"Lester, come here. You should see this."

"Why? What happened? We left our things inside that room earlier." Lester anxiously asked as he runs toward the opened door of the room.

"Did we lose our things?" One of them asked.

Then they all dashed toward the opened door and saw their lunch placed on the table. The dishes and plates were neatly arranged on the s.p.a.ce nearest the door they just opened.

"The dishes look very delicious." One of them commented.

"Let"s fix our things first so that we can eat and leave for school." Lester instructed the team to which they instantly obeyed. After they finished arranging their things, Yve opened the door with her own school essentials.

"Wow, you arranged our lunch well." Yve smiled at her team.

"It"s the least we can do for your hospitality."

"No, it"s actually my fault. I can"t help you much before school hours because I have some work to do." Yve felt sorry for her cla.s.smates.

"No worries. Instead, we should eat now or else we might be late for school." Lester said as the rest of the girls took their seat and Yve walks toward her seat earlier.

As they eat their lunch, the girls can"t help but share the fun they had on their tour. However, the team had agreed to leave the details about the feedback they gathered on Yve"s performance as the new president of the company. Lester is now lost on when he can share the information he gathered on Yve earlier so he asked,

"Yve, does the school management know you are the current president on SkyMu?"

"I am not sure if they"re actually aware that SkyMu is the company I managed but I informed them of my position in a company." Yve answered him as she took a piece of tempura and dipped it in the sauce.

Soon after the room was field with laughs as they drink the tea prepared for them by the kitchen staff. Yve noticed Sylvan pointing at his watch which means it"s almost time for them to leave.

"It seems that the time for us to go is here." Yve announced and with that her friends carried their things and stood up.

Before leaving the room, Yve asked them a final question,

"How was lunch?"

"It was very delicious." They all smiled causing Yve to smile as well.

"Then it"s great that you enjoyed it. So let"s go now." Yve said as she led the way towards the main entrance of the building.

"Young Madam, about your favor, it might be a bit dangerous for you to ride with them in the same vehicle." Sylvan whispered to her.

"Please, Sylvan. I know you can make it possible. I don"t" want them to feel that being with me is dangerous." Yve pleaded.

"I understand. But as a compromise will you allow Chrysthe to be the driver while Eybelle and the rest of the team follow behind us?" Sylvan asked.

"Do what you have to do." Yve whispered back.

"Is everything alright, Yve?" Lester asked noticing how the interaction between the boss and secretary.

Yve smiled before answering, "Everything is fine. I just verified if Sylvan was able to prepare a van for us."

"Are we going to ride those vans that artists use as seen on television?" One of her cla.s.smates asked.

"That"s the plan."

On cue the van arrived and her friends hoped inside. The seats were arranged having one capacity and were apart from each other. Only two people can sit in one row. Her cla.s.smates occupy the last two rows while Yve sits at the back of the driving seat where Chrysthe is as the driver. Sylvan sits beside Yve and closed the door for them. With only Yve, Sylvan and Chrysthe aware, Eybelle and the rest of Team Alpha"s men followed them in a convoy riding two cars.

Inside the van, the girls of their group can"t help but take pictures and Yve smiled along as well. According to Slayne"s research only she and Lester are working in a company. The rest of her teammates were able to attend school thanks to scholars.h.i.+p. St. Michael Academy offers a lot of scholars.h.i.+ps to the student who excelled in different fields such as academics and athletics. This is precisely the reason why Yve allowed them to take some pictures with the stars and even inside the celebrity cars.

"Yve, I have a strong feeling that our project would receive the highest mark in cla.s.s." One of the girls exclaimed.

"Of course! We have Yve and Lester as our leader and a.s.sistant leader."

"We even did a lot for this morning. "

"Yve, what should we do with the information we were able to gather during the tour? Should we compile it and submit a report to you by the end of the day?" Lester asked which caused the girls to stop smiling and be anxious instead.

"Does it really have today? Maybe we can do it tomorrow instead?" The girls shouted deep in their thoughts as they couldn"t find the courage to voice it out.

"That would be great, you can submit your reports to me at night, preferably before or around 9PM so that I can check it and give you a feedback tomorrow morning." Yve casually answered.

The girls weren"t quite happy about it but at least it will be tonight and not as soon as they finish their lessons today.

"By the way, about the layout of the report, what should we do? We can get bonus points if we are creative in presenting them." Lester suggested.

"Hmm… you"re the expert on putting creativity on papers. So I will leave the task up to you." Yve a.s.signed the task to him.

"I"ll show the drafts tomorrow morning so that we can have a vote for it." Lester informed them.

After the final instructions for the day, they arrived at St. Michael"s, and with an artist van driving them to school, other students can"t help but stare at them.

"Yve, I don"t think we are worthy of this van. People are going to talk about this. I don"t think I deserve this treatment, I"m only on scholars.h.i.+p after all."

Yve looked at the girl and remarked, "You must not think of it that way. You are on scholars.h.i.+p because the management thinks that you deserve it. Trust in yourselves, okay? Don"t mind them."

"Yve is right and in this school we are all equal having the student status. So relax. I will also back you up." Lester consoled his cla.s.smates.

"Will it be fine to open the doors now, Miss Yve?" Sylvan asked.

"Please do so." Yve replied and was instantly followed by her secretary.

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