Publishedat 30th of September 2019 04:55:08 PMChapter 150

Vince and Yve are getting ready for the meeting while waiting for Sylvan to arrive . Edward was even summoned by Vince as Slayne will take charge of the base for now .

Vince got the letter of invitation for the Board Meeting and contrast to what was on the news, the Board hasn"t made any final decision yet . Of the 15 Board members, 6 approved of Yve"s ascension, 5 disagreed, 3 were neutral while the last count was Mr . Levi Williams . They have a rule that for the appointment of new CEO at least 70% should approve . With these numbers, even if they convinced the 3 who bailed out the votes will not make it .

"Vince, what should we do? The people who disagreed are probably Mr . Williams" people . "

"Don"t worry . I know just the perfect way to deal with these people . " Vince said and called Edward .


"Have you prepared our gift for the Board today?"

"Yes! We didn"t need to do anything . As soon as the man saw the video clip, he admitted to everything and turned his shares to Ms . Y . "

"Good!" Vince said and ended the phone call .
"A gift?" Yve asked .

"Yes, I knew this would happen, the moment I didn"t receive the letter at the same time as yours . "

"Do you have a plan?"

"Yes . But let me handle this, okay?"

Yve nods in agreement to her King .

Just in time, Sylvan has arrived and saw his Boss and Lady Boss fully dressed for the occasion . Yve was wearing a white sleeveless pencil cut one piece overlapped with a beige three-fourth cut coat . She ended it with a red stiletto heels for an exclamation point and let her hair down for an approachable vibe . Her attire was simple yet elegant just like her personality .

His boss had a different attire than the usual . Vince was wearing a beige pants with white long sleeved polo . His coat is colored black paired with the same colored shoes and belt . This was the first time he saw Vince wore light colors . Majority of his suits and office attire were in dark colors .

"Ms . Yve must have prepared the clothes for him . " Sylvan thought .

"Are you ready?" Vince asked .

"Hmmm… . Let"s go . " Yve answered and they left the suite .

Outside the hotel, Edward was already waiting for them with Vince"s car . Their matching clothes didn"t escape Ed"s observation .

"Who would have thought that my cousin would wear light colors to work?"
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"Love can really change you . " Edward silently teased the couple . But one simple thought made him blush .

"Will Nyelle and I look good in couple clothes, too?"

Yve, Vince and Sylvan saw how red Ed"s face changed into . Vince knew what was going on his cousin"s mind and decided to tease him .

"What dirty work are you thinking in your mind?"

Edward turned his face away from them but still the redness was evident in his ears . Yve instantly got the joke and laughed in front of them and released her tension . Sylvan understood his Boss" intention . He felt bad for Edward as he became the sacrifice to help Yve feel relaxed .

Finally, they are on their way to the building . The 3 members of the Board who favored Yve and Vince"s mother were already waiting for them . Yve hugged Maddie as soon as she got out of the car and Vince can"t help but smile at the sight of them .

"Are you ready for the meeting?" Maddie asked .

"Yes, mom . Besides, with you and Vince by my side I have nothing to fear . " Yve confidently answered which earned her a smile from the woman .

"We should go in . " Vince said and with one of his arms around Yve, he led the way to the elevator .

As they went inside the meeting room, the gossips around the room silenced and all eyes were on them .

"In behalf of Mr . Williams, I would like to reside this meeting . " Edward began .

Many of them were shocked including Maddie but seeing the calm reaction of her son and daughter in-law, she relaxed and went to her seat .

"What makes you qualified to be Mr . Williams" spokesperson?! You are Mr . Gray"s secretary!"

"Well, Mr . Williams is a close friend of the late Mr . Smith and Mr . Gray here is the fiance of Ms . Smith . I think that is a valid reason? Plus, you don"t need to worry . I have here a video recording of Mr . Williams himself . " Edward explained and showed the USB to them .

He placed it on the laptop and as the video is still processing, Yve looked at Vince . Sensing that Yve is staring at him, he held her hand tightly underneath the table . Yve understood the message and calmly waited for the video to play .

"h.e.l.lo, I am Mr . Levi Williams . Today, I know that you have removed Mrs . Amira Smith from the position of CEO and is deciding whether to choose me or Ms . Yvory Smith as the replacement . Although Ms . Yvory doesn"t have the background, she can perform well and let"s not erase the greatest factor why you should choose her . She"s not just Ms . Yvory Smith but she"s now Mrs . Yvory Gray . With Mr . Gray and the Gray Group, along with the support of n.o.ble Clothing Line, she can bring the company to greater heights . "

Yve can"t believe her eyes and ears . Levi is praising him for whatever reasons and however means it was made possible, she really don"t know . She exchanged looks with Edward and Sylvan and though they showed poker faces, their eyes can"t lie the happiness they feel .


"Shh… Let him finish . It"s not yet the end . " Vince hushed her to silence as they continue to watch the video .

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