"Vince is something wrong? Are you mad at me?" Yve asked when she noticed that Vince wasn"t reacting to her fooling around and taking pictures.

In reality, it was only her who was asked to wear the new uniform. But because she felt shy about it, she informed the crew members if it would be fine to have her husband wear his former uniform. The crew was delighted and Yve moved to make it possible. She instructed Chrysthe who delivered the clothes to Maddie and have it adjusted according to his son"s current measurement before bringing it to the office. These series of scenarios brought us to the current situation.

With a light nudge from Chrysthe, Vince finally noticed his wife worriedly looking at him. He brushed his hand on her hair and smiled before saying,

"No, I"m not angry. I was just reminiscing my past as a university student in Australia." He lied.

"You must have fooled a lot of times and so many people." Yve turned around and walked to the crew.

"No, I hadn"t. I didn"t have any time for that as I was focused with hurrying up into your arms." Vince hurriedly explained and followed his wife to the crew.

Yve winked at the cameraman and took this cue to record the scene.

"I was listening of course but who knows if it"s just for publicity." Yve continued her drama.

"You should know that I would never do that." Vince answered back.

However, he began to question Yve"s actions.

"She"s not this type of person." He thought and was finally able to put the pieces together.

"Hmm.. So you wanted to put a candid camera on me, huhh…"

Vince turned his actor mode on as well.

"You really think I can do that?" Vince uttered and changed the tone of his voice.

This sudden change didn"t escape Yve"s observational skills especially when it comes to Vince. She approached her husband and told the cameraman to stop filming. However, the cameraman didn"t stop as he noticed the signal from Vince.

"It seems that this couple likes to fool around each other." He thought and smiled as this joint interview might be more enjoyable as they planned to be.

"Please don"t think that way. Everything I just said was part of an act. We were trying to get a glimpse of you coaxing me. You always have my absolute trust." Yve said as she tried to coax her husband.

"…" Vince continued to stay quiet.

"Please don"t get mad at me." Yve turned Vince"s face to her and did something unexpected.

She kissed Vince and this made everyone shocked including her husband. Her kiss on his lips was sweet and apologizing. Vince is happy by this sweet and dominant reaction of Yve but he can"t fool his wife anymore. So lightly, he pushed Yve away and explained what really happened. The crew loved the scene and said that they would make use of it. But on the request of the couple, the kiss part will be edited out and the copy will be given only to them.  

"Now, let"s begin the interview." Vince told the entire crew and they obliged to his request.

The couple sat on the couch prepared for them while the host interviews them.

"Thank you very much for gracing us with this interview."

"Thank you also for the opportunity."

"Now, let"s talk about your get-up first." The host began the interview.

"Okay. Well, I just received my St. Michael"s uniform and since we"re going to talk about it, I decided to wear it for the first time." Yve explained.

"But why is Mr. Gray here wearing a uniform as well?"

"He"s an alumnus and to be honest I"m a bit shy to wear it alone so I asked him to wear his past uniform and I"m happy that he agreed." Yve answered.

"Mr. Gray, aren"t you shy to wear your former uniform?"

"Of course, I am. But I"m happy to ease the tension she feels at the moment." Vince said as he wrapped his hand around hers while looking at her eyes.

The camera man didn"t dare miss this natural display of affection.

"I see. Now Mr. Gray, what can you say about your wife breaking your record?"

"I don"t mind. The record has always been set to be an inspiration and to be beaten. But when she said that she wanted to go to school and give St. Michael a try, I somehow foresee…. You can call it instinct? That she will be able to break it."

"How about you, Mrs. Gray?"

"Hehehehehe. Mrs. Gray? I"m still not used to it." Yve laughed and failed to answer the question.

Vince looked at her and said, "Well, you should get used to it."

"I know but it might take some time?" Yve jokingly said and tapped her husband"s legs before answering the host"s question.

"On a serious note, I never thought of breaking his record nor having the top score. All I wanted was to pa.s.s the exam and give his alma matter a try. At the time, I thought that if I would have the same education as his, I might be able to do well in my future endeavors in the business world." She truthfully answered.

"By future endeavor, are you talking about the Stones Enterprises?" The Host dared to ask.

"Yes. Don"t get me wrong. I know my husband is doing a magnificent job in putting it back to the right track. But as what I have told him, I don"t want him to be stressed out. He has already a lot to do with Gray Group." Yve expressed her heart.

"I already told her that I can handle both and if she really wished to go to school, I would like her to continue her Bachelor"s in Medical Science she had started before." Vince replied.

"I still want to have fun with my husband and be of service to him not only inside our house. I want to understand your work." Yve said which rendered Vince speechless.

"You both care a lot about each other." The host commented to which the couple just looked at her with a smile.

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