"Mr. Lester is already a promising journalist as of the moment. Your newspaper company is in good hands. You"re actually correct." Sylvan corrected.

"Is this part of the renovations?"

"Nope. It was already designed that way and Ms. Yve decided to keep it that way. She focused on improving the condition and equipment inside the room." Sylvan answered.

Just on cue, Sylvan knocked on the door and a man in white sleeveless s.h.i.+rt and trousers opened the door for them.

"Mr. Sylvan, good morning. Those are the guests, I presume. Please get inside." The man said and paved the way for them.

The group silently came in and looked at the members of the boy group who are busy drinking water and wiping their sweat.

"We"re just about to resume our practice." Tristan looked at them and smiled before his group followed their formation.

Just like that, the music began playing as the Lester and the team takes pictures of their dance and the studio as well. Sylvan also observes both parties and took this opportunity to inquire about his Lady Boss" status.

"How"s the Lady Boss?" Sylvan whispered through their communication device.

"The meeting ended already and she went back to her office. We also heard that she instructed the reception to give her a beep once you returned to the private visitor"s lounge." One of the agents reported.

"Okay. Continue surveillance outside the office and only wiretap the telecommunications until we rendezvous, understood?"

"Yes,Sir!" The agents responded in unison.

Four minutes had quickly pa.s.sed by and the boys finished the practice performance. Lester and the rest of the gang clapped their hands.

"Let"s stop for a while, boys." Tristan informed the group as they wipe their sweat on one side.

"I hope you don"t mind that we came here in your practice room." Lester said and was being polite to the boy group.

"It"s fine. We couldn"t agree to a simple request for our president; at least not after what she did for us shortly after taking over the company." One of the boys smiled at them.

"Please have a seat." Another member said and encouraged them to sit down on the seats he just placed in front of them.

"Thanks." They all said and smiled at the boys.

"Will a short interview fine?" Sylvan asked the boys.

"Of course. But can we answer all of their questions?" Tristan asked Yve"s secretary.

"Up to you. If you deemed it personal or not allowed you may refuse some of them." Sylvan calmly answered.

"So, let"s begin." Tristan smiled.

"Okay. I have a question regarding the audio practice room; I bet you have experienced it. What"s your reaction on the observation room?" One of the girls voiced out their question earlier.

"Personally, I like it. During practice I still feel nervous and shy if I see people watching me." The youngest member responded.

"You still get nervous? But when you perform?" Their other team member asked.

"When we"re on stage, I know I"m not alone and the lights allow me to neglect the audience. But inside the practice room, with me singing acapella and in the bright lights around it, I don"t feel comfortable. So having the observation room, and knowing that only they can see me." The youngest answered back.

"Noted. Thank you for the answer." Yve"s team member smiled and kept her audio recorder on.

"Now, I"ve asked this question to the kitchen staff earlier and now I want to hear your opinion." Lester began.

"Can I answer your question?" Tristan offered.

"Yes, of course; any of you can answer." Lester responded before giving out his question.

"What can you say about the change in management with Ms. Yve being the president?"

"I was quite judgmental at first. I mean she"s a newbie and without any background." Tristan answered.

"We actually felt the same, too. We thought that maybe the corporation decided to forsake and give up on the entertainment company by a.s.signing someone without experience." One of the boys agreed as well.

"So what made you change your mind?" Lester further asked.

"Her way of handling all her plans for the company. She handled it simultaneously and didn"t act anywhere near newbie." Lester answered.

"Ms. Hyacinth"s new song, music video and our individual training and projects and even the renovations were all handled well." One of the boys answered.

"Most of all, she didn"t claim all the good things alone or blame the former administration on the bad things they did."

"I can"t forget her favorite line, whenever she asks for our opinion and feedback on the projects and plans she has for us. "We"re all in this together. I want and need you to be always at your best so I will do my best to provide the highest form of support I can give.""Tristan replied with a smile on their faces.

"Thank you for the answers." Lester smiled and bowed at the boy group.

"I have this question. This is your first comeback as a group under her management. What are the changes that your fans and music enthusiasts can expect from your alb.u.m and music video?"

"Nice question." Lester gave credit to their member.

"They can expect upgraded version of our individual skills which will be noticeable during the stage performances. We also tried different genres in our alb.u.m and our main vocals have their solo tracks while the dance duo and rap duo have their respective duets in the alb.u.m."

"Wow! So this alb.u.m has a full track?"

"Yes as we believe our fans deserve a reward for their active support during our individual activities and patience for our comeback as a group."

"Thank you for the answer."

"You"re welcome."

"Were all of your questions answered? " Sylvan asked Lester and the team.

"Yes, Mr. Sylvan."

"So I guess that"s it." Sylvan concluded and thanked Tristan"s group for their time.

"So that"s for the tour Ms. Yve scheduled for you this morning. We are now going to go back to the waiting room." Sylvan informed them as they pa.s.sed by the rooms they saw earlier.

"Thank you. Is Yve going to be back soon?" Lester inquired.

"She"s already in her office waiting for us to finish the tour. I"ll just inform the reception. In the meantime, can you go ahead?" Sylvan asked them.

"Yes." Lester answered in behalf of the group as they walked towards the room they stayed earlier.

"Lester, come here. You should see this." Their team member informed him. All of them came running towards the door of the room to see what happened.

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