As Yve and the rest of Team Alpha are on their way to bed, Vince and members of Team Bravo are in a video conference.

"Primo, what are your next orders?"

"First of all, thank you for a job well done in my mother"s rescue mission. Now for the next mission, I believed you have already received the email on which the mastermind was." Vince began the meeting.


"Then for you next mission. I want you to handle the businesses of Steve in Europe and start making them your own. Make sure that he will not figure out the connection between us." Vince instructed.

"Boss, isn"t that too light of a punishment for trying to harm your mother?"

"Don"t worry. It"s just the beginning. The reason why he became so confident in fighting against me is because of his investments and businesses internationally. Once we remove the source of his confidence, I can easily dismantle him on my end. Furthermore, he will not figure out that it was I who began the attack." Vince explained.

"I understand, Boss. Should we go to the country to do that?"

"No. Do it from here to avoid connecting us. If you need any a.s.sistance from me, you may contact Secondo. Regarding the information, you can also ask Slayne for help." Vince continued to instruct.

Each member is taking down notes following Vince"s instructions.

"Do you have any questions?" Vince asked.

"Primo, when are you going back?" One of the members asked.

"As soon as the doctors give the go signal that my mother can travel we will be heading back."

"Then we will send emails regarding the updates."

"There"s no need. The enemy might be able to trace us that way. You can just send me the progress report once there are major effects or changes in the enemy. Think of this as an isolated mission."

"Yes, Boss."

In their profession, when a mission is cla.s.sified as isolated, the agent is not allowed to communicate with the headquarters unless facing a grave danger or a great progress. It also means that the mission is to be treated of importance and of great care. Moreover, the jurisdiction to make the everyday decision is up to the agent.

With all the instructions handed to them, Vince ended the video call and address to the fierce look of Maddie sitting on her hospital bed.

"You have been looking at me like you"re throwing daggers." Vince exclaimed.

"You have instructing those men like a real mafia leader. You sounded so evil. Do you know that?" Maddie looked sad.

"Mom, leading a big mafia group such as mine, I have to be strong and fierce with my enemies. I have to be able to put pressure on my subordinates when needed to. Moreover, this mission isn"t as evil at sounds and looks like." Vince explained.

"But you"re trying to take away business deals from the enemy."

"It always happens in the world of business. They will not do anything underhand. They will win things through official biddings and meetings."

"So, by pressuring the enemy, you mean….?"

"Diverting his focus. I still don"t know how far he has prepared to fight against me and how deep is his intel on my affairs. With this diversion, I will be able to easily figure out his thoughts enabling me to create a perfect countermeasure. I will do the defending and let him think that"s the only thing I"m doing. Let the team Bravo handle the attacking." Vince shared his plans to his mother.

Listening to the plans of her son, she can"t help but fully understand when her husband said he wasn"t worried about the company"s future nor his family"s future. Vince is handling all of them efficiently while taking things up to the next level.

Then the doctors appeared and talked to Vince and Maddie.

"The patient"s vitals are stable the past few monitoring. We only need to wait for the results of the tests to confirm if we can release the patient."

"Thank you very much, Doctor." Maddie said her thanks.

"There"s no need to thank me. This is my job. Despite the stabled vitals, remember not to overstress yourself. Rest more and sleep early."

"Heard the doctor,Mom." Vince reminded his mother as well.

"I will. I"ll just finish this fas.h.i.+on show then I will go to sleep."

The team of medical practioners left the room. Vince also left the room to eat in the hospital cafeteria and informed his men to guard the room carefully.

Aside from his meeting with Team Bravo, Vince also had meetings with the directors of Gray Group. Lastly, he pressed a b.u.t.ton from his mobile phone which alarms all the members of Team Alpha. Along with it, he sends a message,

Meeting at five.

This means that they have 5 minutes to prepare as they will have a meeting. This was something Team Alpha has expected from their boss. However, they haven"t prepared well on what they"re going to say.

"We just need to follow on what will Sylvan report. He knows the Boss" personality the best." The members of Team Alpha thought.

After 5 minutes, each member logged in and began their meeting. Sylvan reported Yve"s schedule excluding her meeting for Stones. Chrysthe followed and reported on the security scheduling of Yve. Slayne was chosen as third by Vince due to the sudden appearance of Yve at the base.

"So she asked you to investigate on her cla.s.smates? That"s all?" Vince asked.

"Yes, Boss." Chrysthe asked.

"I can"t possibly tell you that your wife was in danger and is planning a counterattack on her own. I can"t also tell you that she asked us to keep it a secret from you."

"Chrysthe, did you notice anything from her cla.s.smates? Like are there people hara.s.sing her?"

"Nothing of that sort, Boss. I think that Young Madam just wants to get to know the background of her cla.s.smates for possible business connection?" Chrysthe answered.

"What do you think, Sylvan? Does Yve has any plans of that sort?"

"So far, Young Madam is focused on the upcoming plans for the artists. The company is preparing for the Millennial Awards."

However, Vince doesn"t look satisfied with the answer so Sylvan decided to add more details.

"Actually, there are some things which the Young Madam is confused about. They haven"t discussed it in cla.s.s and I"m not that efficient when it comes to deeper business terms. Upon hearing that Secondo is coming back, she also wanted to ask some questions to him."

Vince smiled and looked satisfied.

"I see. Keep up the good surveillance and support her while I"m not around. I"ll be coming back as soon as my mother"s tests are all okay. That"s all for today, team. You can go back to bed."

As Vince ended the conference, the rest of the team didn"t log out.

"That was close." Chrysthe added.

"You bet it was. Luckily, Sylvan thought of the other reason and used Secondo as an alibi." Jaleb expressed.

"We need to plan this thoroughly. Slayne informed Secondo about this and schedule a meeting. We mind need to plan things carefully before the Boss returns." Sylvan added.

"That"s true. We will not be able to meet as easy as like this and the Young Madam can"t also do the same thing." Eybelle seconded the motion.

"We will plan everything here. Then through Eybelle, Chrysthe and Sylvan will be informed of the countermeasures." Slayne summarized their own meeting before they logged out.

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