"Y.v.e... wh....at... are....you.....?" Vince tried to utter in between kisses.

"I....wa...nt...mo...re...." Yve answered back.

Vince can"t control it anymore. He carried Yve to the other bed of the VIP hospital room without breaking the kiss. Yve couldn"t care anymore as she"s drowning in l.u.s.t. There"s only one thing that she want"s right now and that would be Vince. Vince can feel the hunger in Yve"s kiss and he wasn"t bothered by it. Instead he was enjoying it and was about to fully give in to the temptation when his hand grazed on Yve"s head.

"Vince what are you thinking?"

His brain suddenly spoke that stopped him in his tracks. Yve was still gasping for breath and asked,


"I shouldn"t be doing this now. You"re still sick. You need to recover well."

And without waiting for Yve"s answer, Vince stood up and went to the comfort room. Yve was lost with what she just heard?

"SERIOUSLY?!" Was the only word that his brain could shout deep inside her.

"I was almost in danger with what happened tonight." Vince whispered as he wash his l.u.s.tful thoughts with a cold flowing water. He ended up taking a bath to wash everything and help his lower self release the tension.

"How about me? n.o.body even briefed me about this emotional and sensual torture I will experience here?!" Jaleb said to himself.

Following the s.h.i.+fting of being Yve"s bodyguard, it was Jaleb"s turn to guard. Since they are inside the hospital room, the room division except the toilet was indicated by a gla.s.s wall. The moment he went out of the toilet, he saw his boss carry the patient into the bed without breaking the kiss. So to avoid causing any interruption, he silently went to the coach in the living area to lie down. But he just can"t help but hear the sounds that those two conducted.

"Boss is really different from us! Worthy of being the Primo. But I certainly can"t take this every time." Jaleb shouted deep inside.


in Edward"s apartment


Edward, Chrysthe and Slane arrived and they were welcomed by the Eybelle and Sylvan.

"How was the lady boss?" Sylvan asked.

"She"s doing fine." Slane answered.

"Is she really good? Good enough to be called the lady boss?" Eybelle asked.

"YES!" Slane answered and fully went inside.

"Slane, I"ll entrust you with telling them a new mission." Edward tiredly said and went upstairs. Chrysthe followed him behind. n.o.body questioned Chrysthe"s action because they knew that he still has to wake up early tomorrow and report to Primo.

The three members went to the living room and talked about the next mission.

"Someone needs to infiltrate the SkyMu company and get close to Ms. Yve to find out the mole."

Slane announced the mission directly. After all, he"s speaking to the geniuses in their group. Sylvan may be the youngest among the boys but he fully understands how the boss thinks and can perceive how others would react. Eybelle is more on the skills side. She can easily learn about the things she needs to do and perform it excellently.

"I"ll go!" Sylvan volunteered while raising his hand.

"Well that"s something new!" Eybelle was shocked with Sylvan"s gesture. He was the kind to follow the orders but to never take the initiative.

"Don"t look at me like that. Having me as the watch is the best option since I can understand people based on their actions alone." Sylvan explained.

"You have a point there. Then Eybelle will take over your mission of tailing Amira. Amira and Airis are mother and daughter so it will be fine, right?"

"Of course, Slane."

"Okay. So Sylvan get ready as you will report to Primo with Secondo tomorrow. Wear something formal. Now this meeting is adjourned." Slane said and the three of them ended their day and get themselves the rest they need.


the following morning at Edward"s apartment


Team Alpha woke up early and prepared themselves for their missions individually. Slane and Eybelle prepared their gear for stalking while Sylvan is learning the run through of his cover with Edward. Chrysthe, on the other hand, is looking in front of the mirror. He really doesn"t like wearing suits but because he needs to look like a descent bodyguard, he needs to wear one.

"Chrysthe!! Let"s go now!" Edward shouted from the living room. Everyone was waiting in the ground floor of the apartment. After calling him, Chrysthe came anxiously walking down the stairs.

"I just realized! It"s my first time to see the two of you in formal attire!" Eybelle exclaimed.

"Do I look weird?" Sylvan shyly asked.

"NO! Sylvan, you look perfect but the other one over there. He"s the definition of weird!" Eybelle answered and pointed to Chrysthe"s direction.

"Now, Team Alpha, shall we head out?" Edward said.

"YES!" The team shouted and went on their separate ways.

Edward, Chrysthe and Sylvan headed to the hospital while Eybelle and Slane continue their surveillance on Mr. Williams, Amira and Airis.

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