"Miss Hyacinth, h.e.l.lo!" The fans greet her as they approach the long table.

"Hi!" Hyacinth stands up and hurries to approach and shake as many hands as possible. 

Her fans are happy to embrace her and they hand different paraphernalia asking for an autograph from her. Hyacinth"s manager gathers the materials as Hyacinth informs them,

"No need to rush. Let"s order first some food of your choice and while waiting I can sign all of these. We can also take pictures and talk." She sits down first as her fans follow her. 

"Order as much as you like for the main dishes. I hope you will not mind that I ordered some appetizers and my most favorite desserts of this place." 

With her announcement her fans say, they don"t mind and are looking forward to taste Hyacinth"s choices. 

On cue, the waiters start serving the appetizers and soup. While waiting for them to finish placing the food on the table and finalizing the orders, Hyacinth signs the notebooks, pictures, picture frames, posters and t-s.h.i.+rts her fans just handed earlier. Sylvan, on the other hand, is on the other room, inspecting the gifts. 

"Miss Hyacinth, I"ve baked a cake for you. It"s on the other room." One of her fans tells her.

"Don"t worry. They will bring it here once they finish inspecting them. I"m sorry if you find it inconvenient." Hyacinth apologizes.

"It"s fine, Miss Hyacinth. It"s to ensure your safety. After all, we"re confident you will receive them." 

"Thank you so much for understanding. Now, let"s eat." Hyacinth urges them to start eating the food placed on the table as Hyacinth"s secretary returns their signed paraphernalia. 

The group is eating and talking and laughing on the table. 

Meanwhile, the couple with their mother heads to Haru"s new restaurant where Hyacinth is eating with her fans. Vince gets a private room where they can eat peacefully. Maddie and Yve happily order the food they like without forgetting Vince"s preference as well. Looking at them smiling and sometimes even laughing one another, Vince realizes that this must be what his and Yve"s father wanted to protect the most as presidents of big company. They both wanted to preserve these laughs and other marks of happiness of the most important people. 

"I will make sure to protect these two women in front of me and the future life I will spend with Yve for eternity." Vince promises as he smiles back to them.

In the middle of eating their dinner, Maddie asks a question to Yve,

"Rose told me that we will have the preliminary bidding on Monday morning. Will it be okay for you to come?" 

"Yes, Mom. I only have one meeting at SkyMu. From your office, I"ll head straight to school. I scheduled the other two meetings after school." 

"Will you not feel tired if you still have work after school?" Maddie asks as she puts three pieces of shrimp on Yve"s plate.

"I"m fine, Mom. Besides, I don"t have after school meetings every day." Yve a.s.sures her mother-in-law.

"Okay. But Son, you need to remind your wife not to work too hard." Maddie looks at her son who continues to savor the food and act as if they"re not talking about his wife. 

"VINCE?!" This finally gets Vince"s attention.

"Mom, I"m reminding her about it. She compromised already at that case. I don"t want to limit her anymore." Vince answers to his mother after being bugged for a while.

"Mom, don"t worry. If I feel tired, I just have Sylvan attend the meeting or conduct a video meeting instead." Yve smiles and places her hand on top of Maddie"s to comfort her.

Back in Hyacinth"s room, their main dishes have arrived and the fans are enjoying each other"s company as well as Hyacinth"s interaction. They have taken pictures including Hyacinth, and have started to post some of the pictures. Their actions trigger another noise on the cyber universe. Journalists and reporters are calling Hyacinth"s manager to get an interview causing the latter to excuse herself.

As part of their plan, the manager politely rejects the requests in the name that Hyacinth is only accepting minimum workload as she"s still in vacation. She also tells them that more information, they can stay tune on SkyMu"s channel. This rejection doesn"t stop the media and newspapers" companies to release reports and articles on their respective platforms for the following day. 

Like every joyous event has to come to an end, Hyacinth"s dinner with her fans needs to as well. Hyacinth bids goodbye to her fans and tells them how fun the night was. She will definitely gift it another try and she hopes to meet a lot more of her fans this way. The fans love it and thank her for her generosity and warmth. 

Sylvan and the rest of security make sure of Hyacinth"s safety and drive her home to rest. When they see that Hyacinth has come inside her house, Sylvan sends a text message to Yve as a report.

"Miss Hyacinth is already home. The dinner was a success." 

Yve receives the message as their dessert is being served. She smiles as she reads it causing the two people with her to be curious on what she"s got. When she looks up, she smiles at them before saying,

"Hyacinth"s dinner fan meeting is already over and her safety was a.s.sured." 

"It"s another success under your belt, then." Vince smiles proudly at his wife. 

"Congratulations, my dear! Let"s toast to another achievement and many more to come." Maddie raises her wine gla.s.s to which the two follow before saying, "Cheers!"

Laughter and giggles fill their room as the trio continues to enjoy the dinner with another bottle of wine as ordered by Vince. 

"We can drink the night away because tomorrow is a Sunday." Yve smiles at her husband and mother-in-law who sound a bit drunk.

"Vince, your wife is a little bit drunk. I believe you"re also not in the condition to drive." Maddie worriedly looks at the couple.

"Don"t worry, Mom. I already called Chrysthe and Jaleb to drive us back. Jaleb is tasked to drive you to your building." Vince answers.

"I will gladly accept your order." 

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