Thorn's Challenge

Chapter 14

She sighed deeply as she stood up from the table. The reason Thorn had come meant absolutely nothing to her. The bottom line was that she didn"t want to see him. "Send him away, Daddy, please. I don"t want to see him."

Frank gazed lovingly at his daughter. Her heart had been broken once and he didn"t want to see it broken again, but he felt the least Tara should do was to listen to what the young man had to say. He told her as much.

"But there"s nothing he can say to change things. I love him but he doesn"t love me. It"s as simple as that."

Frank sighed. If that was what his daughter believed then it wasn"t as simple as she thought. According to the sheriff, Thorn Westmoreland was wearing his heart on his sleeve. Frank knew he had to be firm and make Tara face the fact that she might be wrong in her a.s.sumption that Thorn didn"t love her.

"All right, Tara, if that"s how you feel, but this is something you should handle. If you want him to go away, then it"s you who should send him away. Tell him that you don"t want to see him anymore. I won"t do it for you."

Tara met her father"s eyes and nodded. That was fine with her. She would just march outside and tell Thorn what she thought and how she felt. Evidently Dare hadn"t delivered her message. "Very well, I"ll tell him."

Marching out of the kitchen Tara pa.s.sed through the living room and s.n.a.t.c.hed open the front door. Stepping outside she stopped dead in her tracks. Motorcycle riders were everywhere. There wasn"t just a bunch of them, there were hundreds, and they were still coming around the corner, causing more excitement in Bunnell than she could ever remember.

It seemed the entire town had come out to witness what was going on. And what made matters worse, Thorn and his group had gotten a police escort straight to her parents" home. Blue lights were flashing everywhere. She had never seen anything like it.

But what really caught her attention was the man who sat out in front of the pack, straddling the big bike that had come to a stop in front of her parents" home. She glanced around. In addition to Thorn, his four brothers were on bikes and two of them carried a huge banner extending between their bikes that said Thorn Loves Tara.

Realizing what the banner was proclaiming made tears appear in Tara"s eyes. In a public display, Thorn was letting everyone in the entire town of Bunnell-his friends, biking partners, a.s.sociates, his family, just about anyone who wanted to know-what she meant to him. She had been more than a bet to him.

She watched as Thorn got off the bike and slowly began walking toward her. She inhaled deeply as she watched him, clad in jeans, a T-shirt and biker boots and holding his helmet in his hand, come to a stop in front of her.

He met her gaze and reached out and gently wiped a tear from her eye. "You should know my brothers well enough by now to know they"re full of it and you can"t take them seriously the majority of the time, Tara. I didn"t make a bet with them, but they did make a bet among themselves. They wagered that I wouldn"t realize how much I loved you until it was almost too late."

He glanced behind her, saw her parents standing in the doorway and decided to lower his voice to a whisper so they wouldn"t hear the next words he had to say. This part was personal and between him and Tara.

"And it was more than just s.e.x between us, Tara. I love you and should have told you yesterday, but the physical loving we shared blew me away, and I didn"t get around to telling you how I felt emotionally. But I"m telling you now that I love you with all my heart and with all my soul."

The tone of his voice then went higher as he said, "And I want to proclaim my love to you in front of everyone here. And I want them to see that I"m wearing my heart on my sleeve."

He turned slightly and showed her the sleeve of his T-shirt. There was a big heart on it with the words Thorn Loves Tara. He got down on one knee and took her hand into his. "I, Thorn Westmoreland, love you, Tara Lynn Matthews. And in front of everyone, I am pledging my love to you and promising to love you for the rest of my life. I promise to love you, honor you and protect you. And I"m asking you now, Tara, on bended knee, with my heart on my sleeve, in front of everyone, to marry me and become my wife and soul mate. Will you?"

Tears clouded Tara"s eyes and the words she longed to say got caught in the thickness of her throat, but somehow she managed to get them out, words that would ultimately join her life with Thorn"s. "Yes, Thorn, I"ll marry you."

It seemed people everywhere began clapping, shouting and cheering. In the middle of the pack of cyclists, someone released a bunch of helium balloons that went soaring high into the sky. Each one had on it the words Thorn Loves Tara. Tara was touched at the extent Thorn had gone to in broadcasting his love for her.

Thorn got back to his feet and it seemed that Dare materialized at his side with a small white box which he handed to Thorn. Thorn opened up the box and took out a sparkling diamond ring. He reached for Tara"s left hand and placed the huge diamond on the third finger, then brought her hand to his lips.

"Thorn"s lady and soon to be Thorn"s wife," he said softly, his eyes still meeting hers as he kissed her hand. He then pulled her into his arms and kissed her lips, ignoring the cheers and applause.

Tara kissed him back, until she heard her father clear his throat several times. She and Thorn finally broke apart and she turned and smiled at her parents, then said, "Mom, Dad, this is Thorn, the man I love."

Two days later, in a hotel room in West Palm Beach, Tara lay in Thorn"s arms. She could hear the sound of the ocean, the relaxing resonance of waves. .h.i.tting against sand. She closed her eyes as she remembered the intensity of the lovemaking she and Thorn had shared earlier. He hadn"t been slow and gentle. This time he had been tender, yet he had taken her with a force that had overwhelmed her, pleasuring them both, riding her with the precision and expertise that was strictly his trademark, and thrusting deep then pulling out, repeating the process over and over again until he had her thrashing about as sensation after sensation tore into her.

He had whispered into her ear words of love, words of s.e.x, promises to be delivered both in and out of the bedroom, and when they had reached a climax simultaneously, she knew that, physically as well as emotionally, she was a part of him and would always be a part of him.


She glanced up. He was awake and was watching her. "Yes?"

"I love you."

She smiled. He had told her that over a million times since bringing her back here from her parents" home. "And I love you."

They had decided to marry over the Memorial Day weekend. Thorn had been open with displaying his affections for her in front of everyone, and it seemed the entire town had been there.

Her parents" bowling game had been cancelled, and some of the neighbors had set up grills and a huge barbecue followed, with all the steaks and spareribs a person could eat donated by Grahams" Supermarket in honor of their hometown girl marrying a celebrity.

Tara had been standing talking to Thorn when she"d turned and seen Danielle walking toward her. At that moment any bitterness she had felt for the woman who"d once been her best friend left her. She knew there was no way things could ever be the same between them, but Tara no longer felt the deep anger just thinking about what Danielle and Derrick had done.

She introduced Danielle to Thorn and told her the same thing she had told Derrick a few days earlier. She congratulated them on their upcoming child, wished them the best and told her that she hoped they would always be happy together.

Not wanting to think about Danielle and Derrick any longer, she brought her thoughts back to the present and thought of something else. "Thorn?"

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I heard Chase say that you have another race in August. Do you plan to go celibate after our wedding until the race?"

Thorn met her gaze. "No, my celibate days are over. There"s no way I can have you around me constantly and not want to make love to you."

"Aren"t you worried about the impact that may have on winning the race?"

"No. I always thought racing and building my bikes were the most important things in my life and at a time they were. But now things are different. You are the most important thing in my life, Tara. You are my life. It doesn"t matter to me if I never win another race because I have the ultimate prize, my greatest award, accolade and treasure right here in you."

"Oh, Thorn." She leaned up and her mouth met his. She kissed him like a woman in love as emotions swirled through her. She and Thorn would spend the rest of their lives together and would make many beautiful babies together.

Babies? They hadn"t discussed babies. She pulled back, breaking off the kiss.

He lifted a brow. "What"s wrong?"

"Do you want babies?" she asked, looking at him intently.

He smiled. "Yes, I want babies."

She returned his smile. "Good. How many?"

He chuckled. "As many as you want to give me." And deciding to go ahead and answer the next question he figured she"d be asking, he said, "And it doesn"t matter if they are girls or boys. I will love and cherish any child we have together."

He leaned forward and brushed his lips across hers, then, deepening the kiss, became intent on giving her the greatest pleasure he could. His hands stroked her everywhere and he conveyed the heat of his hunger to her, needing to find solace in the warmth of her body again, knowing in his heart that he would always want her, need her and love her.

He broke off the kiss to climb onto her body, he straddled her and then he entered her warmth, going deep, slow and easy, feeling the muscles of her inner body clutch him, hold him and welcome him. When he looked down at her, he saw love shining in her eyes. Love that he returned.

Then, in one quick movement he began riding her, thrusting inside her, nearly pulling out and going back in again, holding her gaze as he did so, lifting her hips to receive him in this very soul-stirring way. He wanted her panting, groaning and screaming. He wanted to kiss her again until her mouth quaked, her body trembled, and every part of her brimmed over with pa.s.sion-rich and explosive. He wanted to imprint this night in her mind forever.

This lovemaking was more vigorous than any before and together they moved in unison as he lowered his head, seeking her mouth and going after her tongue. And like everything else he wanted, she gave it to him. He openly displayed his hunger for her-his hunger and his love.

And then it happened. Rampant desire raced through him, caught fire and spread like a blaze to her. He continued pumping, thrusting as their bodies strained and flowed with a pounding rhythm toward a release that lingered a breath away. He felt her dig her fingers into his shoulders and broke off the kiss, threw his head back and sucked in a breath he felt could be his last at the exact moment her body clenched him for everything he had.

This time their joining felt like a spiritual connection, the climax that tore into them stronger, deeper and richer than any before. Before either could recover, she climaxed again and he immediately followed her lead, moving faster, riding her the way he had always wanted to, the way he had always dreamed of, straight through the waves and soaring for the stars.


He found strength to look down into her face.

His woman.

He met her gaze and he knew. Their life together would always be filled with love and pa.s.sion, and he couldn"t think of having it any other way.


T ara no longer hated weddings. ara no longer hated weddings.

She inhaled deeply as she looked around the church. Memories a.s.sailed her as she remembered the last time she had worn a wedding dress here, and now today, in front of some of those same three hundred guests, she had married the man she loved, Thorn Westmoreland.

She, Thorn and the wedding party had hung back to take a mult.i.tude of pictures. Everyone else had left for the reception, which was to be held in the ballroom of a beautiful hotel on the beach.

Thorn had left her briefly to go in the back to talk to the minister about something, and she happened to notice the Westmoreland brothers as well as the Westmoreland cousins, who"d all been part of the wedding party, standing around talking. As she watched, she saw three of the Westmoreland brothers, Chase, Stone and Storm, exchange money.

She raised a brow wondering if they had made another wager about something. She smiled upon remembering how Stone, Chase and Storm had confessed to her the whole story, then had apologized for causing a rift between her and Thorn.

Adjusting her veil she decided to find out just what kind of a bet the brothers had made and whether the bet had once again involved her and Thorn.

Chase had just explained the bet that he, Stone and Storm had made to his cousins: Jared, Quade, Spencer, Ian, Durango and Reggie Westmoreland. He was grinning broadly, since he had won. "Hey, five hundred dollars isn"t bad for a day"s work. I told all of you that Thorn wouldn"t be able to hold off on marrying Tara until June."

He looked at the money he"d just gotten from Stone and Storm. "And I appreciate you guys letting me take this off your hands. It will come in handy for that state-of-the-art pressure cooker I want to buy for the restaurant."

The next thing he knew, the money was s.n.a.t.c.hed out of his hand. "What the h.e.l.l!"

He spun around and came face to face with his new sister-in-law"s glare. He backed up a step. "Oh, hi, Tara," he said innocently. "I thought you and Thorn were somewhere in the back talking to the minister."

Tara continued to glare and crossed her arms over her chest. "Thorn is the one who"s talking to the minister. And am I right in a.s.suming the three of you made yet another bet?"

Stone, Chase and Storm looked chagrined, but Stone came to their defense and said, "Yeah, but this bet was made before we promised we wouldn"t be betting on you and Thorn again, so it doesn"t count."

She nodded. "Well, this is a church and you shouldn"t be pa.s.sing betting money around in here so I can only do one thing about it."

Chase raised a panicky brow. "What?"

"Donate it to the church. My father is the Sunday school superintendent here and I"m sure this donation will be appreciated." She then smiled sweetly before walking off.


She turned around and met Chase"s brooding eyes. "Yes, Chase?"

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Only you can get away with doing something like that."

She smiled and nodded. "I know." She turned back around and began walking.


She turned around again and met Storm"s worried gaze. "Yes, Storm?"

"You aren"t going to tell Thorn about the bet are you?"

Tara smiled. "No, Storm, I won"t say a thing."

She turned back around and started to walk away.


She slowly turned around for the third time, meeting Stone"s amused expression. "Yes, Stone?"

His smile widened. "Welcome to the family."

Tara chuckled. The Westmoreland men were something else.

"Thanks, Stone."

She then turned around and ran smack into Corey Westmoreland, Thorn"s uncle. A recently retired park ranger from Montana, he had made the trip back home three times in less than two years to attend his niece and his nephews" weddings.

Tara smiled. According to the Westmoreland brothers, their fifty-three-year-old uncle was a confirmed bachelor. That was too bad, Tara thought since he was such a good-looking man. What a waste. A part of her hoped there was a woman out there somewhere for Uncle Corey.

"My nephews aren"t causing problems are they?" he asked, chuckling. Then he glanced across the room, sending his eleven nephews a scolding glare.

"Nothing I can"t handle, but thanks for asking," she grinned, thinking what a nice smile he had and how much his smile reminded her of Thorn"s.

"Good, and if I haven"t told you already, I think you"re just the woman Thorn needs. I know the two of you will always be happy together. If you ever want to get away and see some beautiful country, tell Thorn to bring you to my ranch in Montana for a visit."

"Thanks for the invitation. I"ll make sure to do that."

At that moment Thorn and the minister came from the back. She immediately caught her husband"s gaze and smiled. "Excuse me, Uncle Corey," she said, and began walking toward Thorn. When she reached him, he pulled her into his arms.

"Ready?" he asked, placing a kiss on her lips.

Tara knew that all the love she had for him was shining in her eyes. "Yes, I"m ready."

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