Vince has been anxiously waiting for an update from Edward. He knows that Edward is still on his way but he can"t help but feel frustrated on how useless he is. He called Yve"s number but still the same. He is now hoping that everything is fine when Nyelle came knocking on his door.

"Sir Vince?"

"Yes, come in." Nyelle came in the office and walked toward Vince"s desk.

"I would like to remind you about the agenda of your meeting 10 minutes from now."

"Go on", were the only words which Vince replied.

He is still distracted about Yve"s safety and not receiving any report from Ed is not helping him. Meanwhile, Nyelle continued on reporting the information to Vince.

"That will be all, sir. I will be giving you the folder so that you can double check the details." Nyelle ended her report.

Upon not hearing any response from Vince, she look at him and noticed how distracted he looked like. So he asked Vince another question.

"Sir, if you don"t mind, is there something that is bothering you?"

But still Vince didn"t answer her question which only confirmed her thoughts. She wanted to offer her boss more time alone if he doesn"t want to talk about it, so she asked,

"Sir, do you want me to cancel the meeting or reschedule it at another time?"

To which Vince immediately responded, "There"s no need! I can handle the meeting. Just make sure to keep all my lines open and immediately report any information that comes from Edward, okay?"

"Yes, sir. I shall take my leave now." Nyelle was about to go out of the room when Vince called her out.

"Yes, sir?" Nyelle turned around to look at her boss properly.

"I need to ask you a question. Will that be okay?" Vince stood up to approach Nyelle who was now half-way through the room.

"Of course, sir. What would the question be?"

"You might have any idea where Yve might go if she needs to calm herself down or to relieve her stress?"

"Why, sir? What happened to Yve?" Nyelle became anxious as well.

"I don"t know the exact details for now but Yve came to SkyMu building but aside from the front security guard, n.o.body else saw her."

Nyelle then look at her tablet. It also contains messages and other information about Yve"s latest business updates.

"Sir, Yve has an upcoming meeting with the training coaches in about an hour from now." Nyelle said after glancing her watch.

"Yes, I know that information. But what about that?"

"She might have gone to the training rooms to check it out? Sometimes, lack in facilities can be one of the reasons why SkyMu is not doing well."

"I am aware of that but what is the connection?" Vincent is getting more confused.

"This is just a maybe, but she could be in the facilities which are necessary for the training."

"You have a point there. Send a message to Edward informing him to prioritize the training rooms." Vincent commanded Nyelle while getting his coat.

"Yes, sir."

"Now, let"s go to the meeting." Vince told Nyelle.

Although it was just a hypothesis but Nyelle"s information made sense. The training rooms of SkyMu are located underground and especially in the soundproof rooms, obtaining signal is a little difficult. Although not entirely, at least she can calm himself down, enough for him to focus on the meeting at hand.

Unaware of everything that is happening, Yve and Hyacinth are in the dance practice room. Hyacinth has just finished performing and they are about to evaluate it.

"So how was it?" Despite practicing for a long time, Hyacinth still tries to hide how tired she felt.

"Now, I know what is it!" Yve said happily to Hyacinth.

"Okay. I"m all ears."

"Hyacinth, do you know and understand the meaning of the song?" Yve asked Hyacinth with all sincerity. Putting down her smartphone and seated on the floor beside Hyacinth.

"Yes! It"s about enjoying and having the time of your life, while you can."

Yve nodded in response and said, " Yes, that"s true. Good thing you know. Now here comes what you lack…"

Yve paused to evaluate if Hyacinth is finally ready.

"Most of your reactions or facial expressions during the performance says otherwise."

"What do you mean?" Hyacinth looked shocked and didn"t see that kind of answer coming.

"Here, I"ll show you."

Then, Yve showed the video to Hyacinth while pointing out the faults, She would pause the video and let Hyacinth performed it one more time. There were also times when Yve had to perform first to show Hyacinth how it should be done. Little did the two ladies knew that there was a CCTV inside with a certain person watching over them.

It was Edward. He was delighted to receive a message from Nyelle only to read that it was a clue about Yve"s location. Nyelle was right as Yve is in one of the dance practice room, performing with Hyacinth. Edward didn"t know that Yve can dance. He was shocked to see her moves.

He informed Vince by sending a message to his personal number.

"I found your Queen, she"s dancing in one of the practice rooms in the building. She is together with Hyacinth."

Edward was about to leave the CCTV room when he received a reply from Vince.

"OK. Get me a copy of the entire performance but don"t tell Yve about it."

Edward smiled at his cousin"s message.

"What a stalker!!" He said. But who is he to judge when sometimes he can"t help but do the same.

Without delaying it, he informed the security staff of Vince"s order and decided that he should inform Yve that it"s almost time for her meeting.

Back in the practice room, Yve is about to see the performance of Hyacinth after all the lectures and practice they had done for the day. Just the same, Hyacinth would take a video. She plans to let the dance coach see the difference and discuss about Hyacinth"s improvement.

Then the music began. Hyacinth"s moves were still the same but the facial expression and the emotions required by the song are already there. Although it wasn"t perfect but the most important is that Hyacinth has definitely improved. When Hyacinth posed at the end of the song, Yve can"t help but hug Hyacinth. The artist was undeniably shocked.

Yve whispered in her ear, "You definitely did well. Please don"t forget to rest and take good care of your body."

Yve looked at Hyacinth and she can see the happiness and sense of fulfillment in the artist"s eyes.

"Thank you very much, Ms. Yvory."

"You"re most welcome. Please call me Yve, okay?"

After all the drama, Edward opened the door and acted as if he haven"t seen Yve through the CCTV.

Edward said, "Finally here you are! Everyone is looking for you."

"Edward. I"m fine. I was here the whole time. Why didn"t you just called my phone?" Yve said innocently.

"Yve?" Hyacinth interrupted.


"There is no cellular signal in this practice room." Hyacinth revealed to Yve.

"REALLY?" Yve shockingly ask while looking at Edward for confirmation. Her temporary secretary nodded in response.

Yve looked at Edward apologetically and said, "I"m very sorry. I didn"t know. Am I late for my meeting?"

"No. But a member of the training department went to your office and reported that you were not there." Edward explained.

"Reported… Meaning you just arrived?"

"Yes. Vince sent me here upon knowing the report."

"HE KNOWS ABOUT IT AS WELL?!?!?!" Yve exclaimed.

Hyacinth became guilty of everything she just heard and wanted to apologize but Yve was able to read her mind and said,

"Don"t worry Hyacinth. It wasn"t your fault and trust me. No harm has been done."

Just like that Yve walked out of the room followed by Edward. Upon reaching the main hallway of the building leading to the elevator, Yve sent a message to Vince.

"I"m very sorry I got you all worried. I didn"t know about the dead spot in the building."

She received a plain response from Vince saying,

"It"s fine. I got something fascinating in return. Let"s talk about it tonight."

Now, it piqued Yve"s interest.

What is this fascinating thing he obtained?

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