Weekdays pa.s.s by in a flash with all the cla.s.ses and meetings Yve has to attend to. Sat.u.r.day morning has arrived and Yve continues to attend her usual schedule with one of Stones" malls. This will be the final venue check before its launch next weekend. 

"Thank you very much for all your hard work. I also appreciate the invitation but I can"t come as invited."

"But, you were the head of this project."

"Don"t worry, I"ll be there but as a spectator. If there are any issues, you can give Sylvan a call and I will still help you." Yve smiles at them in explanation.

"We really wish we can introduce you as the woman behind this project." 

"You will be, but in the near future. The higher ups know that this project is under my belt." Yve consoles the group of employees in front of her.

"That"s all for now. Do some minor checks and continue to work on maintenance. You may now go back to work." Yve reminds them as the meeting ends.

Next, she heads back to SkyMu to supervise the launch of their project for that week. 

"Good afternoon, team. How is the preparation going?" Yve opens the meeting with a question as she sits on the chair in the front. As a response the representatives start to give her an update. 

"Good job, team. Now that everything"s set, let"s done it down a bit and eat our respective lunch." Yve informs them and just on cue, Sylvan arrives with food from the company"s kitchen. 

"Thank you very much, Miss Yve." They all thank their president as they receive the dishes from the staff. 

As they are eating, Yve calls her husband.

"Yes, Yve? Is there any problem?"

"Nothing. I just want to give you a call. Am I disturbing you?" 

"You will never disturb me. Have you eaten your lunch?"

"I"m eating with the team while watching over the progress of today"s project. Have you eaten your lunch?"

"I"m just finis.h.i.+ng this paper. I will eat in just a bit." 

"By the way Vince, I will not be able to come with mom tonight because I need to have two meetings for me to stay at home tomorrow. Can you accompany her?"

"What time is her therapy tonight?" 

"Around 7PM. I told her I will meet her outside the clinic."

"Why is her schedule late this week?" 

Yve explains the rush project that Maddie needs to do as well as the reason why she needs to leave late from work. 

"Okay. Just make sure that tomorrow is a free day for you."

"Roger that, Mr. Gray." 

"You better make sure. Oh, don"t forget to eat your dinner later, too."

"You as well. Eat with Mom." 

"I will. See you later, Mrs. Gray. I love you."

Yve smiles and whispers, "I love you too." 

After their phone call, Yve continues her meal. Her co-workers are also done with their meals and are resuming to their posts. Only 2 hours remaining before the video release and like what they planned, netizens are looking forward to their video release and fans are already gathering in a cinema theater that they booked. There are some news outlets in the cinema as well hoping to get a scoop. 

"Miss Yve, the artists are on standby at their houses. Should we tell them to get ready to meet their fans?"

"Yes as the fans will get the exclusive video call with them. Only winners will get the chance to receive an item from them."

"Noted." As soon as the order reaches the artists, their respective glam teams prepare them for the video call.

Two hours fly really fast and just like that, the first episode of the mini drama they created is finally released. 

People are once again talking about their project but what made Yve very happy is the good feedback her artists have just received. The actors for this project are more confident in singing and dancing. Even if they receive training for their acting skills, they consider it as their weakness.

"Congratulations, Coach. The people caught off-guard with their acting." 

"I should be thanking you, Miss Yve. You considered our ideas and insight. You accepted the criticism we gave and made their improvement a priority." The acting coaches beside Yve express her grat.i.tude to their president.

"It"s a winning situation for all of us. I only did what I think is right. You did your job well and the artists respond resulting to this." Yve responds not wanting to get the credit al to herself.

Aside from the good responses, the artists" managers are receiving acting projects from different directors and producers, mostly commercials and movies. But the managers consider it a good thing as it shows that this project is effective. 

"Is the interview with Lester already finalized?" 

"Yes. For this group it will be tomorrow morning while for the artists for tomorrow"s release is scheduled on Monday." Sylvan answers.

With the wrap-up of Yve"s meeting and the release of the video, netizens continue to talk about SkyMu"s latest release. News is also all about SkyMu. Hu0026E"s fan meeting made some noise but not as discussed as SkyMu. 

On the other hand, entrepreneurs have their eyes on SkyMu"s president. They instruct their secretaries to find out who this new president is. They are eager to know and be able to talk about possible partners.h.i.+p. After all, meeting entrepreneurs to expand ones connection especially when you"re new in town is important. 

Vince gets a hold of this information and tells Edward and Slayne to make sure to hide Yve"s ident.i.ty as SkyMu"s president temporarily. H

"If we"re going to stop all the news, people might start suspecting it"s your wife. "Edward pinpoints the possible result of Vince"s decision.

"If we"re going to do hide the information, Primo, we need a diversion." Slayne agrees with Edward.

��What"s the status of Team Bravo"s bidding?" 

"The decision will be released on Monday. But Team Bravo is confident they will win it." Slayne reports.

"Then make it difficult for them to sniff Yve"s ident.i.ty completely. You can drop general clues. Once the result is announced on Monday, we will spread the information here. Steve"s failure will be our diversion. Entrepreneurs will consider their investments with Yve"s subsidiaries making them forget Yve." 

"Okay, sounds like a plan to me." Edward responds.

"Roger that, Primo." Slayne"s replies as well. 

"Now time to head to my mom"s therapy." Vince ends the phone call and leaves his desk to go to the clinic as planned. 

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