This Time You Are Mine

Chapter 267: 267

Publishedat 8th of May 2020 01:10:04 PM
Chapter 267: 267
Finally, the day to submit the project has arrived . Yve and the rest of her cla.s.smates are looking forward to showcase their hard work for the past two days . But before that, Yve needs to go to work and check the final arrangement for the company"s biggest project ever since she became the president .  

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"How"s everything for tomorrow"s big event?" Yve asked .  

"As we have antic.i.p.ated, it"s currently the talk of the town . "

"Even if the main event is tomorrow, it"s already in the ranking among the trending topics in different social media platforms . " 

"That"s good . Thank you for all the hard work, PR team . " Yve thanked the department in general .

"What about our artists who have some jobs around that time of the live stream?" Yve asked the Marketing team this time .

"We have already talked to the various producers and they have agreed to it, only if course if we will do it during their commercial breaks for live shows . �� 

"I see . That"s good enough for me . Don"t forget to prioritize their schedules so that we can keep our word to the producers and avoid interruptions during the live stream, okay?" Yve reminded the Team .

"Understood . "

"Perfect! Are there any last minute questions or tasks I might have missed?" Yve verified before concluding the meeting .  

"That will be all, we believe, Miss Yve . "

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"Okay then, let"s all do this . Tomorrow is just the beginning . Keep up the good work!" Yve finished the meeting with a simple reminder .

When she returned to her office, she read the daily reports on her project for Stones which she failed to read last night . In confirmation to what Vince said, everything is in schedule and no anomalies present . Then to use the time, she started the review her notes for the test later .  

"Young Madam, we need to leave for school . " Sylvan reminder his Lady Boss who looked so absorbed with studying .  

"Thank you . Oh, but I missed my lunch . " Yve exclaimed as she looked at her lunch on the table .

"No worries, Young Madam . Let me pack this for you . I"ll finish it for a while . " Sylvan smiled at her who"s really the same as the latter"s partner .

After packing her lunch, Sylvan drives her to school as Yve eats inside the car .

"Thank you so much for always helping me . I hope that you will keep missing my lunch today a secret from Vince . " 

"Don"t worry Madam . You didn"t completely miss your lunch so there"s no need to report to the boss . " Sylvan a.s.sure her .

Finally, Yve arrived at school and was welcomed by her group mates .  

"Wow! I didn"t expect you guys to wait for me here . Is there any problem?" Yve greeted them despite the surprise .

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"We have just arrived and thought of waiting for you to complete the gang before heading in . " Lester answered in behalf of the team .

"Isn"t that sweet?" Yve exclaimed with a smile and turned to Sylvan .

"Thanks, Sylvan . I"ll see you after cla.s.s . " 

"By the way, I had our output book-bound in a magazine style . I hope you didn"t mind . " Yve informed her team after Sylvan suggested it would be more unique that way .  

"Of course! Ughh, but I wish I can have my copy of the magazine output . " One of Yve"s group mates expressed .

"I actually have prepared a copy for all of us as well aside from the one we"re going to submit . " Yve informed them and handed out one magazine for them .  

"Gee, thanks! You"re the best, Yve!" They all exclaimed and smiled at one another .  

Her teammates browsed through the magazine they received . The magazine was especially eye catching that even Jenny wondered what kind of magazine they are reading .

"She"s really that confident! Browsing through a magazine at school?! More than confidence, I will call it arrogance . Just wait and see, Yve! I"ll be victorious once this day is over . " Jenny confidently thought and walked ahead of Yve"s group .

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Inside the cla.s.sroom, some groups are making final changes in their final output before their first professor arrives . They still have few minutes left and they can print it out before the actual period . Yve with Lester and the rest of the members hid their actual output to prevent any potential copying . Jenny is quite confident with their output so she focused on reviewing for the test . She wasn"t able to study the entire scope of the test .  

"Yve, can I ask a question?" Lester approached Yve"s seat before he asked the question .

"Sure . " Yve entertained him and explained the answer to his question .  

Little did Yve know that her group mates were also listening to her explanation but Lester didn"t miss their actions .

"Yve, will it be okay if they will also listen as you explain?" Lester asked and pointed at the ladies beside them .

Yve smiled and urged the ladies to stand closer . "Sure . But it would be better if you will ask your questions right away because we don"t have enough time to explain things from the start . " 

"Thank you, Yve . " The girls brought out their pens and began asking their questions .  

Then their professor for first cla.s.s arrived causing all of them to return to their seats . When the professor went out of the cla.s.sroom the time to submit their outputs came . Jenny pulled out the folder containing their project which was the same as the rest of the cla.s.s . However, Yve pulled out a magazine and submitted it to their professor .  

The professor looked a bit shocked so he asked,

"Magazine is your output for the project?" 

"Yes, sir . " 

"Okay, I will conduct a rough check on your output for 30 minutes before I will ask some questions about it in front of the cla.s.s so be ready . " The professor announced causing the cla.s.s to stay with their group members and review their respective reports .

--- Jenny"s group ---

"Here is a copy of your respective articles . I edited them out so make sure to review them during the 30 minutes . " Jenny instructed as she distributed a copy to her teammates .

"I didn"t expect to have a verbal report . These people will not be able to answer the question . " Jenny thought as she reviewed the entire project .

"Jenny, we can"t possibly memorize this . The entire concept of my article is changed . " One of her teammates exclaimed .

"Then just make sure to familiarize things as much as you can . I will take of it and try to back up your answers . " Jenny exclaimed to them .

"I need to make sure these people won"t make a mess or else my hard work would go down the drain . " Jenny thought as she worries about their report .

"Time is up! I want your eyes on me now . I will call your names in accordance to the order of submission . " The professor announced .  

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