"Care to turn around, my Queen?" He said in a seductive tone. Was that really seductive or it was just my ears playing tricks on me.

"NO!! You just came out from the bathroom. Shouldn"t you change first before talking to me?"

"But I think you want to see me before I change because you"re sneaking in my room, right?" His accusations made me turn around.

"NO??!!!!! OF COURSE NOT!!!" I said to his face looking straight into his eyes. Then after saying that, I realized I fell into his trap.

He knew all along why I came here and he just wanted me to turn around. I felt shy as soon as I noticed that he was staring at my face - from my eyes down to my lips, so I looked down. But I was even more embarra.s.sed as I saw that he"s only wearing a tiny piece of clothing - his bath towel. He literally came out from the bathroom as tiny water droplets still remain on his skin.

I can"t help but want to devour this handsome G.o.d in front of me. WHAT AM I EVEN THINKING??"

Then without any words between us, he reached for my face and kiss me. His kiss is so sweet and gentle. I mean we have kissed before but none of those can be compared to how this kiss is so addicting. I"ve been wanting this so bad and I can sense that he also feels the same as he asks permission. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in and we both explored each other"s mouths. At first I wanted to fight for dominance but I decided not to and just let him guide me. He traced my mouth with his tongue and I was drowning in this pleasure that I didn"t notice both of us were sitting on the floor as he continues to kiss me. I wanted more and wanted it to go on so I put my hands around him - one on his wet hair twisting it like crazy and the other on his neck urging him to continue. He seems to understand my message and continued ravaging my mouth.

It was a very moment and if all the heaven will allow, I don"t want it to end. But...

"VINCE, YVORY where are you guys? Are you still asleep?" It was Ed.

I have to push Vince away even if I don"t want to. Both of us are panting hard catching our breath. Vince was about to grab me once again but I put my finger on his mouth and said, "We still have work and you need to change."

I immediately stood up, get my things and went downstairs without looking back.

"Good morning, Ed. Come join us for breakfast." I said to Edward.

"Wait. Did I disturb something that I shouldn"t have?" Ed asked me which made me blushed. I didn"t answer. Instead, I prepared another set of eating utensils for Edward to use.

As fast as the lightning, Vince came down and answered for me,

"Yes, you did! And now that you know can"t you please stop barging into my place according to your convenience?!"

Teasingly guilty, Edward stood up and saluted to Vince saying, "Yes, Sir. It won"t happen again."

"Okay, just take your seat and let"s eat. Come here, Yve let"s eat together." Vince called me.

Then I went to table and sat down but Ed said once again, "Yve, I"m very sorry. I promise to ring the doorbell from now on."

I looked down and continued to eat to hide my face that might have looked as red as tomato.

"ED! Stop teasing her and just eat!"

With that Ed finally stopped and just continued to eat.

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