As the son come clean with his secrets to his mother, a lady is anxious the moment she woke up. She failed to wait for Yve"s message and fell asleep. To add more salt to the wound, she overslept. So now, she hurried to the nearest grocery store to buy the ingredients for the lunch she plans to cook for Edward.

 When something failed at the beginning, it sometimes continues for an entire day. For Nyelle, as soon as she arrived from the supermarket, she finds the man she has been anxiously waiting for.

"Edward?" Nyelle suddenly called out causing the man to turn around.

"Nyelle? Why did you buy so many things? Let me carry that for you."

Edward walked towards her and was prepared to carry the bags instead of her but received something he didn"t expect in return. Nyelle dropped the plastic bags she has been carrying and when Edward was just an arm"s length from her, she grabbed him and kissed him on the lips.

The young man was indeed shocked by her actions and couldn"t react for a few seconds. He finally reacted when the girl daringly bit his lips asking for permission. Edward"s lips formed a smile before opening his mouth allowing the woman"s lips to enter his. From this moment, Edward took the lead by grabbing Nyelle by the waist closing the gap between them. Nyelle placed her hands around Edward"s neck as she gave in to her emotions. She really missed this man in front of her. Back from the time he left, she has been feeling guilty on her actions.

It was Edward who broke the kiss when he noticed that the girl in front of her was panting. He held her head close to his face touching their foreheads.

"What"s with the sudden and daring kiss?" Edward asked.

"If you didn"t like it, you should have just pushed me away."

Nyelle"s face turned into cherry tomato as she pushed him and turned her head. She was about to walk away when the man grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back into his arms.

"I like it! It"s just I was surprised."

Edward whispered close to her right ear. His voice was low yet masculine and seductive.

"I was expecting you to neglect me when I arrive. I still remember how angry you were with my decision to leave."

"I wasn"t…. angry." Nyelle whispered the last part in a very small voice.

"You weren"t?" Edward whispered back as he honestly didn"t hear the last part.

"I wasn"t angry. I was just worried for you." Nyelle repeated in a louder voice.

Edward smiled and turned Nyelle around for him to look at her face.

"I"m relieved to hear that you were not angry with me. But Nyelle, this is my job. This is another part of me which I wish that you were not aware of."

Nyelle held his hands and said,

"I understand. Believe me I felt much better with the full knowledge of what you"re doing rather than being in the dark. Still, you can"t take away the feeling of getting scared for your safety."

"I promise to take good care of myself whenever I go on these kinds of missions. I will also keep you updated as soon as I can next time. Okay?" Edward hugged Nyelle to which she felt the woman nodded her head in agreement.

"We should get inside now. I was planning to cook lunch for you as an apology for how I acted before you left." Nyelle broke the embrace and went to pick the plastic bags.

Edward rushed also and took majority of the bags and said,

"There"s no need to apologize. Come on, let"s cook together."

As the relations.h.i.+p between the two lovebirds were smooth sailing once more, Yve finds herself on her way to her school after finis.h.i.+ng the meetings and doing her homework in the office. As Sylvan is driving, she focused on reading the progress reports on the project she"s handling for Stones.

"Sylvan, there are some parts I don"t understand in these progress reports." Yve honestly admitted.

"Do you think it would be a good idea to ask help from my professors?"

"I don"t think so, Young Madam. Those files are plans for the company and are considered as trading secrets. If something happens and the Board finds out, they will certainly put the blame on you." Sylvan answered.

"So what should I do?"

"I can inform Sir Edward about this. He can help you understand some terms or let someone from Gray Group explain it to you. After all, these two groups are now merged. There"s nothing wrong with sharing some knowledge."

"I see. Do that then. I would like to have it tonight if possible."

"Yes, Young Madam."

As they were approaching the school though, Sylvan noticed two cars trailing behind them for quite some time.  Without alarming Yve at the back, he called Chrysthe.

"Where are you?"

"I"m currently fighting some armed people who have been tailing the car ever since you left the office."

"There were how many cars before?" Sylvan asked.

"Two." Chrysthe answered shortly. Sylvan can hear the gun fires on the background which indicates a battle between them.

"I have two at the moment."


"Don"t worry, Chrysthe. Focus on battling out there. I will figure something out."

"Be careful."

"Young Madam, there are some people following us. Please fasten your seatbelt and hold tight." Sylvan warned Yve to which she instantly obeyed before looking at the black colored SUVs behind them.

"Sylvan, what should we do?"

"Just relax. I will do my best to remove them from our tail. "

Sylvan calmly said as he stepped on the gas and sped away. He also pushed the emergency b.u.t.ton of the car alarming the base. Team Alpha received the request and instantly called Sylvan for situation.

"I can still handle them but I need some help in some intersections to break free. Send help in those areas and prepare the base." Sylvan shortly responded as soon as the call got connected.

"Chrysthe?" Slayne calmly asked.

"Fighting the other half. Trace her tracking device."

"There"s no need." Chrysthe connected to their emergency line.

"I"ll be heading to the base to conduct interrogation on two of these men. We need to know their boss. Prepare the room for it." Chrysthe ordered.

"Got it. Sylvan followed the route you usually take in going back to the office. We will intercept in some of those intersections." Slayne ordered.

"Roger that."

As the phone call ended, the cars behind them noticed that Yve"s car may have noticed their presence. They pulled down their windows and Sylvan knew that gun shots are coming. He pressed a b.u.t.ton and suddenly the gla.s.s windows turned opaque black. Yve got scared of this.

"Sylvan, what"s happening?"

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