In a café across the campus, Lester is talking to Sylvan regarding Yve"s absence.

"Is she really okay?" Lester asks Sylvan.

"She"s physically fine. She just wants to take a day break from everything." Sylvan answers with full observation to the young man"s expressions.

"I see. I"ll handle our group"s project today. But I"m not sure if she told you about the survey sheets. I"ll need it to move on with our project."

"I have it here with me. I saw it on Yve"s desk this morning and seeing it has the logo of the school, I figured this might be a group project." Sylvan informs Lester as he hands an envelope with the survey sheets.

"Thank you very much. I"ll just send Yve an email regarding the progress of the projects." Lester receives the envelope and leaves Sylvan.

As Lester walks farther and farther away from the café, Sylvan can"t help but ponder on the emotions he observed from the young man. 

"Don"t tell me he harbors feelings for the Young Madam?" 

During their short interaction, he saw anxiousness, caring smile, relief and confidence. He has a broad idea on how these feelings look like seeing his Boss look at his Young Madam during their conversations, 

Sylvan stands up and heads back to the office to fulfill other tasks to make up for Yve"s absence and to hopefully lighten the workload in the coming days. 

"I hope I interpreted those reactions incorrectly. He"s a dear friend to the Young Madam and a trusted business ally for the Boss." 

For the three ladies, they have finally arrived at the vacation house. Following what they have agreed on the way, Eybelle gets off the car first to check the vicinity house itself. Surveying the house alone, she also contacts Chrysthe not to inform Primo on the location of the house as requested by Yve. The good thing is that the house is cleared and so Yve and Nyelle walk inside the house while Eybelle acts to survey the surroundings even if Chrysthe and his team had finished doing it. 

Inside the vacation house, Yve and Nyelle store the food Yve bought accordingly. While doing so, Nyelle asks the question she has wanted to ask all this time.

"So, what"s the reason for your instant day trip here?" 

Yve knows that this question will come but she failed to predict the time when her best friend will drop the bomb. She walks away from Nyelle and looks just outside in time to see Eybelle walking back.

"Remember I told you that we haven"t done it yet?" 

"It? What do you mean?" 

"It! The act between married couples! Don"t make me say it!" 

"What?! When you told me before, it was fine for me because you just got married. But up until now, what"s wrong?" 

"I"m just scared." Then Yve follows it up by narrating the things that happened last night up until this morning. But she didn"t add too much details so that her best friend will not tease her.

But Nyelle doesn"t even have any thoughts on teasing her. Her hunch is finally confirmed and that fight is the reason why they"re here.

"Yve, sorry but I"m with Vince this time." Nyelle casually responds making her feel bad.

"I know, I feel bad for him, too. This morning, he just left without eating breakfast. He also didn"t bid goodbye." Yve tells Nyelle.

"Do you think he"s angry?" Yve asks Nyelle further.

"Of course! You were kissing each other and when you stopped him, he felt bad but it became worse when your reason is about school and work." Nyelle defends Vince.

"So what do you think should I do?" 

"Surprise him and make him feel that you"re sorry." 

"Actually, I have composed a song for him but it"s still unfinished." 

"Then finish it here. Start composing." Nyelle pushes Yve towards the music room of the house.

"Don"t worry about anything else. I"ll take care of the cooking and stuff." Nyelle a.s.sures her best friend as she closes the door.

The vacation house has only one floor but it has a wide floor area and a minimalist style making it easy to work around the house.

"Eybelle, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, what is it?" 

"I don"t believe you"re the only one who guards us here. Are there people outside?" 

Eybelle looks around to search for Yve then Nyelle tells her that Yve is in the music room and that they won"t be heard.

"There are about 5 people outside and their commander is Chrysthe." 

"Thanks. Now why don"t we watch some movies together?" 

"Uhmm…. But I"m…"

"The reason that Yve brought you here is to feel more relaxed. You checked the area and it"s safe. Chrysthe and his team are just outside. So we"ll be fine." Nyelle encourages Eybelle to relax.

Finally giving in to Nyelle, the two ladies are watching movies. They are already in the second movie when Yve walks into the living room and pulls Nyelle away. Even though confused, Eybelle remains silent while Nyelle let Yve pull her towards the music room.

"Hey, there"s no need to pull me. I can walk myself now and Eybelle isn"t even following us so no need to rush." Nyelle pulls Yve back so she can walk correctly.

"I have already finished the song. Please listen first and tell me if it"s fine." 

Nyelle hugs Yve to calm her down. 

"There"s no need for me to listen to it. I know it"ll be very good and heartfelt. Vince should be the one listening to it not me." 


"Now, let"s plan an event where you can play the song and make him feel better." 

"I want to do it tonight. I can"t bear for him to stay mad at me any longer." 

"Roger that! Then let"s plan the event now so we can go back the sooner. We can call Edward and Sylvan for a.s.sistance if needed." 

The two ladies start planning for the event when Eybelle knocks on the door.

"Young Madam, let me take care of the meal." Eybelle offers when Nyelle approaches her and whispers to include the rest of the team guarding them.

"Of course. Thank you." Once again, Nyelle and Yve are left inside the music room while Eybelle heads to the kitchen to cook. 

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