After receiving the call and message, Nyelle was still at loss. What does Edward wants? Nevertheless, since it has been awhile since she saw Edward, she"s excited. She opened her closet and tried out different clothes on. Finally after what seemed like forever, she went out of the house. While waiting for a cab, she typed a message to Yve,

"On my way to the beach. Off to see Your Knight."

This has been their code for Edward but unknown to Nyelle, her message wouldn"t reach Yve as Eybelle was ordered to intercept every message from this mole. She reported this to Vince and received an order,

"Follow her and help Secondo if needed."

Eybelle knew that it wasn"t a physical kind of help that Vince meant as she recalls the number of bottles in Edward"s room. "How dare you do this to Secondo?" Eybelle thought as she followed Nyelle.

Yve, on the other hand, was still lying on bed still unaware of the events happening outside the suite. Vince is handling the matters of the company and is now working without his capable a.s.sistant. It"s not like he can"t do his work efficiently without Edward but still Edward"s capability makes the job easier and faster for him.

"Well, I think it"s overtime for me tonight." Vince sighed as he looked at the tons of paper work piled on his desk.

Meanwhile, Nyelle has finally arrived at the address Edward said and there she saw Edward"s back. He was facing the nice view. Nyelle excitedly went to the beach. But as she approached him, she began to worry and feel scared about Edward"s appearance. There was a dark aura around him and bottles of beer are found around him. With caution, Nyelle approached Edward.

"Edward?" Nyelle asked as she made sure that it was really Edward.

"Oh! You"re here." Edward plainly said.

"Well you called me and wanted me to come here."

"And you really have the nerve to come here! You"re really amazing!" Edward raised his voice and look at her with disgust.

"What do you mean? I don"t even have a clue." Nyelle denied but in her thoughts she began to wonder.

"Does Edward knew what I did yesterday? But if he knew about it then Vince mujst also.... Still Yve hasn"t done anything. Calm down, Nyelle. Try to find more information from him for now."

"Feigning again. You should become an actress instead as for sure you will win so many awards."

"Edward, I don"t really get your point. Even if you"re drunk there should be a limit to what you say. I still get hurt!" Nyelle raised her voice in frustration.

Edward abruptly stood up and said, "Well, you should deserve to get hurt after what you did and doing!" He tossed the folder containing Sylvan"s report to Nyelle"s face then walked away.

"You should leave this city, no, the country before Vince makes his move. Consider this my last warning."

Edward dizzily walk towards the sh.o.r.e but before he can reach the sidewalk, he stumbled and Nyelle tried to help him. But using the remaining strength he has, he pushed Nyelle away and said, "You"re such a liar! You know what kind of people I hate the most?! LIARS like you. Get away from me! YOU ARE DISGUSTING!"

Nyelle was in tears upon hearing Edward. She confirmed that she has been discovered.

"Why does it have to happen now? Now, when I found a man I want to be mine."

Then a young girl approached them and helped Edward. Upon seeing her, Edward accepted the gesture. Nyelle hasn"t seen this girl which was why she"s curious and at the same time jealous.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Nyelle asked.

"It"s none of your business!" The young girl answered back and was about to turn with Edward on her side but Nyelle stopped them.

"I have to know."

"Well if you insist. I"m his friend and I have been looking all over for him. Why can"t you just get a clue that he doesn"t want to see you anymore. Now, GET LOST!" The young girl said and walked towards a white car parked ahead.

With tears flowing, Nyelle can"t do anything but watch them as they drive away from her. She scanned through the pages in the folder and fell to her knees.

"Now Yve, our friends.h.i.+p is over. I"m sorry."


inside Eybelle"s car


"How did you know where to find me?" Edward asked.

"I didn"t know I would find you here. It"s my mission to follow that woman." Eybelle answered.

"Under whose orders?"

"At first, it was Sylvan"s then finally Primo finally issued an order about it."

"So, all of you knew about her betrayal except me?"

"It"s not like that Secondo. Everything was only confirmed last night." Eybelle clarified.

But she didn"t hear any response from Edward so she turned to the pa.s.senger seat only to see Edward sleeping.

"She doesn"t deserve you, Secondo." Eybelle stated to herself.

Back in the hotel, Yve has finally awakened and as she looked at her phone, she can"t believe her eyes. It was already 4 in the afternoon. She literally slept the day away. She read through the messages but didn"t see anything even the call log. She was getting a little anxious, so she decided to call Sylvan.

"Yes, Ms. Yvory?" Sylvan answered.

"Sylvan, is everything alright with the company?" Yve asked.

"Yes, Mam. Everything is perfectly fine." Sylvan answered.

"Are you sure?" Yve asked Sylvan once more.

"Yes. Mr. Gray instructed me not to give you any call or update so as not to disturb your sleep." Sylvan explained as he caught up with Yve"s concern.

"Ahh, I see." Yve plainly answered. She should have known that since she hasn"t checked out from the hotel, Vince actually knew that she has been sleeping in the hotel.

"Thank you for the hard work. Don"t worry, I"ll go to the office tomorrow." Yve said and ended the phone call.

Soon, Vince will be finished for the day so she decided to wait for him in the suite. While doing so, she ordered room service and ate her overdue lunch and breakfast. As soon as the receptionist finished accommodating Yve"s call, she dialed the president"s office and informed Vince what Yve has ordered. He can"t help but smile despite the tons of paper works he needs to deal with tonight.

"Inform the kitchen to finish the dishes she ordered quickly. She must be starving." Vince ordered.

"Yes, sir." The receptionist responded as Vince resumed his work.

"At least she"s happy for now." Vince said.

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