Yve woke up a little late than usual. She slept for only few minutes after three hours. She instantly get ready and sent a message to Sylvan informing him to bring a breakfast from a take-out diner near their office.

"She really acts like the boss. He would also ask for take-out whenever he was hungry and busy. Good thing I cooked some food before I left this morning. " Sylvan thought. He picked up Yve and saw her getting ready with the papers in her hands.

"Let"s go, Sylvan. I will eat the breakfast on the way." Yve said in a hurry and was about to leave when Sylvan suddenly stopped her.

"What"s wrong?" Yve was a bit stunned by how he acted.

"Young Madam, you need to eat your breakfast first. I have prepared a western breakfast for you." Sylvan said and showed the contents of the paper bag he has been bringing.

"Western breakfast? You cooked?" Yve asked in succession as she couldn"t believe her ears.

"I heard from Mr. Edward that you have the same tendencies as Mr. Gray when you"re busy so he instructed me to ensure you eat healthy and at the right time." Sylvan explains as he led the way to the dining area where he slowly unpacks the food.

"Ahh I see. But I can still eat this inside the car or in the office." Yve said.

"It will not be very comfortable inside the car and as for the office, I believe you will start working as soon as we arrive. You will only eat on the sideline. Young Madam, I believe I have been your secretary for quite some time now. Thus this would be the best time to eat." Sylvan explained.

"Hehehehehehehe. You act as if you"re my parents. I find it quite funny, Sylvan. Thanks." Yve laughed and sincerely thanked him.

"By the way, Sylvan have you eaten your breakfast?"

"Yes, Madam. I already did. About the revisions, I sent them to Mr. Edward this morning as he asked for copy. It was very early in the morning and I didn"t want to interrupt your sleep so I just sent it to him."

"It"s fine. I would still send it to him after you give your revisions. I don"t want to take everything based on my ideas only." Yve said as she eat the breakfast cooked for her by Sylvan.

Inside the hospital, Maddie is finally awake and finds herself in the room. She looked around slowly and saw her son asleep while sitting on a chair beside her bed. She hasn"t seen her son in two days and it crossed her mind that she will not see him again or her future grandchildren.  She wanted to touch her son"s hair and her sudden movement woke Vince up.

"Mom! You"re awake! Let me call the doctors first." Vince instantly stood up and was about to leave when Maddie pressed his hand and whispered,

"I have some questions to ask."

"I know. I will answer all your questions but for now you need to be checked." Vince removed his mother"s hands and went out of the room.

"Definitely you have a lot of questions on your mind. I guess there"s no turning back. Both you and Yve were put in harm. I need to put those people in their right places once and for all." Vince thought to himself as he walked towards the nurse"s station.

Meanwhile, Yve and Sylvan are on their way to SkyMu for the meeting with the different directors. Each of them has reported the positive news on their artists as well as the success of Hyacinth"s concert tour. Yve was happy to see the development in the company. Now it was slowly moving forward and is proving to be one of the next big entertainment companies in the country.

"Miss Yve, in this time of the year most of the singers, girl and boy groups, actors and actresses prove themselves in terms of promotions and projects for the upcoming Millennial Awards." One of the directors implies.

"I heard of the said awards. It"s one of the new award giving bodies in the industry yet most entertainment companies would boost their artists to it." Yve responded.

"Yes, Miss Yve. Just being able to be invited in the said awards night is a proof of how strong and large an artist"s fanbase is."

"I see. When do the announcement of nominees and invitations are usually posted?" Yve asked.

"Three months from now."

"So the projects of our artists should be able to make a name for them to be a part of it." Yve casually answered.

"That"s correct, Miss Yve."

"I will be talking to two of the managers tonight.  As for the rest, I will personally meet them and hear what their plans for their stars are. Sylvan make sure to schedule the meetings the soonest time possible. " Yve turned to Sylvan to give the instructions before asking another question to the directors.

"Is there anything else?"

"Miss Yve, we have a lot of artists in our company even before. And we have been suggesting this to the previous management." The PR a.s.sistant director said.

"Go on, I"m listening." Yve ushered him to speak.

This is one of the things that changed in SkyMu. . In the previous time, the staffs weren"t allowed to make any suggestions. All they need to do is to report the good news about the company and try to work on the problems that arise on their own.  Under Yve"s management, she listens to the suggestions of the staffs and gives an objective feedback to their proposals and tries to do the best possible course of action. She never leaves them behind and Yve acknowledges their performances and they receive the credit for it.

At first they were quite worried on how will Yve manage the company. But seeing her positive att.i.tude and outstanding performance in a short time, they began to admire their new Lady Boss. They even swore in their minds that they will obey her commands and show their true skills.

"Some of our artists are on vacation as promised after their successful and hectic schedules. Let"s take Hyacinth for example. She has one month vacation starting next week. Despite her successful alb.u.m and concert tour and strong fan base, she might not be able to make it if we will follow the one month vacation. Yet, we don"t want to go back to our word as the artist did her best the past few months."  The a.s.sistant director continued.

"So what would be this suggestion?"

"We can release videos about our artists in our own online channel."

"What kind of videos would it be?"

"Different kinds. Each week we will feature different artists, may it be a member of the group, or the entire group, actors or even the models. Once all our artists are featured, we will have a culminating activity featuring all of them. The culminating activity will be done in two weeks prior to the release of the nominees and performance invitations for the Millennial Awards." The a.s.sistant director finished his explanation.

Then there was silence. It was actually a first that someone gave a very big suggestion to Yve in a meeting this scale. Everyone awaits her response.

"That"s a unique way of promotion. But I have a lot of questions about this suggestion. Can you give a more detailed plan for this? I will be putting you in charge of this, a.s.sistant director. It"s up to you on who are people you need to meet for this. Can you do a report in a meeting tomorrow at dinner?" Yve looked at all of them in amus.e.m.e.nt.

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