Back at SkyMu building, Yve and the team keep their laptops and arrange their things as they need to eat their lunch before going to school. While eating, one of her team members asked,

"How are you going to check our works at school? Will soft copy do?"

"Actually I prepare a hard copy as it"s easier to give feedback but we don"t have the luxury to look for a printer at school." Yve answered.

"Miss Yve, we have a portable printer. It"s smaller and lighter than the actual printer. However, it can only print using black ink." Sylvan informed Yve.

"That would be perfect! Prepare the printer, Sylvan. We"re going to bring it to school." Yve instructed.

After that short conversation, they went to the school riding the same van and having the same sitting position they had yesterday.

The cla.s.s went on smoothly and Yve was able to give feedback to their team members before the day ended.

"I"ll be expecting the edited articles before 7PM." Yve instructed them when their lessons for the day were finally over.

"Around what time should I expect the final articles?" Lester asked.

"Around 8:30PM, I can send you the email containing the edited articles for placing on the output." Yve answered.

"Then be online at around 10:30 to 11PM. I will let you see how our output looks like. You can check it so I can edit it before I print it out." Lester informed them.

And as the team comes to a conclusion on the things they need to do, they went on their separate ways.

Yve was focused on the meetings scheduled for her and didn"t notice the time. With her school project almost complete and SkyMu"s online project about to launch, Yve was too absorbed she even failed to turn her phone"s silent mode off.

Vince, on the other hand who has been sending text messages to his wife, is getting anxious. He hasn"t received any reply and can"t help but wonder what"s happening. He called Sylvan to check on Yve.


"Where is Yve?"

"She just finished one meeting in the conference room and is now inside her office. Is there anything you need from her?"

"Oh I see. Does she have other meetings?"

"There"s only one left but it will be in the next hour. I believe she"s currently checking the files on her desk."

"Thank you." Confirming Yve"s safety and busy schedule, Vince ended the phone call and resumed his work.

"I can just wait for her reply. Once she"s not busy I bet she will respond to each of the messages I sent earlier." Vince smiled at he looked at his smartphone displaying their interaction in his inbox.

Meanwhile, Jenny and her team are finalizing their reports as well. Jenny is in the middle of checking the articles they"re going to put in their report.

"These articles need a little editing but let me handle them. Thank you so much."

"Are you sure, Jenny? We still have a quiz tomorrow that we need to study for." One of her group mates expressed.

"No worries. I can handle it. Let"s go all home and leave the final touches to me." Jenny told her members.

Left with no other choice, Jenny"s teammates stood up and went home. Jenny also headed to her car and drove herself home. As for her friends, they walked towards the school"s dormitory where they are staying.

"Do you think it"s okay to have Jenny handle everything?"

"She isn"t the top two of our batch for nothing."

"But we only did the article as for others it was her."

"She just wants to make sure that everything is perfect, so she wants to do things on his own."

"Do you think she will be fine?"

"Don"t worry about her. We need to review for the test we have tomorrow."

"I guess you"re right."

"We should all hurry so we can rest a bit before we start studying."

They ran towards their dormitory to make up for the lost time they had while talking about Jenny.

Back at SkyMu building, Yve concluded the meetings scheduled for her and fixed her things to go home. As she grabbed her phone, she looked at the screen and saw the notifications of both missed calls and messages from Vince. She opened them hurriedly and read them while walking towards the elevator of the building until she reached the main door.

She smiled as she typed in her response for all of Vince"s messages.

"I finished all my meetings for the day. Where are you now?"

But instead of a text message as a reply, she received a call from Vince.


"Where are you now?" Vince asked.

"I"m waiting for the car in front of the office."

"I"ll be the one to pick you up. Let"s have dinner in a restaurant. Let"s have a date." Vince smiled on the other line as his car quickly approaches the SkyMu building.

"Why the sudden date?" Yve can"t help but smile too as she notices Vince"s car approaching.

"I know you"re busy with school and business meetings. So instead of cooking, why don"t we dine out for a change?" Vince responded personally as he pressed his car"s window.

Yve smiled as she opened the front seat car and responded,

"We"re not going to bring any bodyguards this time?"

"Hmmm….. There"s no need. I know both Eybelle and her team are following you around and I think they"ll be enough." Vince answered and he drove away from the building.

"Wait! I haven"t informed Sylvan."

"No worries. Eybelle probably informed him and he knows what to do."

After a few minute drive, Vince brought Yve to a new restaurant in the city. The restaurant serves Asian cuisines and since Yve is in a mood for some noodles and dumplings, Yve orders ramen as the noodle. Vince, on the other hand, ordered curry and rice. For drinks, they both order the same thing and eat calmly while talking on how their day went.

"So what are your plans for tonight?" Vince asked.

"I need to finish my project and study for a quiz tomorrow." Yve casually answered.

" Do you need any help with the project or review?" Vince offered.

"I can still handle it. How about you? No video conference or files to check?"

"I do have but if you need any help, don"t hesitate. Okay?" Vince offered.

"I will. So shall we head home?"

"Home has a nice ring to it." Vince smiled as he asked for the bill and paid the necessary amount before leaving the restaurant.

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