Sunday pa.s.sed by in a flash and down come Monday. Yve wakes up earlier than Vince this time and prepares their breakfast. By the time that Vince is ready for work; Yve is fully geared and is just waiting for him to eat together. 

"You"re up early today." 

"Well, I"ve slept a lot yesterday and aside from studying I did nothing much so I"m all freshen up and ready for the week." Yve smiles as she sits in front of the food with Vince following closely behind her.

"Good! You"re heading to Mom"s office, right?"

"Yes. But after an evaluation meeting at SkyMu." 

"Good morning, Boss and Young Madam." Sylvan greets both of them but with a hint of emergency in his voice.

"Good morning. You"re very early today." 

"I"m very sorry but we need to hurry up. Something happened." Sylvan informs them. 

"What"s wrong?"

"We need to rush the meeting because Rose just called me to say that Maddie has a rush client so the bidding meeting is moved an hour early." Sylvan explains.

"How about the team involve in our first meeting?"

"I have already informed them of the sudden changes and they"re probably on their way as we speak." Sylvan answers."

"Great job! Now, let"s go." Yve stands up and gets her things on the couch from the living room when Vince hands her a packed food.

"You haven"t finished your breakfast yet and as much as I want to stop you from leaving, you will not like it. So just eat this on the road." 

"Thank you, my dearest husband!"Yve kisses his cheek and before leaving the house.

"Do you have any idea on who"s the rush client of Maddie?"

"I haven"t researched it yet but base from Rose"s tone, the client must be a regular and important one." Sylvan explains as he sees his Lady Boss eating through the car"s mirror. 

In the office, Yve heads to the meeting room with Sylvan behind her. As what she has expects of her employees, they"re already inside and making final checks of their status reports to be presented in the meeting. 

"Thank you for coming earlier than our set meeting in a very short notice, too. Have you eaten your breakfast?" Yve is truly grateful to them but the pale look in some of them maybe caused by skipping a meal. However, none of them answer her. Yve understands that they"re not speaking up as respect to her.

"Sylvan, order food enough for them and have it served here." Sylvan leaves the place to fulfill her Boss" request.

"Miss Yve, it"s okay. You don"t need to worry about us. We can eat after the meeting." 

"No. It"s actually my fault that you skipped your breakfast. I was able to eat mine inside the car but if not, I know how difficult it is to concentrate. So once the food has arrived, you can eat and listen at the same time." Yve instructs them and with that, their meeting starts.

Their meeting is all about the initial troubles they encountered and the solutions they used. They also included the suggestions to improve their next project.

In the middle of the meeting, the ordered food arrives with the kitchen staff distributing it as signaled by Sylvan. The team leaders are encouraged by Yve to eat while listening thus the meeting continues. 

"Sounds good to me so finalize a report and I want to have them on my desk this afternoon before you go home. What"s the update on Hyacinth"s interview?" Yve asks the final agenda for their meeting.

"It was a successful, too and as agreed, we are going to release it in the afternoon to which his newspaper will make a full written article on the whole thing." 

"Good! Now that"s all for the meeting." As Yve stands up and her subordinates are about to do so too but Yve stops them before saying,

"There"s no need for the formality now. Please finish your meals before you leave and go on with your respective schedules. Thank you for the time." 

Once the door closes and Yve is out of their sight, the people inside eats their breakfast with a smile on their faces. 

"I"m lucky and blessed to have her as the new president. She"s smart and understanding."

The person they were thinking of is already on her way to Maddie"s office. 

"Young Madam, the folder with n.o.ble"s logo contains the list of partic.i.p.ant and the brief summary of their proposal." Sylvan inform Yve as he continues to drive.

"Thanks, Sylvan." Yve opens the folder and reads the contents. 

Few minutes by before they arrive at n.o.ble"s main office. Rose is standing outside waiting for them.

"h.e.l.lo, Rose." Yve greets the secretary. 

"We"re very sorry for the sudden change in schedule. This way, please."

"It"s fine with me but how about Mom? This rush client sounds like trouble to me." 

"Oh no. This client is Miss Maddie"s friend. It wasn"t really rushed as the occasion that calls for a dress but because of the recent incident in Paris, she forgot about it." Rose explains as they head to the runaway area in the building where Maddie and the bidders are waiting.

Yve just nods in recognition that she heard and understood what Rose has just explained.

Inside, Maddie smiles and walks to Yve before guiding her to their area to sit and screen the companies. 


"Maddie, enough apologizing. You will be the third person to apologize to me for the same reason. Let"s get this over with so that you can a rest a little before meeting your friend and important client." Yve winks at Maddie as the latter signals for Rose to begin the presentation.

As the companies present their plans, both women are focused. Maddie would sometimes steal glances at Yve only to witness her daughter-in-law"s working aura. Now she finally understands why her son agrees to seeing this young lady beside her work. 

"She"s a sweet and caring person but there are times that she means business. This is one of those times." Maddie can"t help but think of Yve"s pa.s.sionate att.i.tude towards her projects in this light. 

After each company presents, Yve would look at her mother-in-law who has been taking more time into looking at their designs and materials to be used.

"She"s the real artist, indeed." 

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