Vince instantly went to the kitchen to cook some of his Queen"s favorite dishes. However, as he opened the refrigerator, he found no ingredients inside - only bottles of water and some fruits. He looked angry yet worried.

"What has she been eating when I"m away?"

"Don"t tell me she has been neglecting her meals while I was away?"

As he pondered on these thoughts, his anger intensified more. He called on Chrysthe who was on watch over duties inside his room.

"Yes, Primo?"

"Has the Young Madam been eating well?"

"Yes. Sylvan makes sure that she eats on time by bringing the lunch boxes prepared by Slayne. Just last night, Miss Nyelle cooked for her and ate a lot of food." Chrysthe answered swiftly.

"So the reason why there"s no groceries on the fridge is because she hasn"t been cooking?" Vince continued to ask.

"Yes, Sir…." Chrysthe looked down as he answered his Boss.

"Okay. I"ll be going to the groceries now but Yve is still sleeping upstairs. Don"t wake her up but just in case she looks for me, tell her where I went."

"Yes, Boss."

Vince left the house to shop for the needed ingredients. Yve is in deep sleep inside the house. On the other hand, Steve is working inside his office. He received reports on their international business projects which weren"t working as he thought. Different big companies who didn"t bid for the projects started to hinder them.

"What happened? I thought they weren"t bidding for these projects?!" Steve said as he engaged himself in the emergency video call.

"Sir, these companies were working on multiple bigger projects that the ones we were bidding. Then all of a sudden, they decided to partic.i.p.ate."

"I know all about that! Now, I need to hear something which wasn"t written in these reports!" Steve shouted his anger at his employees.

"Sir, maybe these companies are trying to sabotage us all together?"

"What do you mean?...."

"Are you talking about Vincent?"

"That"s only a possibility."

"Then check their connection and make sure that we will get the projects. Do whatever it takes, okay?"

"Yes, Sir!"

Then his meeting got interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Brother Steve?" Jenny asked as she slightly opened the door. He gestured for her to sit down.

"That"s all for now. Do all the tasks I gave you and then we"ll talk about the next steps after."

"Yes, Sir!" That marked the end of the video call.

"What"s wrong, Jenny?" Steve asked as he approached her.

"Can I ask something? Related to this homework?" Jenny gently asked while showing the notebook and lecture papers to Steve.

"Let me." Steve looked through the details of the lesson material.

"How are your" Steve asked as he highlighted the important details on the notes.

"Everything is fine." Jenny thriftly answered.

As much as she can, she wants to avoid the topic. Yve is getting the best of the scores and the best activities. She also wants to keep the failed a secret. She lost contact from the group and also heard that the gang vanished and all the members died.

"I don"t want it to be fine. Excellent should be the word. I want you to be on top of everything. Don"t let that Yvory 1st place during the entrance examination happen again." Steve said with conviction.

"Yes, Bro. I won"t let it happen again." Jenny said in a low tone.

After helping her with the homework, Steve even taught her advanced lessons to give her an edge enough in the coming days. Jenny went out of the office feeling a bit more confident than earlier; thanks to the coaching of her brother.

Even if other people would say that Steve is strict, for Jenny he is a good brother. Although he is a bit strict, he gives whatever she wants and needs.

"I need to make sure to defeat Yve at school. My brother will be proud of me, I"m sure of it." Jenny whispered to herself.

Back at Yve and Vince"s residence. Yve was awakened by her phone ringing. She looked at the phone screen and noticed it was Sylvan calling. Thinking it might be an emergency, Yve instantly answered the phone.

"I"m sorry, Young Madam. I know that the day has ended and tomorrow is a Sunday but there is an emergency." Sylvan reported.

"What"s wrong?"

"Our plan to release videos of our artists online is taken by a major entertainment company. They even released the first video already. By the looks of it, the idea is the same as what we have planned. "

"Which company?"

"Let me take a look at the video then I"ll call you back."

Yve accessed the internet through her phone to watch the video uploaded by their compet.i.tor. Her video was indeed similar to one of their video contents. They can"t afford to release the videos now and are doing the same thing. Fans and bashers will criticize their output.

"I need to think of another plan, for this." Yve sighed and went to look for the previous plans that SkyMu did to promote their artists. She also called Sylvan to get her the previous promotional methods their compet.i.tors did.

Yve went to their study room in their home and remembered that Vince had returned but ever since she woke up, she hasn"t seen the man. So she stopped researching and looked around the house for her husband. Then after one round of searching, she called Vince.

"Where are you?"

"I just went out for grocery shopping. I"m on my way back. Don"t worry."

"Hmm, okay. Take care!" Yve smiled and ended the phone call. She headed back to the study room and continued her research.

When Vince came back, Chrysthe informed him that Yve is busy inside the study room. He decided not to disturb her. Instead, he prepares the ingredients necessary for the mela he is planning to cook for the night.

"It has to be delicious enough, to make you forget the stress and pressure." With that he continued cooking for his beloved wife.

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