Three Dramas

Chapter 60

Koll. I think we had better change the subject, and go out for a little!

The King (aside, to him). Yes, get him away!

Flink (in the background, as if he were addressing an invisible audience). We must have discipline in the ranks!

Koll. Gran, ask your maid to hurry up with the supper.

Gran. Yes, I will.

Koll (to the KING). What do you say to a turn in the garden, meanwhile?

The King. By all means!

Flink (coming forward to GRAN). This friendship of yours with the King--to which I had attached no particular importance--I hope it has not altogether--(Stops short.)

Gran.--not altogether corrupted me, you mean?

Flink. Exactly.

The King (laughing). Politically?

Flink. Politics are not unconnected with morals, sir!

The King. But why get so heated, sir? We know that the present King is a--

Koll (breaking in hurriedly). Don"t say any more!

The King (with a laugh). You said yourself that he doesn"t care a bra.s.s farthing about the whole matter--he has something else to do! And so the whole thing ends in smoke!

Flink (more amiably). I dare say you are right.

The King. Of course I am. You are all agreed that, under his rule, republican sentiments are growing in real earnest.

Flink. You are right! He couldn"t help things on better if he were a republican himself, I a.s.sure you!

The King. Perhaps he _is_ a republican?

Flink (animatedly). Perhaps he _is_! Splendid! And works against his own interests--!

The King. A sort of commercial traveller working for the downfall of his own firm!

Flink (excitedly). For the downfall of his own firm! Splendid! Props up his reactionary rule by means of royal p.r.o.nouncements, confidential communications, public speeches--

The King.--in a suicidal manner!

Flink. Splendidly suicidal! Ah, that makes you laugh, does it?

Koll. Hush, some one might hear us!

Flink. I don"t care who hears us! (The KING bursts out laughing.) But you ought, as one of the King"s officials, to stop _his_ laughing!

(Points to the KING.) It"s shocking!--It"s high treason!

Koll. Listen to me!

Flink. You ought to arrest him for laughing like that! Suppose the King--

Gran. That _is_ the King! (The KING goes on laughing. FLINK looks from him to the others, and from the others to him.)

The King. This is too much for me! (Sits down. FLINK rushes out.)

Koll. That was very bad of you.

The King. I know it was; but forgive me! I couldn"t help it! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Koll. For all his queer ways, he is too good a fellow to be made a fool of.

The King. Yes, scold me; I deserve it. But, all the same--ha, ha, ha, ha!

Gran. Hush!--he is coming back. (The KING gets up as FLINK comes in again.)

Flink. Your Majesty may be a.s.sured that I would never have expressed myself as I did in your Majesty"s presence if I had been fairly treated and told whom I was addressing.

The King. I know. The fault is mine alone.

Flink. The fault is that of others--my so-called friends.

The King (earnestly). By no means! It is mine--mine alone. I have had a scolding for it!--And in your presence I ask my friends" pardon; I have put them in a false position. And, in the next place, I ask for your forgiveness. My sense of humour got the better of me. (Laughs again.)

Flink. Yes, it was extremely amusing.

The King. It really was! And, after all, what have you to complain of?

You had an opportunity of speaking your mind, any way!

Flink. I certainly did!

The King. Very well, then!--And when you wanted to show any respect, _I_ prevented you. So I think we are quits.

Flink. No, we are not.

The King (impatiently). Indeed?--What do you want from me, then?

Flink (proudly). Nothing!

The King. I beg your pardon! I did not mean to offend you.

Flink. You have done so to a degree that you are naturally incapable of appreciating. (Goes out.)

The King. This is a nice business! (Laughs. Then notices GRAN, who is standing at his desk with his back to the KING, and goes up to him.) You are angry with me.

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