"During the stream, we received some comments informing them on some delays." 

"What can we possibly do with it?" 

"Often times, it"s their internet connection which is the problem. To help them, we might need to decrease the video quality of the stream." 

Yve"s first meeting continues as Sylvan fulfills the task he was entrusted. Sylvan easily finishes the tasks but to make it easier for her Lady Boss to decide, he researches on their latest projects as well as the schedule of the interior designer. By the time Yve finishes her first meeting, Sylvan has completed about 20% of his task. 

"Young Madam, I have here the list of the top interior designers as you requested." Sylvan hands over the list to her.

"I also researched their latest project as well as their schedules. But I only finished 20%."

"That"s fine with me. Just give me the 20% and give me the rest later on." Yve said and opens her hand for the additional details. 

Sylvan hands them over and Yve reads the reports. Soon after, it"s time for Yve"s meeting with the writers for the short film they will release.

"Good morning, Miss Yve."

"Good morning! Let"s begin!" Yve informs them and takes her seat first to be followed by the rest of them.

"Thank you for the scripts you have submitted. I believed from the lists of artists, you have your favorites. So I want to know who are they and why do you want them."

Each writer began explaining their stories followed by the questions asked by Yve. It was a very entertaining meeting and Yve is really having a hard time choosing which one of the stories will be used. 

"Thank you for your time, Miss Yve."

"You"re welcome! Expect the result by tonight or tomorrow morning." Yve replied and bid goodbye to the writers.

When Yve returned from her second meeting, Sylvan hands over another 40% of the additional details regarding the interior designer. But as Sylvan is about to leave the room, Yve asks her some other questions.

"Sylvan, I"m torn between these two stories. My top two stories are good but I"m just confused on which should I choose – the common one for safety or a unique one to take the risk."

"How about asking the PR and Marketing Team as well?"

"That is a good choice but we don"t have enough time. I need to consult the trainers as well." 

"You can actually put them together. If you like I can inform the two departments and we can move back your last meeting today by thirty minutes so they can prepare." 

"I would take your offer then. Thank you, Sylvan."

With this decision, Yve is given more time to read the information given to her and narrow down the given 60% details on the list. 

While Yve is calmly juggle with her meetings and papers to read, Hu0026E Entertainment is in chaos trying to figure out a counter against the successful stream of SkyMu.

"So what are your proposals?" Steve asks the people in front of him. 

"We can have the fan meeting in different locations and random at that." One of them suggested. 


"It will seem random for the fans but we will target the places which has the highest number of viewers from SkyMu"s stream." 

"That"s a bold move. But how are you going to a.s.sure that fans of our artists can come to the places if we"re going to do it randomly?"

"The artists can announce the night before that they will have a fan meeting to keep their fans alert. Finally, they will announce their location an hour prior to the performance."

"Hmm…. That will be a good one. But we don"t have much time. We still need to figure out which places to target and the artists that are ready to perform."

"I have already here the places." The IT personnel staff confidently replies and hands over papers to each of them which show a graph on the information they need.

"For the artists and groups, we should choose the famous ones."

"I fully approve of this plan. Now I want the complete and laid out plan for this weekend"s live show. Any questions?"

"Mr. Steve, are we going to stop our live streams then?" 

"Continue it but have the not so famous groups handle it and make sure that they will not be released at the same time of the SkyMu"s stream and our live show."


Hu0026E"s counter is in the making yet SkyMu is still unaware of it. Steve ends the meeting and leaves the building to go to another company under his wing.

As Yve"s final meeting for this morning is pushed back, Sylvan continues to work on the remaining 40% of the remaining information. While waiting for Sylvan and the time for her third meeting, Yve decides to review for her test that afternoon. 

"Young Madam, the time for your last meeting is about to begin." Sylvan informs her through the local line.

"Thank you, Sylvan." Yve replies and picks up her folder for the meeting.

"Miss Yve."

"I"m sorry for the late notice especially to the PR and Marketing Teams." 

"It"s fine, Miss Yve. We were briefed by Sir Sylvan and have come up with the basic information you might need."

"I see. In the meantime, here are the choices of the writers for the main and supporting roles. What do you think? Will they be able to handle the roles?" Yve says and hands out papers of the compilation she has just made.

"Personally I like this unusual story. As for her choice of actors and actresses, they can actually handle it. They have improved a lot and with a little workshop to get into the roles, they can shock their fans and non-fans alike." One of the coaches confidently replies.

"What does the Marketing Team think?"

"Well, it can be a breath of fresh air. Many people are looking forward to our next steps. So giving something new would fulfill their expectations on the content."

"Do you think it can send a new trend for drama shows" themes?" Yve curiously asks.

"Not sure about that, Miss Yve but if the artists can pull this off, then it will be as trending as the stream we did yesterday." 

"I see." Yve replies and calls Sylvan through the local line.

"You called, Miss Yve?"

"Call this writer and inform her of our meeting with her team of script writers tomorrow. Also check the schedule of these artists. Consult their managers by informing of the possible major roles they will get in the company"s short film project." Yve orders Sylvan.

"Noted, Miss Yve."

"Thank you."

"So we will take a risk and introduce a new theme. So I would like the marketing and PR team to lay out a strategy for this project. Coaches, look for the suitable artists from the list for the minor roles and have them ready for it. I will inform you of the script and confirmation of the lead and supporting artists the soonest I can." Yve summarizes their meeting.

"We understand, Miss Yve." They all reply.

"Keep me updated. That will be all thank you for your time and enjoy your lunch." Yve ends the meeting and leaves the room first.

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