This Time You Are Mine

Chapter 251: 251

Publishedat 25th of April 2020 01:05:05 PM
Chapter 251: 251
Vince arrived home alone after shopping for groceries . Edward got a call from Nyelle after shopping . So Edward grabbed a taxi to the place where they are supposed to meet .  

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Vince went to their room to change his clothes swiftly . In the kitchen, he placed the cake he bought inside the refrigerator and cooked the rice . He washed the kitchen utensils and ingredients for cooking the pork adobo which is his mother"s and wife"s favorite dish .

"I just hope I can give justice to this dish and make the ladies happy . " Vince quoted in his mind as he cut the onions and garlic . He was in the middle of preparing the other ingredients when he heard a car approaching .

"Must be Mom, I guess . " He thought and just on cue he hears his mom calling him out .

"I"m in the kitchen, Mom!" Vince shouted loud enough for his mom to hear .

"Wow, that"s new! I haven"t seen you do some cooking in a while . Where"s Yve?" Maddie said as she removed her coat and wore one of the ap.r.o.ns hanging on the wall .

"Need some help?"

"Gladly, Mom!" Vince smiled happily while looking at his savior .

"You actually did well in preparing the ingredients .   Now, let"s start with cooking the pork in batches . " Maddie instructed her son after making sure that the pan with vegetable oil is hot enough .

"Mom, when should I put the onions?"

"Once both sides of the pork cuts are brown enough . Don"t forget to add the garlic and stir for a minute after . " Maddie answered .

"Okay, mom . Thanks!"

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"By the way, what"s your drink and dessert?"

"I have your favorite cake but as for drink, I"m debating whether to go for a red wine or just a healthy juice . " Vince answered .

"I would prefer the healthy juice for the night . We still have work tomorrow, so wine is a bit… . " Maddie smiled as she opened the fridge to look for the possible fruits .

"Would you like some lemon yogurt juice?" Maddie asked .

"Lemon yogurt? Now that"s something new… I would love to try that . " Vince voiced out and his mother began preparing the lemons and bottles of yogurt needed .

On the other side, Vince added the soy sauce, vinegar, and black pepper to taste . Finally, he placed water necessary to cover the pork . He closed the lid and let the dish simmer until the mixture becomes saucy .

Maddie sliced the lemon and squeezed it . And added her own sugar water she made earlier .

"Son, will Yve arrive anytime soon?"

"I don"t know . She hasn"t sent me a message so maybe not . Why?"

"I"m thinking of whether I can add the yogurt to the mixture now or just later . But since you"re not yet sure, I will just finalize it later . " Maddie replied .

"What is the other dish you will prepare?"

"Well, just the fresh vegetable salad . " Vince answered as he began slicing the vegetables .

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"Almost of these vegetables are greens! This will not be called salad!" Maddie exclaimed as she looks over the vegetables .

"She likes green vegetables more and eats a handful of other vegetables . " Vince explained .

"Okay, I understand . "

As the salad is finished, Maddie starts to prepare the table . After placing the salad on the table, Vince looks at the adobo and adds the pineapple tidbits . He let it simmer and while waiting, he texted Yve .

"Mrs . Gray, dinner is almost ready and Mom is already here . Where are you?"

He instantly received a response from Yve .

"I"m inside the village already . I"ll be there in about 5 minutes, I think . "

"I can"t wait to see you . "

"I"ll be there before you know it . "

Vince informed Maddie and the latter pulled her lemon juice and added the yogurt for finis.h.i.+ng touch . Vince also turned the heat off as the main dish is also finished . The mother and son tandem removed their ap.r.o.ns and waited for Yve to arrive .

They didn"t need to wait that long because as they sat in the living room, they heard a car getting inside the gate . Knowing that it"s Yve, Vince and Maddie went to the entrance to greet her .

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"Mom!!!" Yve exclaimed and hugged her mother-in-law in happiness and relief .

This is actually the first time that the Yve saw Maddie after the incident . Maddie hugged her back in recall that just a few days ago, she thought she will not see the lady in front of her .

"I"m hurt! Both of you miss each other to the point of forgetting about me . " Vince pouted and turned around as he walked away from the two ladies .

The ladies smiled at his reaction but Maddie mouthed her daughter-in-law to woo her husband . Yve understood what Maddie means so she followed Vince and encircled her arm around one of Vince"s causing the latter to stop .

"What do you need?" Vince pouted at his wife .

"I miss you . " Yve paired these three words with a kiss on the cheeks causing Vince to smile .

"But you miss my mother more . " Vince said .

"Just for tonight . You know I haven"t seen your mother in days . But for you, I"ll miss you just after a minute . " Yve hugged her husband this time .

"Please stop sulking . " Yve whispered to her husband .

"I"ll do anything . "

"Anything?" Vince whispered back and as Yve pulled back she saw the smirk on her husband"s face .

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From that look she knows, the word "anything" will put her in danger later . But she put the thoughts away for now . She decided to think of a way out when the time comes .

"I"ll take your word for that . " Vince smiled and pulled Yve to the dining table where the food is waiting .

"WOW!!! The food looks so delicious . Did you cook everything here?" Yve asked and looked at Vince .

"With a little help from Mom . " Vince admitted to which Maddie smiled .

"Then I"ll just go up and change . I"ll be back in a short while . " Yve said and ran towards their room .

With Yve out of site, Maddie asked her son a question that she has been meaning to ask ever since she was invited to dinner .

"Why the sudden dinner invite, my Son? This doesn"t sound like you . "

"Mom, I know what you"re thinking but this is actually because of Yve . She wants to see you and since she only available at dinner, so…" Vince replied and Maddie understood .

"I hope this is not because of the psychological counseling or anything . " Maddie reminded her son .

"I respected your decision and I told Yve about it . But I can"t promise that Yve will not try to talk to you about it . " Vince informed his mom which was received by a deep sigh from Maddie .

"What are you guys talking about? Both of you looks to serious?" Yve asked as she sat down in one of the chairs in the dining table .

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