Yve wanted to do the dishes and let Nyelle and Edward leave for the night but failed, so both of them ended doing the remaining after-meal ch.o.r.es.  With full understanding that Yve knew their next plan of improving the security, Edward and Sylvan decided to have the video conference from the study room after obtaining Yve"s permission. Chrysthe is to remain in his room just outside the house while the rest of the team is already in the conference room inside the base.

"Secondo!" The rest of the members saluted to the guy who"s second in command.

"I"ve heard from Slayne about the things you did today. I would like to hear summarized reports . Let"s start with Slayne. Since earlier this afternoon, is there any new information?" Edward began the meeting as the members sat down on their respective seats.

"I have investigated the sources of funds for the Swiss account used to pay the Red Stripes and it was solely on deposit transaction from Jenny." Slayne reported.

"Do you have any leads as to why she would do that to the Young Madam?" Eybelle asked.

"The only reason I got is that she got furious for not getting the first place in this year"s collegiate entrance examination." Slayne answered.

"Why is she so fixated on that top spot?"

"That"s still a mystery to me. I will continue my investigation." Slayne reported.

"Try to figure out how good or bad her relation with her brother, Steve." Edward instructed.

"Yes, Secondo." Slayne wrote down in his memo.

"Secondo, are you worried that Young Madam"s failed attack is related to the kidnapping of Primo"s mother and are all done to p.i.s.s our Boss?" Sylvan asked.

"I don"t want it to be. Because if that is the reason and Primo finds out we kept this a secret, all of us will get punished." Edward explained and the Team can"t help but imaging the punishment they will get from their Boss.

Removing them from the team would be the easiest form but definitely an impossible one.

"How about your mission, Eybelle?" Edward asked.

"It"s already accomplished. My team wiped out the whole members and leader of Red Stripes. Even their base is fully destroyed." Eybelle simply reported.

"How were they?" Chrysthe asked.

"Everyone is a small fry except for their boss. He was a respectable man. I believe if they were more careful in accepting jobs from others anonymously, we wouldn"t have crossed paths." Eybelle answered the question. From her words, it was evident how good the leader would be.

"That"s too bad. Anyways, Sylvan and I were able to come up with the updated security procedures for our boss." Edward began as the rest of the team pulled out their notebooks.

"Aside from Slayne, the rest of the team will take turns in protecting the Lady Boss." Sylvan simply said.

"The entire Team Alpha?!" Chrysthe was indeed shocked by the great leap in security.

"How about the revenge plan for Primo"s mother?" Eybelle asked.

"I received an email from Primo that he wants Team Bravo to be in-charge. He is planning to have an outside pressure against the enemy." Edward answered.

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, I see." Slayne expressed his thoughts loud enough.

That is exactly the correct revenge for the Boss. Unknown to most businessmen but Vince also owned quite a number of companies in Europe under the supervision of Team Bravo. It was written under their names. If one would compare the differences between Team Alpha and Team Bravo, one would be their actions. Team Alpha would act in secret so their profiles are all hidden. As for Team Bravo, each of them are famous in their respective businesses and one would think they have nothing to do with the evil actions. Yet they do it when they have direct orders from Primo such as the rescue operation of Maddie.

Just like that, they finalized the schedule of the guarding procedure. The same as before, only the members of Team Alpha would be visible most of the time. The only difference is that Eybelle would silently follow unless Yve would go shopping. It would fit Eybelle"s combat skills. She is a young girl in appearance so the enemies tend to relax around her. And to take note, she only came out once when she was invited by Yve to go out and enjoy the ladies" bonding with Nyelle. It would be a perfect camouflage.

"Secondo, would it be fine to have it arranged without the knowledge of the Young Madam?" It was Slayne who asked the question.

"It will be. Don"t worry. She understands the situation and is willing to cooperate."

"I can"t believe Young Madam easily compromised." Eybelle said.

"She had laid out some conditions which we should follow. As long as we don"t cross each other"s lines unless needed then everything is fine." Edward explained.

It was Sylvan"s turn to enumerate only three terms Yve said earlier. First, they would take care of themselves and eat appropriately and on time despite their jobs. Second, they will not be too obvious in guarding her as she doesn"t want to gather unnecessary attention. Last, her schedules will not be adjusted and she will continue as it is.

"The first two conditions are actually easy to follow. As for the third one…." Chrysthe is doubtful about it.

"Don"t worry, Eybelle will be there to a.s.sist you." Sylvan said.

"I know. It"s fine with me but how about her health? She will have lesser time to sleep and she even eat foods on the go."

"Then, how about if I will cook food and have Eybelle bring it over? I can even pack food for lunch and dinner if you like." Slayne offered.

"That would be the best then. You know I can only cook limited dishes and as for lunch and dinner we would often buy random food from a restaurant." Sylvan confessed.

"Okay, then leave it up to me." Slayne said.

"That"s good! So now let"s wrap up. Don"t forget your written reports on today"s mission. I want it on my desk or sent in my email by tomorrow morning. I would also want you to send daily reports by the end of the day. This is for reference just in case Primo finds out or the Young Madam wants to reveal this information." Edward reminded the team and ended the video conference.


"Nyelle and I should leave now. It"s getting late, too." Edward calmly said and left the study room.

Downstairs, he heard happy voices watching an animated television series. The two ladies were giggling like teenagers while watching the characters.

"Yve, can you still attend the Anime Festival this year?" Nyelle asked her best friend.

"Of course! When and where will it be this year?" Yve asked.

"There"s no announcement yet. But I know you"re very busy. So as soon as I get notified, I will inform you." Nyelle said.

Despite their age, watching anime and partic.i.p.ating in anime related meetings help them relax and remind them of their happy childhood. For Nyelle, it was her time spent with her family. As for Yve, it was her time when her father would give her different anime merchandise as rewards for her excellence in studies.

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