Thrive in Catastrophe

Chapter 15 I need to… pee…

Chapter 15 I need to… pee…

Xiao Yan was having all sorts of absurd thoughts until he felt a buzzing sensation on his arm. Then only he realised the gun Heine was using, is a gun injector.

Perhaps it"s some kind of electrolyte, or maybe some peptides that can enhance a person"s immune system, Xiao Yan no longer has a straight mind to ponder. Not long after, he drifted into deep slumber.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yan gradually woke up from his sleep. Stirring sideways in bed, he vaguely saw a person sitting beside him, leaning against the bed, arms folded. Xiao Yan then noticed the refreshing scent from the bed intermingles with the scent of the person perfectly. Despite not able to distinguish the features in the dark, he knows the one beside him is Heine Burton.

This man is actually taking care of him. He did not abandon him for being a burden, nor did he show a hint of impatience.

He"s not as scary as I"ve imagined.

As his eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, Xiao Yan managed to pick out a vague shape of his sharp features. He could feel Heine"s gaze, a gaze without his usual aloofness and distance, instead, he could feel a hint of warmth from it in the chilling night air.

The man reached out his hand and rest his palm on Xiao Yan"s forehead. Xiao Yan closed his eyes instinctively, feeling his warmth.

(P-13 alert or P-18? Not sure XD)

The bracing scent thickens the air as Xiao Yan felt the warmth of his breath near his face. And the moment his lips touched his, every cell of his body rippled in excitement.

The tip of his tongue twist opened Xiao Yan"s lips, savouring him slowly and gently. The tongue that had once teased the leaf, twirled Xiao Yan"s into his, kissing him tentatively.

Xiao Yan curled up his knees subconsciously, his fingers tensed by his side, not knowing what to do, nor did he resist. Such behaviour was no doubt a sign of welcoming.

Heine flipped himself onto Xiao Yan, locking Xiao Yan"s arms on the bed with both of his hands. Xiao Yan could feel a strong presence hovering above him as the kiss became more intense. The unsettlement from the kiss vanished, replacing with undying hunger. Heine deepens the kiss, invading Xiao Yan"s mouth with force and ruthless, showering him with intense emotion. Xiao Yan"s head was firmly pressed against the pillow, so strong until he could even feel the steel beneath the thin mattress.

The pain of his body being squashed had him lose all his energy to even utter a scream. He felt as though his organs was trampled, his bones were as brittle as a stick in front of Heine Burton, he could hear the sound of them breaking apart in subjugation.

He felt that he is going to die……

Just as he was thinking, he gasped all of a sudden as his eyes snapped open. The flaring heat in his body cooled down instantly. On top of him was just a bedsheet and nothing more, while Heine remained sitted beside him, leaning against the bed.

Oh G.o.d…… what on earth happened just now? How did I get such ludicrous delusions again?!

Heine Burton would never kiss me, not in a million years!

Xiao Yan patted his chest in rea.s.surance, "Thank goodness…… if that was real, I"m probably dead by now…" He still remembers clearly what happened 21 years ago… (refer to chapter 3)

"What"s wrong?"

Clearly, his chest-patting gesture has caught Heine"s attention.

"I… I need to… pee…"

Xiao Yan had a sudden urge to bang his head on the wall after saying that out loud. He actually said the word "pee" in front of Heine! Though he really does want to pee……

Toilet was obviously not an amenity that can be found in a small windproof tunnel, and with Heine being a stickler for hygiene, peeing anywhere in the room is not an option. In his case, he"s probably going to open the door and throw Xiao Yan right out. But a deserted gra.s.sland in the middle of the night is crawling with danger!

Just as Xiao Yan was worrying in anxious, Heine twist opened an empty bottle and hand it to Xiao Yan, "If you ever spill a drop, I"ll cut the whole thing off."

Xiao Yan took over the bottle in bewilderment. He wants me to use this bottle to pee?!

The size of its opening is certainly not wide… So, to prevent spilling, not even a drop, he would have to put his "little brother" into the bottle? ("little brother" is a Chinese metaphor for a man"s genital)

Heine has gone back sitting at his usual spot. Xiao Yan sighed in defeat, "This is considered much better than being thrown out of the tunnel." he convinced himself.

He left the bed and turned his back towards Heine before unzipping his pants. He took out his poor "little brother" and stuffed the tip of it into the bottle.

The process was satisfying and relieving, but when Xiao Yan felt the air pressure of the bottle preventing him from taking out his "little brother", he panicked for a moment, worrying that it will become a specimen in a bottle…

Fortunately, he calmed down and flickered a little for the air to go in before retrieving it successfully.

Xiao Yan breathed out a sigh of relief and closed the bottle.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, making Xiao Yan tensed up all over again.

But Heine opened the door without even questioning the person outside.

"Oh— My G.o.d! Reached the contact point at last!" it was Maya, and behind him were a starry sky and vast deserted gra.s.sland that stretch into the horizon.

Maya locked the door behind him, turned around and gave Xiao Yan a great big hug that nearly had him stifled.

"Oh— my dear Xiao Yan, glad to see you"re alive! I was so worried that Boss would"ve left you to suffocate to death in the escape pod! I"ve encountered so many zombies on my way here! Oh, and two from the Tides. But of course, they"re all killed off by me! Huh, it"s just you and Boss? The others are not here yet?"

Xiao Yan, still with the bottle in hand, gave an awkward laugh. He too had worried he would be left stifled in the pod by Heine.

"Hmm? What"s this? Water?" Maya took the bottle in Xiao Yan"s hand and twist it open, "I"m dying from dehydration!"


Before Xiao Yan could stop him, Maya already tipped the bottle to his mouth.

"Hmm? Why does the water smell funny? And it"s still warm?" Maya asked warily.


"That"s his urine," Heine replied flatly. Maya"s hand shudder for a second before closing the bottle with a smile and placed it on the coffee table.

"My dear, I know you missed me so much, but you have such remarkable way of showing it!"

"Haha……" Xiao Yan laughed dryly, "there"s no toilet in the windproof tunnel……"

"Oh, Boss"s just being mean. I would have accompanied you out there, and right after you"re done, we can have a pleasant time lying on the ground, making love… and with some random zombies leaping out once in awhile to add in some thrill to it……"

Xiao Yan felt sudden shiver ran down his spine and took a few steps back.

"No-No thanks……"

Moments after, Reeve and Mark arrived as well.

Seeing Xiao Yan all well and safe, Reeve sighed in relief. She was so worried that Xiao Yan would get too anxious and open the pod before they get to him.

The once empty s.p.a.ce became lively with the additional people that joined in, especially with the same incident happening to Mark who nearly drank the bottle of liquid placed on the table. At the end, Xiao Yan s.n.a.t.c.hed the bottle from Mark and threw it out from the tunnel.

Reeve and the others sat around the coffee table, eating hardtacks, and discussing their next move for tomorrow.

Clearly, they need an aircraft if they wish to head back to the base or Charles. But the nearest aircraft they can get to is located at Platform 42.

Based on the holographic map projected from the communication device, Platform 42 is roughly six hours walk from their current location. Of course, six hours of walk is the time needed for Special Force soldiers, not for Xiao Yan…

"Get some rest."

Heine, who was sitting on the sofa, voiced suddenly.

"Ya, go get some rest, tomorrow"s gonna be a long day." Maya turned to Xiao Yan and blinked at him.

Xiao Yan laid down on the bed quietly. To be honest, there"s nothing he could do to help, all he can do is avoid acting as a burden to them. He tugged the sheet over his shoulder and drifted to sleep once again. There"s no point worrying about what will happen tomorrow.

While Xiao Yan was half asleep, several soldiers arrived at the tunnel. With that, Heine"s Special Force unit has finally gathered.

Between his sleep, Xiao Yan felt someone stroked the back of his head, "Hey, wake up, we"re leaving!"

Xiao Yan turned around and saw Reeve standing by the bed.

"Oh, and before I forget, thanks for the fixer-upper on Silverwings, they"ve never been better. Not only can it be retrieved safely, but also increased in damage. You did great." Reeve said with a smile.

It seems that Xiao Yan has misunderstood their meaning of "walk". Clearly, the so-called "walk" to Xiao Yan is significantly different from the "walk" claimed by Special Force soldiers…

The moment he stepped out from the tunnel, he saw two soldiers sprinted off at full speed.

"Mark," Heine called with just a lift of his chin, Mark went and lifted Xiao Yan over his shoulder without a word.

"No, don"t… Stop carrying me over the shoulder! I"m gonna die!" foreseeing himself having to have a long b.u.mpy trip with his head upside down, Xiao Yan immediately voiced his objection.

Mark carried Xiao Yan on his back grudgingly.

They advanced in full speed. Fortunately, the path they took was far from the city, avoiding them from being swarmed by zombies.

Mark continued to dart forward whenever a zombie approached him, as though they were invisible to him, while both Maya and Reeve running beside him got rid of it.

Xiao Yan knew Reeve have great skills, but when he saw Maya releasing his thin wire into complex turns, cutting a Level 1 zombie into bits with just a tug of his hand, Xiao Yan stared in surprise.

"Honey, do you want me to carry you instead?" Maya winked at Xiao Yan teasingly.

Xiao Yan had to admit. Maya, with his long hair tied to the back while emitting a bloodthirsty aura, the discordant of his womanlike appearance and the great strength he wields, had made him even more attracting. However, Xiao Yan is not going to be deceived by him.

"No thank you!" Xiao Yan held on to Mark firmly. Mark"s shoulders are really broad, his hand supported Xiao Yan"s legs with ease. As long as it"s a task Heine a.s.signed him, he will complete it without fail.

Despite sprinting at such great speed, Xiao Yan could feel Mark"s heartbeat and breathing remained steady and consistent. Showing no signs of fatigue.

The sound of wind gushing by his ears and on his face was pleasant and relieving to Xiao Yan.

However, such pleasantness did not stay long.

They were spotted by one of the Tides organisation"s aircraft. A laser missile exploded beside them.

Xiao Yan was flung off the shoulder when Mark fell to the down, and as his head was about to dip into a mire, someone scooped him up.

It was Heine.

Briskly, he a.s.sembled his gun and nodded at Maya.

Xiao Yan felt a tacit understanding between the two.

Maya dashed forward at an inhuman speed, a.s.sembling his gun as he runs, he then turned around suddenly. His first shot landed on the bulk of the aircraft"s left engine, leaving a spark. The aircraft found Maya as a threat and had him locked on as their main target.

The gun a.s.signed to the Special Task Force has a penetrating force that could pierce through t.i.tanium with high density. However, it is beyond question that a challenging task like shooting down an aircraft can only be done when the aircraft is flying low over the land.

Written by Jiao Tang Dong GuaTranslated by Winly 風夜林~~~ Coming up next: Chapter 16 Maya’s Two Requests~~~

Note: Hi everyone! How"s your week? I just officially completed my final a.s.signment throughout my study years! Oh dear… this is stressful, which means I have to start looking for jobs… Any suggestions? XD

Anyway, hope you like this chapter. Personally, I just love seeing them messing around with each other. You might find them treating Xiao Yan like a child, but in truth, he is much younger than them (he"s still a student remember?). And of course, the little delusion Xiao Yan had, hmm… where did that come from? Think my dear, think >.~ As for next chapter, I"ll give a little spoiler here. Maya"s gonna level up real soon! Well, in what sense? Hmm… I guess I could say, increase his ranking in Xiao Yan"s heart? Promise, you"re gonna love him.

Alright, see you in next chapter~ May you be happy always~

Author"s note:

Plump Melon: Don"t you think the t.i.tle sounds amusing? Try to imagine Xiao Yan putting his little "carrot" into the bottle, don"t you think it"s like a specimen? Hahahahaha!

Rin: Certainly, a specimen especially for Heine…

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