The bidding is finished in a blink of an eye but because of Maddie"s appointment, Yve is left with more time before her lunch. She instructs Sylvan to drive her to the city library where she can review her lessons away from the eyes of her school mates. 

For Yve, she did everything to get back the things that her parents left for her and to help Vince in the best way she can while making sure she will not be a hindrance. These are her driving forces for acing the exam, securing the top spot and giving her all in the school projects and tests. Without her minding what her fellow students will think and even trying, she becomes someone they can idolize and imitate up close. 

Inside the campus, their eyes are glued to her. If she goes to the library and reads a book, they will also do the same once she finishes it. The snacks she bought in their cafeteria are sold out right after she buys it. All her things from her light make-up, her shoes even to her pen are being imitated. Honestly, being in people"s radar all the time tires her more than her school works and responsibilities in the office. 

She knows and understands that she needs to get used to this because it will not only happen at school but everywhere once she announces she"s the mysterious president of SkyMu. Not that she"s getting lesser eyes now that she"s the Gray Group"s Young Madam and the heir of Stones Enterprises. But because most people still don"t know that she"s getting into business as well, she can let Sylvan handle those meetings. 

"I want to go on a vacation and replenish my strength." Yve suddenly voiced out her thoughts loud enough for Sylvan to hear.

"Young Madam, if you want we can postpone all your meetings and fulfill your request." Sylvan offers. It"s rare for his Lady Boss to feel and think this way but with all that has happened and are happening, it"s very understandable.

"Now, that would be very irresponsible of me. Maybe after the project, once we receive the invitations and nominations for our hardworking artists? Vince and I have talked about going on a vacation by then."

"Noted. I"ll make sure to leave your schedule open." 

"Thanks." Yve smiles at her patient and capable secretary and bodyguard before getting off the car to walk inside the city library. 

Contrary to St. Michael"s library which has a lot of textbooks more than fiction books and is filled with students around this time, the city library has balanced number of textbooks, reference books and novels. Since it"s also school hours for most of the schools and universities, there were less people inside. 

Yve picks a spot in the farthest corner of the library but the nearest in the business section where she can get books for more information if needed. She opens her laptop and stars on reading the e-books for some of her subjects and writes down the important details in her notebook. To allow her to focus more, she listens to music from her laptop through her ear pods. 

Unknown to her though, a working student from St. Michael has seen her and takes some pictures of her. The student smiles at the pictures she took of Yve when her phone is grabbed from her by a girl way younger than she is. 

"Give it back to me, that"s mine!" 

"Not until I delete the picture that you have taken just now." Eybelle casually works through the student"s phone.

"I will delete it. Just return it to me please." The student pleads in a high voice making everyone in the library notice them.

"Eybelle, give her phone back.." Yve suddenly orders behind them.

When Yve thought that Eybelle will be shocked by getting caught, the latter is rather calm and relaxed.

"I just can"t return it casually. She could be a spy instructed to take your picture.."

"And then what? Having one or two pictures will bring me no harm at all." Yve responds and gives the phone back to her schoolmate.

"Thank you, Miss Yvory." 

"I hope you will forgive my dearest friend. She just wants to ensure my safety. I do hope you will not use my picture maliciously." Yve reminds her with a smile.

"I promise. Thank you very much." With those words, the girl leaves the two women in the small aisle between bookshelves.

"Young Madam, we should have detained that girl. We need to know whether she"s someone we can be complacent or not." Eybelle continues to rant on what just happened. 

"And have her doubt why she we did it to her? Once we made sure she"s clear, she will then be more interested to know more." 

"…" Eybelle can"t find the words to counter what Yve has just said. She made her point clear and it does make some sense. Then Yve writes down something on a small piece of paper before handing it over to Eybelle. 

"I have here her name. Just do a background check on her. If you find anything, that"s where we���re going to do something about it." 

Eybelle looks at the name on the paper as she looks on Yve whose returning to her previous spot in the library. She instantly calls on Slayne to report what just happened. 

As Yve leaves the library to eat her lunch before going to school, Slayne gives Eybelle a call regarding the background check.

"There"s nothing unusual on the student. I can say that our Lady Boss made the right call." Slayne expresses his thoughts.

"But it will not be the right all the time."

"Same goes to what you were thinking, Eybelle. You might think that she might be so laid back because you"re there to protect her but it"s the other way around. Because she trusts your skills and determination to protect her at all cost, she can focus on the things she needed to do." 

"Slayne I don"t understand what you mean."

"You"re still a kid, that"s why. You will understand it soon as you continue to guard her." 

"Stop treating me like a kid." Eybelle ends the call which makes Slayne laugh on the other end.

"So that"s what you think but still acts like one." The man talks back to the phone as of someone is still listening on the other end. 

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